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Everything posted by tombourn
Mid or Late April Fill
tombourn replied to karenlynn79's topic in Fill Doctors & Fill Trips to Tijuana
no, but there are detailed instructions on how to take the trolley and bus... take taxi to border.. cross border take trolley to downtown take bus to airport.. pull up the san diego transit website its really easy -
Mid or Late April Fill
tombourn replied to karenlynn79's topic in Fill Doctors & Fill Trips to Tijuana
LisaVA if you want i should be getting my fill around 930-1030 on april 23rd we can either walk back across border or take taxie from clinic or even hotel... its no more than 2 mile walk... and the way i go pretty safe.. then to the trolley then one bus to airport. just let me know... -
Mid or Late April Fill
tombourn replied to karenlynn79's topic in Fill Doctors & Fill Trips to Tijuana
Arriving April 23 at 0830 in morning.. i'm doing the trolley thing back and forth in same day... Anyone want to tag along it's much cheaper than the van... Done it 3-4 times now -
I'm in bandster hell...
tombourn replied to LaurenLeigh's topic in Gastric Band Support & Discussion
Of course you are back to your old habits.... you don't officially have your tool yet. Everything to date has been the old self.. and the weight you lost was the old way too.. willpower for a lack of a better word. And you know where that has gotten you.. Once you get your fill(s) to the proper level then start your count down to a new life. Tom P.S. Remember to make your hubby squirm in a year or so when you get all this new guy attention...and you will get it..wanted or not. people pay more attention to you when your'e thinner (healthier).. Good luck and dittos on relaxing Tom -
Silver: The private message you sent to me speaks for itself: NO WAY CAN YOU POST THIS... sorry - edited by admin ! . But so does my credibility, Good Luck
Duh!!!! You don't NEED Bread You don't NEED Pop You don't NEED Sweets You are one of the luckiest guys I know. I'll trade your 17 for my 45 yrs anyday. Grow up! Since you are under the legal age to make a contract, I am know you didn't take out the loans, but someone did FOR you and all you can think about is bread, pop and sweets. Right now you are probably telling me to go to HELL, oh well. Hundreds of thousands of people would trade places with you in a heart beat. It's time to step up to the plate and do something challeging in your life except whining!!! Go run a few miles, swim a few laps or any other activity except boo hooing over your lost ability to kill yourself through a life time of morbid obesity. Tough Love Tom
Just a bit of advice.... Forget about gaining the weight back and all that baggage that comes with those thoughts. Yo-yo is over, but in the short term relax, worry about healing and not gaining the weight back... Get the calories you need to heal... all the other stuff will come in time.... Welcome to a lifestyle that isn't about hurrying up and losing weight before the willpower goes out the window... enjoy the journey and learn to live life all over again....Plan your first marathon or triathlon.... Tom
Weight loss and family issues
tombourn replied to VickyR's topic in Gastric Band Support & Discussion
It probably sounded like I was on a soapbox and I was... for that I apologize.. I guess having teenagers always trying to make themselves equals set me off.. Sorry fo the diatribe. Tom -
Weight loss and family issues
tombourn replied to VickyR's topic in Gastric Band Support & Discussion
My two cents worth: I maybe a little old school, even at 45, but I think parents should be just that parents and not elevlate 14 yr olds to equals... ( I have two 14 yr olds, a 12 and 18 yr old as well). At 14, children do not know best, whether they are intersted in the surgery or not, the proper focus should be on what is right for you AND your daughter. I wont go as ar as to suggest that you force your daughter into the surgery herself, even though I would tell her that down the rode it might be a real possibility. But I would tell her that her opinion was not solicited, it is uneducated and if she wishes to discuss it further, she needs to educate herself on the matter. At what age to we validate uninformed opinions? 14, 12, 10 maybe the kindergarten class.... I am not writing this to make lite of your situation, but to give you another valid approach to the situation. At 14, my mom and dad never consulted me before they bought a house or moved to a new town, nor did I expect them to. At 14, if dad said I was going into surgery, I would be going.....no debate.. why have things changed so much in such a few years? I trust you know whats best for you and I trust you could survive without the imput and support of your daughter, but I doubt she could do the same. Your decisions are what count! Tom -
It's true.. every surgeon has his/her own advise on post-op diet restrictions. But all have the same goal. Prevent further iritation that might cause a violent reaction ( vomiting) before the band settles in. Dr. Miranda's advise is the most conservative of all. And why not be on the safe side and make sure nothing happens. Did I follow it .. no. She was hard and fast on the clear liquids for 4-5 days.. I completed that out of fear!!! But I went to every other stage faster than her advise, but with caution. I have the VG band. After the 4-5 days of swelling, there wasn't any restriction... period. But someone with a small band, smaller stomach might have restriction at 4-5 days after surery and they should continue on the liquid stage.. We are all individual cases, if you want no risks follow DR. Miranda's advise. But if you are going to cheat.. cheat with the next stage don't go from clear liquids to a loaded bagel. Go to the next stage slowly.
Newbies Relax!!! You all have waited long enough for mushies. I say this becase, you would have KNOWN FOR SURE if there was a problem. 1. I wouldn't try the bagel thing again.... at some point it won't and you will want to die because the pain will be so so bad. 2. If you all ate things without pain or discomfort, it means you have healed and now are awaiting restriction ( fills). Congrats. 3. Schedule your fills as soon as your doctor will let you.. and keep getting them as needed. 4. Its good to be concern and even better not to test your band, but without restriction you will start eating too much and will stretch the pouch which is a true possiblity during this time. AND THE MOST IMPORTANT ADVICE If you could afford to go to TJ for the OP you CAN afford to go get AT LEAST your first fill, if not, your first three fills there... if not... buyer beware and don't complain when things don't go right. Good Luck
So how much weight have we lost
tombourn replied to VickyS's topic in Weight Loss Surgery Testimonials
FYI As hard as it might seem, don't worry about weight loss... follow the rules, exercise, exercise, exercise and the INCHES will come off. I've only lost 70 pounds since last September and i sometimes wish it were more, until I realize that its life that counts not pounds... People without weight problems don't think in pounds they think in how much they can do and how to enjoy life more... That thought process is what I am striving for, and when it gets engrained into my head I'l be cured of fat-hood:) Tom P.S. I just ran 4 miles and rode the bike 8 miles before work.. so I might still be high:) -
Congratulations.. on your survival... My first was the third bite of a peanut butter sandwich.. before my fill.. I'm a Parole Officer and have access to a weapon... I just about went to my safe to end the pain.....Although kidding, only partly so.. that first pb was the worst. PB on PB.... I haven't ate white bread since.. and even now only a bite or two of wheat/multigrain toast is all the bread I'll eat... I don't know how many times I've trried adding water thinking it will help, only to make it worse....Not too smart---here Tom
what? losing inches but not weight!!
tombourn replied to kym828's topic in Gastric Band Support & Discussion
Hey Kym: In the same boat here... I'm on a major plateau. After getting totally restricted and staying that way for three weeks ( dropped 17-18 pound), I got an unfill and haven't lost a thng, but I am running 3-4 times a week, biking and recently completed a 1/2 Marathon, still no weight comes off... As with you, I know there is alot more blubber(my word) on my bones to come off, but its slow going. Inches count as much, if not more than weight. Muscle density..not only weighs more, but has less volume. Tom -
I ditto both Nita and Lori. The VG Band was determined to be the band most effiecient for you , by someone who has placed over 4000 bands. Why don't they give all the chemotheraphy treatments on the same day during the same week, because it's not medically sound to do so, same with the band that was chosen for your medical condition. Most times the VG gets blamed and it's really the patient's patience that is to blame. Just sit back and relax. Go to the store and find a 25 pound bag od rice...25 pounds is a lot of poundage to get rid off.. now image 3, 4 or 5 of those bags needing lost... It takes time... Tom
Matt, I want to associate myself with Michael's words. Although I didn't become morbidly obese until after the Navy, I have fought my weight since high school as well. Can't tell you yes or no to the surgery, but I do know that it's different on the otherside of the obesity curve. Right or wrong, people treat and act differently around you depending on your weight. Honestly, I 'm even guilty of it sometimes, especially when I see parents allowing their young children to get heavy. I guess the best thing I can say without rambling is.. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and excepting a different result. So it can be said for dieting for those of us that have big appetites. As much as we want to eat less, we can never curb the appetite. The BAND helps with that. Tom
Anyone not lose the required preop loss?
tombourn replied to Emi's topic in Gastric Band Support & Discussion
Vex Just relax....remember all scales aren't created equal, so a few pounds one way or another she isn't going to be mad, just maintain you lost the twelve, if her scales show less by pound or two who would know. Not saying to cheat, just relax, also remember OCC is a business, as long as it's healthy to operate, they will. Again the whole point is being in calorie deficiency and not caloric surplus for the liver to shrink. -
Find the pre op diet difficult? BE HONEST!
tombourn replied to hotzzzzzing's topic in Diet and Nutrition
All you people just get over it!!! The pre-op is a piece of cake. What are you complaining about!!! Now that I got everyone's attention... just kidding.. it does suck.. but so does being fat!!. In a very few days you will forget this part and focus on the rest of your life.. a lot longer life I might add... so go for a walk, keep busy and don't dwell the best you can. Keep that post -op liquid diet as long as you can and know that you have chosen the best medical team there is ... period. Tom -
Is there a lot of excess skin once the weight has been lost?
tombourn replied to blacdimin's topic in Diet and Nutrition
I'm just shy of a year out, have lost 70 pounds and am pleasantly surprised at the amount of sagging skin. I'm 45 so no spring chicken amd I have exercised quite a bit, but most of the exercise hasn't been in the area of the excess skin. I think going slow really does help. I guess the last 30-40 pounds will be the true indicator if the skin will disappear or not. with 30-40 pounds to go, there is still fat around the skin to give it some shape and not totally sag. I'll keep ya posted:) Tom -
RELAX is the best advise. It's a piece of cake.. the hard part is the next year dealing with all the compliments!!!!! Not gettigng big headed and reassuring your spouse you aint leavin him/ her.
My 2 Cents. Ditto to all the responders. Brenda, you avereceived some very sound advise from some on the most level headed people on this forum. There isn't much to add that they haven't already said. Good luck with your decision. Tom
RELAX!!!!! In over 4000 operations, I haven't heard of any deaths with Dr. Ortiz. Some risk yes, but if your a bowling ball with legs, then you have already been living the risk everyday and will continue to live with risk until your not OBESE. I'm sure the rate of death is pushing the same as death during childbirth and that worry deters only a rare few. My advise to both of you is to focus on the things you can control and the surgeries aftermath and less focus on the surgery itself. Its four small incisions, some prodding of instruments and its done in 15 mins. Also, enjoy Tiajuana both the night before (no tequila) and the days after walking and shopping. Tom
Margo, Remember there is anywhere from 4-6 pounds of food in the system that will work its way thru plus the water weight. The important part of the diet is calorie deficiency. My restricting calories to 600-800 a day your body will begin to eat the viceral fat and thats the main goal... Tom
Vex Here is the deal. Some of the very first fat the body consumes is viceral fat which is mainly found around the vital organs and more so around the liver. By losing 10-12 pounds you greatly reduce that fat making putting the band on much easier ( 15 min surgery) versus a much more difficult time and hence harder recovery. ( At least that has what I have ben told, I'm no DOC) If staying on the one protien shake and the salads aren't doable for one week, you may need to rethink your options. I say that because I didn't do well on it amd have tested the band for the last year. Yes, I I have lost 70 pounds, but it was at great pains trying to eat more than I should. And if it weren't for excerise ( I ran a 1/2 marathon today), my weight loss would have been much lower since I haven't given up the easy foods( candy-chocolate) and occasional soda. Good Luck.. Tom
I DID IT!!! 200 mile bike ride in 2 days
tombourn replied to mommyrkr's topic in Gastric Band Support & Discussion
Congrats Becky!!! You are a true endurance athlete!! In bking as you know, a Century Ride is the standard in endurance. You did two of those on back to back days. I too ride and will be weighting until next year to do my first Century. Here in Colorado there isn't too many that don't incorporate some major climbs, so I'm still staining in the 20-30 mile range along with my marathon training.... Question?? How was your liquid intake, that still is a bit of a trouble for me during races where water is few and far between and you need to drink a glass or two fast? Tom