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Everything posted by mommyrkr

  1. I am leaving very early in the morning of the 25th. Don't worry about meeting people though. You will meet the people you are banded with and have their support. I talked to them a lot, and had dinner with them several times. Becki
  2. I chose to tell some people before, family and a few friends. I am glad I did. My aunt actually will be having surgery in a week and half because I told her about it. My uncle is strongly considering it. No one in my family had every heard of the lap band. So I am very glad I told them. I have asked them not to say anything though. I do not like secrets, they have a way of getting out and embarassing you. So I will not keep this a secret. I have 115 pounds to lose. So chances are that somewhere along the way, many people will ask what I have done to lose the weight. At that point I will tell them, I am exercising, eating healthier, and using the band to help me eat smaller portions. The band is really only part of the solution, what I do with it is the rest. I don't want it to be a secret, but I don't want to tell people in the first few months. I will just wait until they ask. I am very luck to have very supportive and discreet family members (at least so far). Of course I think it helps that some of them are thinking of surgery, and are cautions who they would want to know about it. Good luck, and I'm sorry about your phone conversation. Becki
  3. Cyndi, first of all, congratulations. You will be so happy you did this. But I know that nervous feeling a few days before. Don't worry, it will be fine...and fun. I would also recommend that you bring a good book or magazine. You end up spending some time in the waiting room, waiting for you turn for pre-op stuff. There are some magazines, but I brought a book. I also would bring an exercise bra, if I had it to do over again. One of the incisions was right under my bra when I was sitting (the whole plane ride home). It rubbed a little, nothing terrible, but I ended up putting a bandaid over it, and wished I had brought an exercise bra. Also, it seems obvious, but bring cash, for things like bottled water, tips, taxi's and other such junk. The slip on shoes were very helpful on the way home. I also brought the single's of Crystal light. It helped make all the water I had a little better. Good luck, Becki
  4. Saving some money is well worth waiting for some turkey if you ask me. There will be many other years. Good luck. Becki
  5. Wow!!! That is an incredible weight loss in just 8 months. How are you feeling. Tell us more about your journey. We would all love to hear I am sure. Becki
  6. Are any of my friends from surgery day still here??? I haven't seen you guys in quite a while and was wondering how it was going for you. Email me... Becki
  7. I'm out of 2x, and I don't even have my first fill yet. I'm sure you will be too. Becki
  8. Could someone please explain EXACTLY what happens during a fill. I understand what they are doing, but happens to me!! I love details, and I am getting nervous. My fill is in 10 days. Thanks, Becki
  9. JeriB. I will be there on the 24th, getting a fill. So I might see you in the waiting room. It is very exciting to be doing this. Good luck and hope to see you. Becki
  10. Being tired while you are on a liquid diet is completely normal. You may not be getting the best nutrients, or even near enough calories. It is how your body compensates for what you are doing to it by having the liquid diet. It will go away though, and you don't want to do anything to jeapordize your band, so just stick with it. Becki
  11. Good for you for your determination. I have noticed too that I have a hard time eating slowing. I don't get an uninterupted meal either, but because of kids. It is hard to slow down after being in such a hurry all the time. I have a hard time chewing slowly and waiting between bites. Thanks for sharing what Dr. Ortiz tells you. I'm sure it will help the rest of us. I am glad to hear your sister is doing so well also. It must be very hard though, to watch her be so successful, while you struggle. Good luck and keep us posted. Becki
  12. Pam - I would love to meet at the Tacoma Mall. Let me know when. Mark - I have never heard of this, but it sounds interesting. How did you find out about it? And what exactly was it? Thanks Becki
  13. Why is it that everything chewable or liquid tastes terrible? Liquid Imodium...don't try it, just do the caplets. Becki
  14. Thanks for posting Chelley, I was thinking about you today and wondering when you appointment was. I will be interested to see what Dr. Ortiz thinks. I sure hope you can get things figured out. I'm sorry for your struggles. Good luck, and let us know what Dr. Ortiz says. Becki
  15. Hey Bahama girls. I had such a good time meeting you all. It was awesome to be able to hear your stories, in person, and see you face to face. My husband will let me go out by myself next time, not worried about any axe murderers among you. He also had a great time, thanks for making him feel so welcome. I hope next time we get together we can coax a few more people out, we had so much fun. How about thinking of another day we could get together. Maybe in January?? Sunday works pretty well for me, and the location was good for me also. What about you guys?? Anyway, I was really looking forward to it, and it was awesome. Thanks. Becki PS. Loved my leftovers...twice!!
  16. Kristi, There are a lot of us here willing to share stories, and hearing someone else's experiences is always fun. You can read about my experience, if you want, on here. It is under newly banded....August 28th. Congratulations on your surgery, hope all is going well for you. Becki
  17. Thanks, it seems that the UCLA clinic wants you to eat a lot less food than Dr. Ortiz hopes for. His goal is to eat 1/3 of what you did before. 3/8 of a cup is far less that 1/3 of what I ate before. This is very interesting though. I wonder if I will end up eating much less than I had been thinking. Thanks for the website, and the idea. Becki
  18. Elaine, I am so sorry it has taken me so long to respond to you. I am usually on here daily. I apologize. I had a hard time the first three days of the pre-op diet. Dr. Miranda told me that I could have 3-4 shakes a day, plus up to 4 pounds of green veggies (lettuce with balsamic vinegar). I absolutely hated the salad. But I love broccoli, so I ate a lot of it. I cooked as much as my steamer would hold, and I ate that every night for dinner. It helped to use a fork and be able to sit down to dinner with my family. I also started drinking 1/2 a slimfast at a time. Oh, and I really liked the Safeway brand the best. I would drink half, then have a big glass of water. And I sipped. It used to be that I could down a slimfast in 30 seconds. but I slowed down a lot, and made my sips last. That really helped me get through. I can have willpower for a few weeks, but I couldn't live that way. I knew it was my chance to be healthy, so I concentrated on that when my stomach would growl. I also got on the scale a lot. It made it much more tolerable because I was losing weight, and knowing I would never see those numbers again. I am arriving on Sunday, the 22nd at about 5:30. My aunt is having surgery on the 23rd, so I will see all of you there that day, either for surgery or pre-ops. Then we will be back because I am having a fill on the 24th. I would love to get together for "dinner" if anyone is interested during this time. If you want, you could read about my experiences in the newly banded section. "banded on August 28th". Feel free to ask any questions though, I had a million and really appreciated all the help and advice. Good luck, and I wil see you soon. Becki
  19. Pureed turkey sounds nasty. I am happy for you, that you can eat on Thanksgiving. Good luck. Becki
  20. Elaine, I had surgery the end of August, but will be back with a friend having surgery on the 23rd, then I will get a fill on the 24th. I'm sure I will run into you there, probably in the waiting room. Don't be scared. It will go very well, I'm sure. Feel free to email me if you have any questions or concerns I might be able to help you with. Becki
  21. I am lucky, most of my families history of health problem is directly related to how we eat. There is some history of diabetes and heart disease though. I am anxious to be doing something about both of those. I guess I felt kind of invincible in my younger years, but now realize how precious live is, every minute of it. Isn't it interesting how much our genetics factor into who we are. I am a psychology major, and that was one of the most interesting topics to me. But too many people use it as an excuse. We are handed certain genetic traits, but what we do with them is our responsibility. Good luck on your pre-op diet. You are getting close!! Becki
  22. Tammy, The more the merrier. Of course you are welcome. I'm in Lakewood, just south of you and was banded August 28th. Having first fill on Oct. 24. Cleo, I just assumed I would bring my camera, so I certainly don't mind, and I sure hope no one else does. I would love to keep a face with all the screen names that I have met. Becki
  23. Thanks Rid, I will be interested to hear what your doc says. I am just beginning the second part of this journey, getting fills, so I am very curious what everyone has learned. Hoping to learn from other's experiences/mistakes. Becki
  24. Thanks Pegala. I had looked for the grocery store, but didn't find it. I will be back there in two weeks though, and will have time to go. I love crystal light, so new flavors will be fun. I really am looking forward to pink grapefruit. And my husband loves pina colada. Thanks. Becki
  25. Don't worry, I'm sure you will find people with the same surgery date as you. But if you don't, you will meet some great people down there. You're mom will have a good time. I love the people I was banded with. Becki
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