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Everything posted by Shorty

  1. Hello, I am new to this forum but I was banded Sept 07 & have been doing great & have lost 48lbs as of todays date. Everything was going fine until a week in half ago I started getting severe reflux when I have never had it before. Went back to Dr. & he said I probably am to tight. I don't understand how I could of been fine for 2 1/2 months since my fill & now all of a sudden I am to tight. Can anyone explain??? I am very scared that something is wrong with my band?? I am not throwing up but I eat just a little 3oz or so & I am full & it causes terrible reflux all night & day long. I am on Prevacid x2 daily & it is not helping a whole lot. 2nd problem: He went to take some saline out of band & can't access port properly, this is the 2nd time this has happened. He wants to revise my port in the office & bring it up to the surface more. Anyone ever had this done?? I just feel like nothing can go right in my life. If anyone can give me any insite that would be great!! Thank you shorty
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