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Everything posted by Kittycat

  1. Question: Sparetire indicated that she was not getting enough calories and therefore making a choice to have ice cream or whatever was a choice to increase her calorie intake. I am on day two of my post-op diet and considering I only have water, broth, unsweetened cranberry juice or gatorade and unsweetened jello, I am barely taking in 150-200 calories a day, if that! But what can I do about that, I am following the post op diet and forcing myself to take in what I am. What is the minimum calorie intake per day? Thanks Cathy
  2. Again I totally agree....I also care very much for all of my friends here on the forum. I am always here to support those who are going through tough times and those who are succeeding. I know that we will all have those days when you want to eat a handful of cookies or a bowl of ice-cream or even a peice of chocolate cake...and that's okay as long as you are staying on course. I think the problem some of have is when it's posted as cheating on the diet or OMG What did I do?. You know what you did and obviously are feeling guilty about it or you wouldn't have posted it. But, the lesson in all of this is to realize that you ate before you were supposed to, or ate too much for your band and get back on track! Only you can make the right choices, no one else can do that for you. I am two days post op eating jello for dinner, while my family eats pizza ...it's all psychological. It's choices. It's hard, but it's mind over matter and we all here to support one another! Cathy
  3. Hi Cedartown, I could not agree more. I said the same thing about a week or so ago and was slammed big time by those who thought the band was a miracle tool that would help them lose weight, without making healthy food choices. Eating ice cream, cookies, bacon and overeating is not on the base menu. A treat once in awhile is okay, life is long time to never have a taste of the things we love. But I also received an amazing amount of support including Dr. Ortiz, who posted two excellent messages supporting our point of view. Don't leave us, prove them wrong! I became stronger and even more determined to show everyone that if you want to lose weight, you need to make healthy food choices and make a lifestyle change. And if restriction is a problem, then healthy choices are even more important to avoid gaining weight. Keep strong and focus on the goal! Cathy
  4. That's amazing, having the support of your gp is wonderful. As soon as I made the decision to do it, I made an appt with my gp and told him, he was very supportive and provided any and all of the information my lapband surgeon needed without question. I actually found out on that same day that the assistant in my dr's office had it done last October and has lost 50 lbs...she said if I have any questions, I all I have to do is ask. It's becoming much more common, even here in Canada than I had even thought. Great news! Cathy
  5. Thanks Kim, I have been sipping water, broth, gaterade and had some jello, oh and a popcicle. I am trying really had to keep hydrated. I certainly don't want to get sick. Did you ever feel anxious about starting to eat creamy soups, yogurt or pudding...or even regular food? I am feeling scared...I am not sure what my stomach can handle? I guess if I PB then I am not ready for that type of food, would that be right? Thanks Cathy
  6. That's an amazing idea...I will definitely do that. Jewellery always fits! Thanks for the idea. We should all do it!! Cathy
  7. Oh that soups sounds amazing....I will have to track that one down for Sunday when i start creamy soups. Someone on this forum also posted a homemade potato soup as well...saved it to word doc...hmmmm...I guess maybe I will make it on Sunday and blend the crap out of it. Do chunks of bacon blend? Are little tiny peices okay? We take pills and they go through ok??? Oh and JulieBurns, it's bound to happen and more than once, get back on track and focus on your goal and you will do just fine! Cathy
  8. OMG!! 10 minutes??? How is that possible?
  9. I thought the exact same thing...having surgery out of the country was a scarey thought....the only reason I did not have my surgery (2 days ago) in TJ was because my husband absolutely refused to let me. I would have been absolutely okay with it. I had surgery here in Canada for twice the cost. All of girls and guys on this forum who have been banded in TJ rave about the care, the staff and facilities. The care they receive is top notch. If the lap band is in your future...Dr. Ortiz and his clinic are highly recommended!!! Best of luck with your decision. Cathy
  10. HAPPY BIRTHDAY KIM!!!! This is your year, enjoy it!! Cathy XO
  11. Great pics! Your children are gorgeous...like their Mama! Keep up the good work! Cathy
  12. Hi Ladies, I am doing a bit better today, still gassy, but it's definitely starting to come up and out! LOL!! I am finding that I am not hungry at all and have to force myself to drink my broth and juice, did anyone else feel this way? I am hoping I am moving a bit quicker by the weekend...when I read that you guys went shopping on Revolution Ave the next day, I am thinking OMG...I could barely move....I am also thinking that the procedure performed in TJ may be different from here in Canada. My surgery took 2 hours...how long it the surgery in TJ? I think I saw 45 min and now Sunshine says 10 minutes, how is that possible? Here is a brief summary of my day's events: Woke up at 4:45 a.m., my husband drove us to Mississauga, arrived at the Day Surgery Care Unit at 6:30 a.m.. I changed into the gown and my own fluffy terrycloth housecoat, anti-embolism stockings and slippers. They called me into an office to go over some details and gave me a shot of Heparin(blood thinner), and I still have the bruise on my arm from that. I was then placed into a waiting area with my husband for about 5 minutes. I was called into the surgical waiting area, so said good-bye to my hubby and waited for the anesthesiologist and surgeon to come to speak with me. They layered me with warm blankets from an oven and the doctors came and went. I got very emotional sitting there alone, I find anesthetic kind of freaks me out, afraid of not coming out of it, but I have never had any issues, so I get myself all worked up for nothing. They escorted me to the operating room, I got up on the table, they put in the IV and monitors and next thing you know I was in recovering begging for an ice chip. I swear the worst part of any surgery is the feeling of dry mouth and throat afterwards. I also get the shakes from the anesthetic wear-off. I was layered with warm blankets, given some morphine and finally got my ice chips. The nurse said "aren't they the best tasting ice chips ever?" Oh yes, they were!!! From recovery I was moved into surgical day care recovery where my husband was allowed to come in to say hi. i was there for about an hour and then moved to a surgical chair from the bed and they took out the IV (holy cow did it ever leave a huge blood bruise). My hubby helped me get dressed and I was put into a wheelchair and he took me out to the main entrance and brought up the car. We drove home from the hospital, about an hour's drive, the longest, most uncomfortable drive ever!! I was glad to get home, but unfortunately, when I did, I could not find a comfortable spot to sit or lay down. I have a really high pillow top bed, and I am a short-ass, so hiking my butt up there on the best of days is no easy task...but I managed to stack about 7 pillows(including a huge dog pillow-we don't have a dog, my hubby works in vet supplies). Sleeping on my back, sort of sitting up is not all that comfortable, but I found a neckroll and it's sooo much better. Well that's my day...I now on day three and moving around a little better...I am hoping to be ready to go back to work on Monday??? Thanks everyone for your caring and supportive words...you're truly the best friends I have never met!! Love Cathy
  13. Chicken and fish are always good choices, there is also turkey, ground turkey and chicken to make a homemade burger. Get yourself a WLS cookbook, if you haven't already, the recipes are great! take care Cathy
  14. No pain? No gas? You lucky lil' bandster! ttys Cathy
  15. Really sore, gassy and not feelin' great...maybe tommorrow will be better. But I survived! Cathy
  16. Looking good..you can definitely see the difference in your face!!! Keep up the good work! Cathy XO
  17. Thanks so much Barb, yes the pre-op diet has been a good training session for what is yet to come...I as able to lose 12 lbs in two weeks, and to fit into some clothing I hadn't seen for quite awhile, talk about an incensive!! I look forward to being on the other side and on the road to a healthier and thinner life!! Talk to you soon, Cathy
  18. Thanks everyone!!! Your support so far has been amazing.....talk to you soon! Cathy XO
  19. You will be fine...just a little glitch...if you think you need a fill....book one and you will be back on track. I hope you had a great vacation!!! Cathy
  20. Actually I only have to drive for one hour to the hospital tommorrow morning at 5 a.m...and I will be home by mid afternoon. My surgery is in Mississauga, ON Canada. I will let you know how it goes...when the anesthetic wears off!!! LOL!! See you on the other side my wonderful bandster buddies!!! Cathy XO
  21. Great pics!!! I look forward to following in your footsteps....my banded journery starts tommorrow!!! Take care, Cathy
  22. Wow!! You look amazing! Good for you...keep up the great work! Cathy
  23. I can just image how hard that's going to be for me...I am not a big fan of creamy soups at the best of times. I have surgery tommorrow...and look forward to jello and popcicles...and a bit of broth here and there for a few days. Do what you can to get through is my philosophy...make sure you take your vitamins too...I feel shaky if I don't. Best of luck, ttys Cathy
  24. What stage are you in? Clear liquids or creamy soups? Are you getting soup-logged? I know we still have to watch the calorie intake while on the liquid/mushy phase of the pre-op diet. Supplement soup with yogurt, jello, popcicles, change it up a bit or you will just want to barf everytime you see soup! Good luck, Cathy
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