Well its official the band works, and I LOVE MY BAND. Well yesterday my husband and I went to Walmart and out of the clear blue he said to me that my pants were way to big on me to go try some pants on so I bravelly took a pair of 16 with me. There was a lot of praying going on that walk to try them on. And it payed off. THEY FIT. And I screamed so loud the lady knocked on the door to make sure I was ok, I walked out with them on and the look on my husbands face said it all, he was so happy for me. So he said go get you another pair and now go find you some nice blouses to go with them. HE said NO more t-shirts for you lady. I am one happy bandster today. Another NSV was, and I know it might be to TMI but here goes. My underwear I went from a size 11 to a size 9 and those are even to bg so I had to take them back and get a size 8. So for all you newbies this does work, You make it work.......