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Everything posted by Iluvmyboyz

  1. I did not tell anyone that I was getting banded in Mexico. Just told them I had to go to San Diego because my BMI was not high enough. I knew that people would "FREAK OUT" and I didn't want to deal with that. I was apprehensive enough and did not need the added pressure. I, personally could not have had surgery in the US because my weight was not high enough. So, my choices were to remain fat, gain 50 pounds or so to qualify for surgery here in the US or go to Mexico and get the surgery that I knew personally that I really needed. I was looking into another Dr. in Mexico that was cheaper but it just didn't "feel" right to me. The pictures were sketchy and not so clean and new looking like the OCC. I decided to research Dr. Ortiz and felt better about the surgery but was still REALLY scared. Having surgery in Mexico was the greatest thing that I ever did!!! Everything about my surgery was AMAZINGLY easy and fast and pretty much pain free. The only pain I felt during the entire process was the gas pain in my shoulder. It was awful but otherwise I felt TOTALLY great!!! I would highly reccomend this place to ANYONE!!!! The nurse even put my i.v. in the side of my arm and I was wondering, "what the heck???" That was the best i.v. I have ever gotten in my life. I swear I bruise SO easy and usually have huge purple bruises for weeks afterwards. This one did not bruise at all and had no pain. They really do know what they are doing there. I had a couple of health issues like I have had blood clots in my lungs in the past and they made sure and gave me blood thinners and they even gave me extra anti-nausea medicine because it was my time of the month. I swear they know what they are doing!!! Even better than the US. YES, it is scary and weird to have surgery in another country, but it WORKS!!!! I have lost 42 lbs in 2 1/2 months and I feel like I could have made way better food choices in that time and lost even more. It is amazing!!! I am ALIVE again!!!! I have self confidence. I have gone through my closet several times getting rid of all the clothes that are hanging on me. PLEASE do not listen to anyone but yourself. It is fine and everything will be great!!!! I wish I could have had someone telling me that it was all going to be ok. I was SO worried and scared and didn't really have anyone to turn to. Please know that it will be the greatest decision you have ever made. IT WORKS!!!! IT WORKS!!! IT WORKS!!!! You will be amazed with the results immediately. I hope that you will feel calm and sleep well and feel great about your choice. It is a great one!!!! I can't wait to read your story soon. GOOD LUCK!!!! Hang in there and let your family and friends get over the shock and move onto a new subject. Soon, they will be complimenting you and apologizing for their lack of support. You are on your way to a new life and a new you. Be proud of your decision!!!! Natalie
  2. There are some gas stations around that have Diet Coke Slurpees. They are the bomb!!! I tell my kids if they can find me one, I'll give them $20.00. LOL I have a hard time finding them, but when I do...I get them once in awhile. They do have Crystal Light slurpees at lots of different stores. They are way too sweet for me and I can't gag them down. I wish I could somehow magically get Diet Coke Slurpees near my house. GOOD LUCK!!!!!
  3. Hi there David. I can honestly say that for my 3 weeks of liquids only that I ate thicker chunkier food. I could no way have sucked stuff through a straw like they say to. I don't know what my deal was. I knew better but I ate little amounts of things like mashed potatoes and gravy, and also quite a bit of vegetable soups, potato soups pudding, and stuff like that. I did not put it in a blender and ate it slowly and chewed it up a ton. I was worried that I had damaged the band also and when I got my first fill...Everything was great!!! It is total torture to worry about this. We paid so much money for this band. What the heck were we thinking??? I had horrible gas pains from the surgery and it seemed the only thing that helped it calm down was food with substance. I am not perfect and never will be. I am down 38 pounds and thrilled about it. (I can't update my weight loss ticker because I don't know my password) Duh!!! Anyways, that is my story and I am happy as heck with the results!!! Good luck to you!!! Natalie
  4. Mine stayed on for almost a month. I was amazed at the holding power of the stuff but I didn't want to mess with it. I knew it was doing a good thing for me.
  5. Hey Amber...It's Natalie. Remember me? Your fellow bandster surgery buddy??? Well, I hope you do. I thought you were a lot of fun to get to know and I have been reading your posts. It is great to see your success!!!! GOOD JOB!!!! I also had a bad fill experience but my doc was a fill centers doc. So, um yeah, I am not sure what to do for my next one because I am soooo scared to go back to him. He used a VERY long needle (of course) but it was hanging out of me quite far and he had me hold onto it and told me not to move it. It totally made me sick and dizzy and so I kept almost passing out and so I had to keep lying on the floor all the while with this fricking needle hanging out of my stomach. It was awful!!!! The fill took hours instead of minutes. The doc said that he doesn't like to buy various sizes of needles for various ports, he just sticks with one size and makes it work. OH YEA!!!! So, the needle was really WAY too long!!! Oh, and at one point as I am hanging onto the needle for dear lift hoping not to move it, I asked him if it was ok. He said, "It is fine as long as it is not bleeding." So, at that point, I look down and there is blood running down my stomach. AHHHH!!!!!! What a frustrating fill!!!!! I normally watch myself give blood, get shots, I love watching surgery on tv. I am not a queasy person AT ALL!!!!! In, fact when I am pregnant, I have to give myself shots twice a day in the stomach and it is no problem. Everyone else talks about how painless and pleasant their fills were and mine was a nightmare. Waited forever, unprofessional doc, not so clean office, long needle, me holding onto it. How do other docs do the needle part? I have never once heard of anyone having to hold onto their needle??? Anyways, hopefully it makes you feel a little better that I also had a bad experience, paid a ton of money for it, went to a fill centers doctor and got flouroscopy. The fill has been fine but it was sure painful. Oh, and it also left a dark dark purple bruise on my stomach that was as big as a grapefruit. It took weeks to go away. It was awful!!!! Very traumatic experience. I am considering driving to Idaho for several hours to get my next fill done as to not have to go back to that guy. Well, hopefully our next fill will be better. Good luck to us!!!! See ya!!! Natalie
  6. When I went to get my first fill at a Fill Centers USA doctor, he suggested using phentermine after the first year. I was SHOCKED!!! I didn't even know that was legal anymore. Well, he explained that for the first year after having the band, all of the food cravings go away and then do come right back. He said that the phentermine would help the cravings and keep the weight off. Anyway, I did not love that fill doc but don't have too many other options. I am thinking about driving a few hours to the lady doc in Pocatello, Idaho because of my fill experience. It was not the greatest!!! He numbed my stomach and then stuck this great big long needle in and had me hold onto it. He said there are different lengths of needles but he just sticks with one size to keep it simple. Well, I had to hold it as it was hanging out of my stomach quite far and it was bleeding and it was gross. I kept getting dizzy and lightheaded and had to keep laying on the floor(all the while holding the stupid needle in place.) This went on for quite a long time. I had to keep moving around with that stupid needle. From what I have read on others fill posts, it doesn't seem like others had the same kind of experience as I did. Well, I am not normally whimpy like that, but holding that needle in there was totally grossing me out and making me sick to my stomach. Besides, I hadn't eaten for hours and hours and it was hot and at the end of the day. I am scheduling my next fill in the morning for sure and maybe even with a different doc. I really wanted to love my fill doc, but that was not the case at all!!! I guess we'll see what happens.
  7. Hi there, my name is Natalie and I live in Utah and had my first fill here. I went through fill centers usa and they gave me the name of the dr and everything. It was just fine. I also wanted to go back to the OCC but didn't think that I wanted to spend all that time. The price was about the same as the airfare and fees would have been at the OCC but I figured with time and travel I would try this guy here in Salt Lake. He was located around 4500 South Highland Drive. I thought he was helpful and had a lot of info about the band. He also uses flouroscopy for the fills. I am glad that he is available as I also have small children and a very busy husband. It totally worked for me and I hope it can work for you too. All you have to do is call fillcentersusa.com and they will schedule the appointment and everything. I think the only other doctor available was somehwere in Idaho or Las Vegas, so I was extremely happy about 20-30 minute drive. Good Luck!!! Natalie
  8. GOOD JOB ON YOUR AMAZING WEIGHT LOSS!!!!!! All that weight loss and with only 1 fill???? That is so awesome!!!! Hi there. I was banded on 5/15/08 and just went for my first fill last week. My doctor told me that a lot of people who have the band end up with gastritis, which is inflammation of the stomach lining. He said that the part of the stomach that the band forces the food into is not meant to have stomach acid in it therefore causing irritation. So, he says that he reccomends all of his banded patients take 1 Zantac every night before bed to lessen the chances of this happening. He totally described the pain that you are talking about and he mentioned that it happens at night and will wake you right up out of your sleep. I thought that was very interesting. So, hopefully your band hasn't slipped. The doc also mentioned that the band cannot slip, that it is stiched in and the scar tissue keeps it in place. Hmmm!!! Who knows??? It will be interesting to see what they say at the OCC. Good luck!!!
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