Hey Amber...It's Natalie. Remember me? Your fellow bandster surgery buddy??? Well, I hope you do. I thought you were a lot of fun to get to know and I have been reading your posts. It is great to see your success!!!! GOOD JOB!!!! I also had a bad fill experience but my doc was a fill centers doc. So, um yeah, I am not sure what to do for my next one because I am soooo scared to go back to him. He used a VERY long needle (of course) but it was hanging out of me quite far and he had me hold onto it and told me not to move it. It totally made me sick and dizzy and so I kept almost passing out and so I had to keep lying on the floor all the while with this fricking needle hanging out of my stomach. It was awful!!!! The fill took hours instead of minutes. The doc said that he doesn't like to buy various sizes of needles for various ports, he just sticks with one size and makes it work. OH YEA!!!! So, the needle was really WAY too long!!! Oh, and at one point as I am hanging onto the needle for dear lift hoping not to move it, I asked him if it was ok. He said, "It is fine as long as it is not bleeding." So, at that point, I look down and there is blood running down my stomach.
AHHHH!!!!!! What a frustrating fill!!!!!
I normally watch myself give blood, get shots, I love watching surgery on tv. I am not a queasy person AT ALL!!!!! In, fact when I am pregnant, I have to give myself shots twice a day in the stomach and it is no problem. Everyone else talks about how painless and pleasant their fills were and mine was a nightmare. Waited forever, unprofessional doc, not so clean office, long needle, me holding onto it. How do other docs do the needle part? I have never once heard of anyone having to hold onto their needle??? Anyways, hopefully it makes you feel a little better that I also had a bad experience, paid a ton of money for it, went to a fill centers doctor and got flouroscopy. The fill has been fine but it was sure painful. Oh, and it also left a dark dark purple bruise on my stomach that was as big as a grapefruit. It took weeks to go away. It was awful!!!! Very traumatic experience. I am considering driving to Idaho for several hours to get my next fill done as to not have to go back to that guy. Well, hopefully our next fill will be better. Good luck to us!!!! See ya!!! Natalie