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Everything posted by cole

  1. Hi Everyone, This is great!! We need to get a head count by the end of the month and figure out how where going to find each other. LOL reminds me of the movies with the man sitting at the table with a single rose. LOL had to throw that out there for giggles. I can't wait and in bringing a friend that was banded in olympia aug 4th. Have a great month.
  2. Thanks Lori, I called Dr. Ortiz lastnight and he put me back on clears. Im feeling better.
  3. Well tomorrow will be my week post op I am having lost of problems with acid indigestion and gas pains. Its so bad im being kept up at night and in pain during the day. I have taken tumbs, rolaids and now onto pepto bismol (yuck). does anyone have any sugestions?
  4. Hello Washington, I just got banded sep 5 in tj. Everything went well and met a few great people in the waiting room before and after surgery. I live in Olympia and would love the get together. good luck to everyone and have fun in the process.
  5. Well as of oday I have lost my 14lbs. yahhooo!! next week i start my pre-op. I talked to Carolyn today, my patient assistant, she told me that i really don't have to do the pre op but to keep doing what iv been doing. Im getting excited and can't wait for sept 6th. My best friend had her surgery aug 14th and is now down 20 lbs. Im so proud of her. My Webpage
  6. Hello I fly into sandiago monday sept 5, banded 6th and homw the 8th.
  7. Hi everyone, So I have finaly made up my mind!! I am ready for this long and exciting journey of having a lap band. My best friend had one done yesterday (shes doing great). I am going off to nursing school sept 25th and need to make this possitive change in my life. My weight today is 284 down from 330 last year january. It has been a huge struggle and i have kept it off. The worst thing for me is the thought of gaining it all back. I am only 23 and have back and joint pain, with a history of diabetes and heat problems in the family, i need to get this under control. The only people that know about my surgery is my huband (who has supported me through all my issues the last few years) and my best friend. Just them 2!! I don't feel like i need to tell anyone else. I don't want people in my life to say "oh she only lost the weight because of surgery". My family thinks im going on vacation. lol I am scheduled to land in SanDiago sept 5, surgery sept 6 and home sept 8. I am so excited for my freind and myself we are both in the medical field and are supporting each other all the way. For those who have been to tj we really want some info on good shopping!
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