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Everything posted by erin2796

  1. That sounds like a great dream! I've had one like that too except in mine I'm sitting next to Brad Pitt and he's telling me "I don't know what I ever saw in Angelina! Come and live with me in my $70 million dollar European Chateau!" LOL!!!
  2. Kum ba yah, my Lord, kum ba yah! Kum ba yah, my Lord, kum ba yah! Kum ba yah, my Lord, kum ba yah! O Lord, kum ba yah! LOL!!! Taking advice from Will and Lisa!
  3. From what I have read, Phayzime is for gas pain after the surgery. They inflate your stomach with gas to perform the surgery and afterwards most people have gas pain from the extra gas trying to escape the body. The suggested medicine is either Gas-X or Phayzime to help with the gas. Hope this helps. Erin
  4. Congratulations! I hope all is well for you now and thank you for the very detailed post of your experience! I love reading these!
  5. That is so funny! I just got back from the store and grabbed one box of popsicles then looked at my husband as I grabbed the second one and said... "I better get 2 because the kids are going to eat them all!!!" LOL!
  6. Don't worry Will, I got all my last chance meals in the past two weeks! LOL! Now it's crunch time!
  7. Yes it is but I'm not banded yet so I'm allowed! lol! I bet crystal light or something along those lines will taste just as good!
  8. Perhaps the best advice would be the next time someone has the urge to over eat rather than posting to the forum afterwards, post before and talk about what your thinking of doing. Perhaps it will provide an outlet and take your mind off of the food for a moment. I'm doing pre op diet right now and while my husband sat here eating an egg roll from Jack in the Box (my favorite) and asking me if I want one, I got up, went into the kitchen, and made myself a diet coke slush, sat down and ate it with a spoon. It is all about choices. You will be surrounded by temptation every day and it is in your power to make the right choices. If you fall off the wagon, dust yourself off and jump right back on! Here's to all the great people on this forum! >
  9. Cedertown, I don't know if this helps but I have not yet been banded and have been reading the post here positive and negative. I have common sense and know that this is not the right way to eat after surgery. I believe Julie knows that also and that is why she created this topic and post.
  10. I agree that it is not wise to eat that much food on day 7. I have also read in Dr. Ortiz's book that eating that much food to early can cause the pouch to stretch which can hinder your future weight loss success. While it is vitally important that you stick to the dietary instructions from Dr. Miranda, If someone has one bad day and reaches out to the forum to get back on the right track I think we can be forgiving and offer our advice. Now if this is something that happens every day, that is where I say you draw the line from supportive to non supportive.
  11. I can see both sides of the arguement. On one hand i'm saying to myself wow why would you even touch ice cream or milk shakes only 7 or 8 days out of surgery!!! On the other hand I'm thinking who am I to judge someone for their choice. What I do know is that slamming someone or basically telling them no matter what they do they have wasted money and might as well give up now is not helping anyone. If this is the only support and advice that can be offered then perhaps this is not the right forum for you. I am glad that your experience has been successful and your battle with food has been effortless however not everyone is going to have a bump free road. I have not yet been banded and I have no intention of cheating or not following the instructions from Dr. Maranda, however if I do I know that I can reach out to this forum for advice and support to get me moving back in the right direction. Best of luck on your journey.
  12. My NSV is that I quit smoking and have learned how to down a protein shake!!! Someone told me that my protein shake would taste like a strawberry milkshake from Fat Burger........boy were they lying!
  13. It's funny how quick time flies when you have something to look forward too!! I'm excited for you! I have 8 more days to go and am COUNTING DOWN BABY!!! Good luck!
  14. I am long over due for a long back rub!!! lol!
  15. I'm with you on the girdle thing! Not only is it uncomfortable but I live in Vegas and it is HOT HOT HOT in the summertime... The girdle I swear increases the temperture by 15 degrees!!!
  16. That does not sound pleasant at all Anita. I have 8 days to go before my surgery so unfortunatley cannot offer any tips on dealing with the PBing, however WillT was kind enough to explain in great detail what it is and I hope to avoid it at all cost! LOL! I hope you are feeling better!
  17. This is a lot of useful info! Thanks for sharing your experience with those of us that are waiting to be banded or newly banded!
  18. I have not yet been banded but I do remember someone suggesting the shaved ice machine at walmart to make sno cones/slushes with crystal light.
  19. I agree, as a new person to the board I have seen such support and motivation from everyone. >
  20. It is good to hear you are becoming healthier by the day! Keep up the great work!
  21. Hi Suzanna! I'm in the same boat as you right now. I'm having surgery on the 19th and also had to quit smoking and drinking and pretty much eating all at the same time. These are not easy things to do alone so trying to quit them all at the same time is TORTURE!!!! lol! Hang in there though you only have a few days left and it will all be worth it in the end!
  22. That should lift your spirits even HIGHER!!! I don't know about you but nothing makes me happier than shopping and getting a good bargain!
  23. LOL!!! You guys are so funny! It is great to hear that you are doing so well Denise! I can only hope that my experience goes as smoothly as yours! Enjoy the rest of your time in TJ and have a quick recovery!
  24. Congrats Cathy!!! It's good to hear that all went well, hopefully you will feel better in the next few days! Denise, It is great to hear you are doing well now also!!
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