I agree to a point, however, if you eat too soon, eat too much and realize it, then post it, you cannot expect those of us who are sticking to the guidelines to support that. I am not saying I will never have a cookie, ice cream or a McDonald's cheeseburger, oh I will someday. But I won't be posting it. I will be taking responsibility for my choices and getting back on track. For those who need someone to tell them they've been bad and did wrong are asking for redemption, and for those who DO NOT SAY it's okay and to get back on track to be criticized, is WRONG. We are the people that they are turning to for our hardnose attitudes, to tell them to get back on track. Although it may be comforting to say "it's okay", it's not okay and they know that! They don't want the teddy bear treatment to allow them to continue on the path to distruction, they want the tigers, who say, stop it and get back to the guidelines.
So cheers to the hardnose, no non-sense attitudes in the bunch!!!