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About FindingMeAgain

  • Birthday 06/06/1981

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  1. Crazy tight again! Ugh Im going back to get some of the fill taken out. I'm getting tired of not knowing what the "right" amount is...

  2. Lost 8 pounds since I had the band re-filled a week ago tomorrow!!

  3. I definitely start hiccuping. But mine is not a single hiccup it is a complete fit of them!
  4. 2nd day since re-fill and have been doing good. I have only had liquids and potato soup so far.

  5. So I went to get the refill today. When I went to the DR. when I was overfilled I had 3.6cc's in a 4.0 band. He put back 2.75cc's it felt fine in the office. I had soup tonight and REALLY had to take my time. It almost feels like I was just banded again. I forgot what restriction felt like. Hopefully this is a good amount for me...but still scared that I still that I'm going to get something stuck.
  6. Thank you everyone for taking the time to describe your recent experiences! I went to a Dr. today and had fill put back in. He said that my band reacts differently like it has air in it or it is under pressure. He said he is also confused why my band loses fill more than others. He recommended that I go back to see Dr. So and get the fluroscopy done. Around here in Miami it is easily $400 to do it with fluro and that is if they will do it at all. I am having my step brother look into the band since it is so much cheaper than it was when I got it done. If he gets approved we will go out together and I can see Dr. So, the Dentist, and possibly go over to Cosmed to meet with the plastic surgeon. I defended the process to everyone around me but that didn't stop the voice in my head that kept saying "maybe you should be more concerned than you are". Hopefully I have an adequate fill that doesn't give me problems but still allows me to lose the weight. And yes...I wonder now if they had the plication available when I got the band if I would have switched. It intrigued me enough to inquire on how much a band to plication would cost if I decided to switch. Thanks again everyone!
  7. Excited to get back on track tomorrow. Finally getting my fill put back in!

  8. I believed another person was discussing this too but I couldn't find the thread...I decided to get a fill here in Miami instead of flying out to Tijuana. I am upset because the DR here does not use fluoroscopy. I also have been wanting to go to the Dentist there and speak with the plastic surgeon that does a lot of Dr. O's post op weight loss patients. My issue that turned me away from making the trip is that everyone is freaking out about Mexico, especially TJ and the borders saying that drug cartels are killing Americans (in particular). Has anyone had any issues in their travels? I would love some reassurance if I shouldn't be worried, and if I should the stories from the people who actually experienced it! Thanks for your input in advance.
  9. Sherri, I go tomorrow to get my band refilled. I had a bad fill too and waited too long to get it removed. It resulted in a very inflamed pouch. The Dr. said that my band was under great pressure. He told me to wait 4-6 weeks...but I wasn't able to afford another fill. I waited 8 (as of tomorrow). I have gained back 24 pounds. I am going to go in on an empty stomach and feel it out. I do not know how much we will put back in yet. Another thing I am going to try to do is return to a liquid diet for a week. He said that is important since it has been so long the band has probably adjusted and moved a bit so we don't want to tighten it with a fill and then go irritate it again so soon. I will let you know tomorrow how it goes! Sara
  10. Be strong! And get a fill as soon as you can. Not to be so negative...but my band was overfilled and very inflamed. I couldn't keep anything down. I was miserable. I had them take out the fill and only put half back. For the first few days till probably week 3 I was fine. Then when I realized I could eat what I wanted again without fear of it getting stuck I went overboard. In 8 weeks I gained back 24 pounds! Much to my family's disliking I am going back for a fill tomorrow at a fill center. I am hoping it is not an overfill again but that "sweet spot" that everyone talks about. Be strong and try to resist. It is smart to take out the fill if your band needed some "rest" but don't wait as long as I did. It is almost like the biggest loser...you don't realize how not ready you are to face the real world...and the band fakes us out making us feel like we are on "the ranch" away from the real world. Good Luck to you!
  11. Jojo, You are not alone!!!! Last year in December I went to a fair and had spicy Italian sausage that got stuck. They said that it probably really irritated the band. I couldn't afford to fly out there at the time so the doctor told me to stick with Gatorade and fluids for 5 days. I also bought liquid motrin (childrens)...I figured motrin helps for inflammation so it might work. The two together worked wonders! About three months ago I found myself having issues again. Especially in the morning. I did nothing about it- kept letting my food get stuck and throwing it up. About a week ago though I realized my face looked terrible (acne), I was ALWAYS TIRED, and I was gaining weight. HOW?? was my first question, but after talking it out I realized I was throwing my food up all day until finally I could eat at night LATE and right before bed. I also realized that ice cream felt good and I could actually eat it! I KNOW NOT A BRIGHT IDEA EINSTEIN!! Last Saturday was the last straw- I got online to book a flight I had to see the Doctor- I wanted an unfill! But the angels (or devil at the time) swooped in and advised DUH you need a passport now...and yikes mine expired in 2 days. So I called and spoke with the doctors and they advised me to do 3-5 days of liquids again. The first 2 days felt impossible. I did not remember it being so hard!!! But then the 3rd -5th a breeze! I realized I can probably do another week of liquids if needed. Last night I had some chinese chow-mein noodles ( I know I am bad but they were soft so I figured what the heck- 400 calories won't kill me)...and I decided to take a few bites of my sons chicken and it went down fine. Being overly cautious might be exactly what I need right now. I have never been a good chew-er Tonight will be my new challenge...I am going out to dinner at 430pm so we will see if eating this early is still going to work. I hope so! BTW: I had got up to 195.8 and today I am at 193.7 with clothes on so I took off a little over 2 pounds I had put on! OH YEA AND TODAY I BOUGHT THE BODY BUGG SO THAT IS MY NEW TOY TO EXCITE ME INTO LOSING THE NEXT 30 OR SO!
  12. Hello everyone! It has been awhile since I have been on. I started getting very frustrated over the past few months as my weight started going the wrong way. I have not understood why since EVERYTHING seems to comeback up these days. I was going to visit Dr. O and staff but completely forgot that we need a passport to cross the border now! Ugh so I have to renew mine and wait 4-6 weeks. I don't have the money to travel to Mexico let alone expedite a passport, so I am thinking of switching to liquids again for a few days to see if this helps. SOOOO.....Anthony and I got married in January. I am getting some pictures together to post. For those of you who don't know our story, we met at the OCC June 18, 2008...the day before our surgeries and started talking while we waited for our pre-op tests. Long talks over the next three days, some shopping and hanging by the pool developed a close friendship. This was then followed by long long conversations on the phone for 7 weeks post op, and then we met up again at the same time for our first fills in August 2008 and spent the weekend together. We have been together ever since! Dr. O not only helped me kick start my weight loss but also introduced me to the love of my life! Since Anthony and I have struggled a bit lately with the bands we are hoping that our next visit to the OCC will give us the kick in the a$$ we need I went from about 246 to about 220 before the surgery. I went for my first fill at around 194...I was sooo happy with the initial results! I then got down to 182 or so for my second fill. I have fluctuated between 182 and 192 since. I know the band must be too tight (hoping it is not SLIPPED!!!) so I hope in a few weeks if I can come up with the money I will be able to make a visit to Dr. O and his staff. Stay tuned I will upload pics of the wedding as soon as I figure out how!
  13. Kate, I would love to hear what you have done. About 3 months ago or so I started having problems. Now I feel like one minute I am having issues with LIQUIDS!!! and then the next I am eating a footlong from Subway! I don't understand it. In the mornings I am sooooo run down because I cannot eat or drink without issues, and then at lunch time I am throwing it up before I can get any real satisfaction from the food. I hate how I am feeling all the time and hate that I have actually started to gain weight back...I don't understand it. I figure some of the gain is because I find i can finally keep food down after 9 or 10pm and only after getting something stuck and forcing it out or down. Any info is appreciated! Sara
  14. Love your quotes and outlook. I attempted to go to your website to view more, but have to log in....can I get to know you better?

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