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Everything posted by erin2796

  1. What is funny is after surgery they give you caprisun's????
  2. Hey Lisa, Dr. Miranda told me that I could only eat a chicken breast as my final meal before surgery, that was all. I was able to shop but not much, I only stayed out about an hour before catching a taxi back to the hotel. I'm feeling better now, I still have some bouts of nausea...not really sure if it is just an after effect of the anesthesia or if it is just from the drastic change in my diet. Good luck with your surgery! I was a nervous wreck before mine but now I know I was worried for nothing! You guys will do fine and be sure to let us know how it goes! Erin
  3. YAAAAAAAYYYYY!!!!! Your almost there! Everyone has it right, you'll be wearing those horrible compression hose so your toes are fine. My friend and her daughter both had acrylic nails and they didn't say anything but she did take the polish off of them the night before surgery. No makeup which makes for HORRIBLE pictures! and no lotion especially on your tummy. But don't worry when you wake up your tummy will be coated with that lovely orange yellow iodine stuff so you won't even notice it! LOL! I cannot stress how important it is to have COMFORTABLE clothes for the rest of your trip after surgery! My stomach is still swollen and I can just barely button up my jeans today and even if I do it is not the best feeling. And don't forget to bring the boullion cubes, it will save you $6.00 a bowl for broth. GOOD LUCK!!!!!! I'm excited for you!
  4. Sorry...I forgot to add and how much was the fill?
  5. Hey Michelle, I live in Vegas also....which doctor did you see for your fill? I will probably go back to the OCC for my first fill but may not always be able to do that and it would be nice to have a nice doctor in mind when that happens!
  6. Mine cracked me up while we were there too! I feel a lot better today though, at least I feel like I can stand up without wincing... You'll do great though! Be sure to let us know how it goes!
  7. I asked Dr. Miranda about blending the soups with chunks and she advised against it. She said however that if you do that you should strain it after it is blended to make sure there are no chunks remaining when you eat it. This of course applies to the 21 day liquid diet.
  8. LOL! I made the mistake of cracking jokes on the plane and really paid for it! But it's all in good fun and the fact that I could only screech out this high pitched out of breath laugh only made it funnier!
  9. That should be enough for you. I ended up sharing with the others that were there with me so ran out early. It is VERY amazing that there are no accidents though I will say I watched a few almost accidents. And Trina enjoy laughing now because after surgery it is quite PAINFUL!!!!
  10. I am 4 days post op and have just now gotten down to 1lb more than what I weighed pre surgery.... Does anyone know why you gain weight after surgery and when you start to see the weight go down?
  11. Hey Trina, I had chicken burrito and beans with tortilla chips the night before surgery and I was fine afterwards. Just make sure you bring enough GasX and Phayzime because with all of the pharmacies in TJ they do not sell these things there. You are going to have a blast and I am excited for you! Oh yeah and remember when crossing the street be very careful! and RUN! lol!
  12. I have had hiccups also...today is only 4 days post op for me but I have had them everyday and because I'm still somewhat sore in the upper stomach area they are not pleasant to have. (
  13. Thanks Cathy! I have luckily not had any vomiting....It feels sort of like morning sickness, that constant nauseous feeling that won't go away.....UGH!
  14. Did anyone else have any problems with nausea after surgery? I am 3 days post op and have felt sick to my stomach most of those 3 days.......
  15. I also wanted to add for those that have not been to TJ yet for there surgery, there is a waiter in the restraunt at the Lucerna that is INCREDIBLE! HIs name is Pedro and he had lapband surgery over 10 years ago by Dr. ortiz. He was so full of information and advice!
  16. We arrived in San Diego around 9:35am, the driver was not there when we arrived to pick us up and we waited roughly 45 minutes and made 3 phone calls to get a hold of the driver. Be sure that you print out the surgery confirmation page with everyone's phone number and bring that with you on the trip just in case! Once the driver picked us up we headed across the boarder into TJ and straight to the OCC. This was lots of fun because we still had all of our luggage, it would have been nice to check into the hotel drop of our suitcases and then go to the center for testing but that was not how it worked out. The parking garage for OCC is very small and has a very steep entrance...It is amazing that they are able to manuver those vans into that garage but somehow they do. We took the elevator up to the second floor which was the OCC. The receptionish seemed pretty scattered, she did not appear to be organized at all and this was not very impressive to me. We went back to see Dr Jiminez and Dr Miranda then were brought back out into the lobby. We waited about 2 hours for our blood work to be done, the receptionist kept saying any minute but it never came. Finally we were so hungry we just asked if we could have our blood work drawn tomorrow before surgery so that we could get to the hotel and eat. Dr. Miranda was concerned about my surgery because I had only lost 2 lbs. She instructed me to have only a chicken breast and water for dinner..bummer! The driver picked us up again and we headed to the Lucerna hotel. Because we were arriving in a large group for surgery it appears that they had mixed up the room reservations, my room was in my friend's daughters name who was also having the surgery. It took about 20 minutes to clear that up and get settled in our rooms. My friend realized that she needed nail polish remover so we had to somehow get across the street to the drug store. The people in mexico are the CRAZIEST I have ever seen!!!!!!! I can only describe crossing the street in Mexico as playing the game Frogger, those of you that have been here know what I'm talking about! LOL! It took 4 stores and 4 street crossings to finally find the nail polish we needed... The next morning was surgery day, the driver picked us up at 7:30am and took us all to the center. They brought everyone back one by one, this took about an hour and a half to get everyone back. Once we were all in our rooms and had our paper thongs on....OMG those are so uncomfortable!!!! You definitley had the thong part right! Dr. Ortiz talked to the whole group of us at once! He is amazing and has a great sense of humor and bedside manner. We watched people coming in and out of surgery like it was nothing! The surgery only appeared to take him about 20 minutes. We would be in the middle of a surgery and Dr. Ortiz would be like "hold on guys I'll be right back I have to go do this surgery real quick!" soooooofunny. The night at the center was failry uneventful, mostly slept, ate otter pops, and drank water and capri sun, and lots of walking. You are encouraged to walk 15 minutes after surgery. We were discharged the next morning and given another shot of pain medicine, some nausea medicine, and pain medicine to take with us. We are laying in the hotel right now driking broth and waiting until 2pm when we all decided to head to Revolutionary Blvd... I'll add more about that later. As for the pain and discomfort, I have hiccups...deep hiccups which are uncomfortable and I have not had much burping or gas......We'll see how the remainder of the day plays out! Bye for now!
  17. WillT sweetie you are a nut!!! LOL! Dr. Miranda only said that I could not go out like everyone else and eat a normal meal before surgery...Now knowing that I followed the diet unlike everyone else in my group and was the only on that could not eat food was unbelievable to me!!! So I did what any sane person in my situation would do....I ordered a chicken burrito! Anyhow, not much fuss, she was concerned that I had not lost my weight but I didn't get yelled at or anything and still had surgery today as planned. I'm so glad that is all over!
  18. Hey everyone! I am officially a bandster now. I arrived in Mexico yesterday and all I can say is I'm glad it is finally over! I will post details as soon as I get back to the hotel and am feeling up to it. P.S. I have a great story about how people drive in Mexico!!! Can anyone say FROGGER! Erin :-h
  19. I'm actually at school right now in a database management class....as you can tell I'm REALLY paying attention! I'm in Nevada so it's 8:30pm here and I will be in class for another 2 hours!!! UGH!!! But I am most definitley going to bed as soon as I get home!!! I'm hungry and tired!
  20. Cool! I'll be sure to post as soon as I can and while heavily medicated! LOL!
  21. That would be interesting wouldn't it! LOL!!! I can only imagine what I'd type. My husband says I talk in my sleep and have whole conversations with him while I'm sleeping so.................
  22. Hi Elaine! My plane lands at like 9:35am so we'll be in shortly before you. If we're not on the bus together I am sure I'll run into you at the hotel or the center. See you there!
  23. Don't worry ladies!! I will!!! I'll be sure to post while I'm loopy so you guys can all laugh at me!
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