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Everything posted by my_friend_amber

  1. I'd call the OCC and ask just to make sure. I think the general rule is that if you're feeling okay, go for it, but if you start to have pain, stop immediately. Have fun! :good3:
  2. Name and Location: Amber - Arkansas Age:29 Gender: F Band Date: May 15th, 2008 Height: 5'8" Highest weight: 333 Current Weight: 300 Goal Weight: 150 or so
  3. My hope is that after 6 months without any carbonated beverages, I just won't want any anymore...we'll see!!
  4. For me, after getting banded, I was so conscious of the price I'd paid - physical, monitary, social, time off work, etc. that it pretty much made me do right on the first 3 weeks after being banded, in which you can only have liquids. After that period of time, it was easier to want less emotionally because 21 days is just about how long it takes to form a new habit. Welcome to the forum - we all wish you the best!!
  5. They told me to lose 15 and I only lost 12, but had lost inches too and they said I was fine for surgery. The point is to shrink the fat in/on the liver, and losing inches is a great indicator - so be sure to measure also!
  6. Welcome Holly! Always glad to add another bandster to the family!
  7. Yeah, I bought the liquid Centrum complete and it tastes like nasty rusted metal...disgusting!
  8. Like some of you, I really am not sure where my "stopping point" will fall - my plan is to keep eating right and exercising for the rest of my days, and I guess my body will get down to it's ideal size on it's own. Whatever that may be. I'm thinking a 12 would blow my mind and a 10 would probably be as small as I'm capable of. I'm 5'8" and a one of those big and strong body types, so I would be quite slim in a 10. This is almost too much to even imagine since I started out in a 24/26!!
  9. You will not be allowed to bring anything over 3 liquid ounces on the plane - this rules out juice boxes - I had to throw several of them out. Medicines will be fine as long as they are in the original containers.
  10. Greetings fellow bandsters! Yesterday (the 15th) was the 1 month mark for my band, and I just wanted to give a "progress report" of sorts on how my 1st month with the band has gone. Week 1 - this week went by in such a blur! I didn't come home from Mexico until the 18th and I took most of that week off work, which was indulgent probably since I really did feel so well, but still, it was very nice. I do remember being a bit sore, specifically at the port spot if I used my stomach muscles, but otherwise I was feeling very well. Week 2 - I was fully back to work by this time - still on my liquids and feeling pretty much no pain. I did, however, start to develop a serious rash around the incision marks and realized I was allergic to prolonged exposure to adhesives! A steaming shower to soften the glue and some gentle scraping later, all glue was removed. The rash was treated with benadryl cream and the incision marks, while red, seemed to be healing very well. Week 3 - still on liquids, I did start to get very hungry at the end of this week. I was able to cope though, largely due to mind tricks like chewing on gum and ice cubes and popsicles, and got through fine. By this point, the rash from the adhesive was dying down and I was starting to notice a tiny bit of change in my waistline - specifically, the stretch marks on my stomach fading out. Week 4 - Food! My first meal was a jr. lunchable - turkey, cheddar, and wheat crackers and boy was it tasty. I found I was full very quickly and have not (yet!) had an episode of PBing. My port site was no longer sore at all by this point, even if I pressed on my stomach, and the incision marks are healing up very, very well. I also started to incorporate some exercise back into my day - 30 or 45 minutes of walking - and found that I felt stronger than before surgery. Week 5 - so far, this has been a great week. I went to the doctor today just for a general check-up since I'm 1 month out from surgery, and he looked at my incisions, took my weight, pressed around on my tummy, asked about my diet/exercise, and pronounced me to be doing excellent. He said he doesn't need to see me for monthly check ups or anything, that I am doin great and that my surgery was clearly done by a great doctor. (Yay Dr. Ortiz!) As of this morning, I am 33 lbs. down from my highest weight of a few months ago, and 21 down from my pre-op weight. I know this is just a drop in the bucket, but I really feel like I am moving in the absolute right and healthy direction. Big hugs to all of you who have been my friends and advice givers during this period of time. I've taken before pics and am taking monthly pics as well and I promise to (perhaps with some tech support from MamaMichelle?) get them posted for all to see before long. > Amber
  11. Dudes, I know this is strange, but I'm using the "vitaballs!" They're gum balls for kids or adults - and you don't have to swallow a horse pill - just chew the gum for 5 - 10 minutes. What a dork, I know, but so far so good!
  12. Oh my lands! I need 88 grams of protien a day!?!? I've gotta go chew on something!!
  13. Wouldnt' it be a great world if you could just be honest and say, "I don't lose weight that fast because I didn't choose a surgery that would make my back humped and my chest concave!"
  14. I think we'll have to amend the mud wrestling statement - willT CAN attend as a spectator, but cannot participate. He's 6'3" man!!
  15. I was having that really badly in the mornings and though it was the band, but I realized it was actually acid reflux! I know weight loss will help that, but between now and then, I am starting on Prilosec OTC!!
  16. Holy drama, Batman. Can we not just let this go? Where is the love?
  17. Evette - Say it ain't so girl - don't leave the forum! If you leave, we will change our planned bandster get-together from Vegas or wherever to your FRONT YARD!! You can't escape us - we love you too much!!
  18. Woah, this has gotten heavy duty. I just wanted say that I have appreciated the advice, encouragement, and swift kicks in the bum given to me by almost every single person involved in this post. No one can anticipate ahead of time how their opinion will be interpreted really (black and white type without the room for facial expression and tone of voice can really exacerbate this problem) but in the end, all a person is responsible for is their intention. In my experience, all the feedback I've recieved here has been in my best interest, and I appreciate all of you for that and it's why I keep coming back to the forum. Sending out deep breathing techniques and calm, loving vibes... >
  19. I actually told my GP about 2 wks before surgery and he was extremely worried for me! He was worried about who here would give me fills, where I would go if there was a complication, etc. As legitimate as his concerns were and as good a doctor as he is, I'm SO glad I didn't listen. I actually have an appointment with him Monday (because Sunday is my 1 month "bandiversary") and I will meet with him each month to let him weigh me, check out the blood pressure and other vitals, and just make real sure I'm getting all the nutrients I need. I'll be sure to report back on how it goes! Oh, and Anita, you are already such a doll! Those Canadian fellas are L U C K Y!!!!
  20. That IS a great idea! I'd have to do a charm for every 20 lbs I need to lose though - or else that bracelet would be weighing me down if/when I FINALLY get to my goal weight!! LOL!
  21. So last night, I had the most wonderful dream - I don't remember the context of what was happening at all, but what I do remember is that I glanced down at myself and I was in SHAPE!! I was like...oh my gosh! I ran to a mirror and just looked at myself - I was all toned up and my skin looked great. I still had some thickness to me, but it was nothing you could call "fat." And then I woke up...but still - here's hoping it was a preview of things to come! I can't wait for sleep tonight...come back to me dream!! lol!
  22. A-MAZ-ING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. You know how we all have basically the same design of body, yet some people have tiny feet, some have really long noses, some have wide-set eyes, etc...well it's the same way on the insides of our bodies. A band that gives no restriction on one person may provide restriction even without a fill on another. With the band, you simply cannot compare your restriction/fills/etc. to others because we're all so different. You know you have to chew a ton - even and especially on noodles which are basically a bread product. Consider yourself lucky that you aren't having to worry about fills for now since you seem to have a natural restriction!
  24. Honey, you did that because you, like every person who's overweight enough to need a weight loss surgery in the first place, are addicted to food. The band is a physical limitation on the quantity you can eat - but your mind has to put the limitation on the quality. Oh, that I could band my mind/psyche/emotions!!! BUT - you will get there!! One of my favorite quotes: "You don't have to want to do it, you just have to do it." ~Dr. Phil McGraw
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