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Everything posted by FindingMeAgain

  1. I too had to have my gall bladder removed. I had that surgery prior to the lapband surgery. I was also admitted to the hospital for three days though. The pain from the gall bladder was the worst ever experienced. I don't remember being in pain too much after the surgery but again I was hospitalized and on narcotics :-). I hope you feel better soon!
  2. Wow...you look GREAT! You, dolittle, and mamamichelle give us all hope! Thanks for all of the posts!

  3. I have 3.0cc in my 4.0 band...the Dr said that if you lose a lot of weight in the beginning and if you didn't lose too much during the pre-op phase you might have lost some fat around your stomach which loosens the band. This causes a need for more fluid in the band. Have you gotten your fills under fluro before? You should definitely do that to be sure you haven't stretched your pouch... Also too little food is bad...the same way as too much food. You need to find a "happy" medium. I have also found that there are some foods or vitamins that I feel force open the fill quicker (like steaks or really big vitamin pills), I have stayed away this time and still have restriction and it's been almost 3 months. I lost 12 pounds the past three months and have been on a plateau and I realize that I am not getting 1200 calories in. My last suggestion is that the band really doesn't have power ;-)...many people lose the weight because they use the band as a tool along with their own will power. I went 2 months where I actually gained 10 pounds back (yes in 2 months!)...I realized no matter what the band was there for, there were things I could still consume with no problem...like shakes and ice cream. You have to do your part. I am not saying you are not eating right...because I really don't know what it is you are eating...but maybe you want to start keeping a food journal. I am sure everything will work out. I have had two fills (Aug 08 and Nov 08) both under fluro. I really suggest it. The last time he even had me drink some water wait a little bit and then eat a piece of toast to ensure I had restriction but it was over filled. It is great what that machine can prove!
  4. Has anyone noticed additional breakouts since their band? I used to have acne when I was a teenager, but I am an adult now! I feel like I can't do anything for my face. Everything I do makes it worse! Any suggestions or comments are appreciated!
  5. Loris, I found that phenzime and LIQUID mylanta (gas) helps a lot. There were times I took a phenzime and then took the dose of mylanta in order for the gas to subside. Hope you feel better! Keep your head up...it gets better!
  6. Karen, The OCC has literature on how to move the port during TT or liposuction. I spoke to a Plastic Surgeon who didn't want to go near it! He wanted OCC to move the port to behind the faschia and then he would do the surgery. I could understand not wanting issues. A lot of Dr.s do not have experience with the Band and it scares them to mess with other people's work. My mom just had a TT and she had to take off 3 weeks. She still groans when we go over bumps in the road! Do yourself a favor...make sure you give yourself ample time to heal! And get yourself a REALLY good girdle that does not have deep seams.
  7. I have such bad stretch marks from when I had my son that I will almost certainly have to do the tuck. But the Dr. I saw said that we might be able to just do a skin removal. One thing that he mentioned which really weighed in on whether I will do it or not....if you have a tuck you cannot use the skin from the stomach for breast reconstruction in the event breast cancer ever becomes an issue.
  8. Hey Kristy after my second fill I ate fine for 3 days then suddenly NOTHING...not even some protein shakes would go down! I felt like everything got stuck. I spoke with Dr. Acosta and Dr. Martinez, I was not too happy with having to fly all the way back to TJ...then he asked me two questions...did I have a long plane ride shortly after the fill or did I eat anything spicy? Well yes to both was my answer...but the more I thought about it I ate fine the day after my flight so it couldn't be that. He said that it could be inflamed due to spicy food or something got stuck which irritated the band. So I took children's motrin (liquid only) for the next two days and drank lots of Gatorade to not get dehydrated. On the third and fourth day I ate some yogurt and ice cream and it went down fine. On day five moved on to soups. By day six I was experimenting again with solid foods. You have to get the irritation to go away before continuing with solids. I am so glad I did not waste the money to fly back. It has now been two months and I am doing fine! The only concern that is important is if you cant tolerate water or Gatorade then you have to get it unfilled...but if it is only like that after you get something stuck wait until it gets unstuck and do not try anymore solids for a few days. Of course when Dr. Acosta emails or calls you back follow what he says, but they might both remember when I was asking them to open on a Sunday in December because I didn't think I could handle even one more day like that!! And with his idea that it was inflammed led me to the above regimen and within a week I was better than ever!
  9. The object is not to stretch your pouch while it heals. I personally thought that steak was hard to swallow let alone digest! To this day I have not lost as much as I did through the first 21-28 days! But I followed the Dr's orders to a 't' and then some! If you did it once I am sure it wont hurt you...if you haven't done it yet...don't...and keep up the good work...trust me it pays off!
  10. Wow Michelle...I was actually on the phone with my boyfriend telling him how great I thought you looked and how jealous I was that you don't have that loose skin that everyone talks about! I guess what is under the clothes is different for all of us! Thanks for sharing AGAIN!
  11. UGH!!! I am so disappointed! I really wanted to go. I've been talking about it for months. Is there anyway to change the date to sooner in April or the first weekend in May? I know you will all feel very sorry for me...I am going on a cruise April 19-26th...there is no way I would be able to make it now! ( And Vegas was my choice too 'cuz the people who had their surgery the same day as me are from there and we have all become like family. Please keep me informed if the date changes!
  12. I feel for you...change is always a pain...but plz be thankful you still have a job! I was laid off in July after 7 years with the same company and still have not found a job yet! It is hard....very very hard! Everyday I am scared that it is another day closer to the end of my unemployment benefits.
  13. Hey guys have we decided on anything yet? If we were still looking at Feb it is getting really close!
  14. Congrats!!! Can't wait to see some before and after pics! We are all here for each other so ask away!
  15. We are going to go to SeaWorld after our fills on Aug 8th. I think you will be fine. Rev Ave has a lot of great deals- MAKE SURE YOU NEGOTIATE! They will tell you $60 in one store and then the same thing 3 stores down will sell it for $20...TRUST ME! Also if you are flying...they make beautiful sculptures and figures but make sure you don't buy the ones that can break easy. I had to buy an extra bag to fly home with because I did not have enough space and most of my figurines did not make it in one piece ;-( The more you walk the better you will feel. It might feel like the Port is pulling a little on your stomach muscles but I was assured that it was normal. The gas pains really subside when you walk and are a lot more bearable.
  16. Yes I bought the dress. I went to OCC by myself and inherited a family thanks to Erin and her friends and "family" as all 5 of them got banded and welcomed me into their "circle". I will be visiting with them for a few days in Vegas after our trip to TJ for my fill in two weeks. I got tickets to two shows so I will probably wear it one night! I am super excited! I will be sure to take pics while there so I can share!
  17. I went through the same situation...and even when I got there a couple of the people having surgery said you don't seem heavy enough to go through with this. 236 was my heaviest (that I know of) ;-) and at decision time I weighed in at 219. I am by no means as tall as you as I am only 5'4"but my BMI was only 39 so I was concerned they would turn me down. I continued to do research and realized that many people had the surgery and they were only about 50 pounds over weight and they did not have any abnormal problems. And that is the great thing about the OCC - if you fill out your paper work open and honestly you should not be turned down when you get there unless for some reason you cannot pass the respitory test or EKG. I went through a year and a half of trying to get the surgery covered here in the States...countless appts and letters...even when I decided to become self pay it was still a challenge. I had my surgery 6 weeks ago and I am weighing in at 193...that is 26 pounds! IT WAS UNQUESTIONABLY THE BEST DECISION I EVER MADE! The surgery takes place at a medical clinic. It is not a hospital but it is very well equipped. The hotel is very nice with a beautiful pool and the best hawaiian pizza you will ever have (they bake it with cherries on top!). We had it as our "last meal". Everyday they put a complimentary bottle of water in your room. I was out of bed within 2 hours after surgery. The next morning we all went back to the hotel and took a nap and then went shopping. We walked for probably 2 or 3 hours just fine. I went back to work 4 days after the surgery and other than some discomfort from sitting the whole day and your occasional gas pains I was great. Everyone is different but I do not have ANY issues with bread. I mean I can only eat about half a breadstick with my meal before I get full but I tolerate it just fine. I went home scared as heck that I wasn't going to be able to stand 3 weeks with no solids, but I pushed myself as hard as I could that at the end of the liquid phase I wasn't really hungry for solids...I had to remind myself to eat something 3 times a day. And I know many people that still consume the occasional glass of wine or liquor..you just shouldn't do anything with bubbles for the first couple of months...the biggest culprit of these beverages is the high calorie content - not the fact that it is going to harm you (in any fashion different to before the band). I am as big of a skeptic as they come. I had to do extensive research to convince myself that this was the next step for me in life. I even travelled there by myself and inherited a new family while I was there! We are all connected through a similar bond...we all look at the band as our extra lease on life!
  18. I have to say it has been the BEST DECISION EVER! My only advice is to listen to the DRs! Especially the first 21 days post op. You should try to push yourself to the limits whenever possible when it comes to the Drs. recommendations. The first 4-7 days is liquids and clear broths only... try your best to maintain it for 7 days... Honestly it will be your best bet! I pushed myself like Dr Ortiz said and when it came time to eat solids, I really wasn't in the mood. I acutally ask Dr Miranda if there was a problem with me continuing on liquids (and her reply of course was after the 21 days - do not drink your meals). The first 21 days is psychological warfare...you won't be physically hungry, but you must talk yourself through the emotional hunger! I am 6 weeks post op and still do not feel like I have lost too much restriction...I feel great to know that I am getting my fill as Dr Ortiz said "not because I have to...but because I deserve to." I deserve to move forward onto the next part of my weightloss journey!
  19. Ok...so I take really bad pictures and my hair looks terrible...but regardless of that...hahaha I had sometime before an afternoon movie today so I ventured around the theatre and decided to go into XPOSE which I would have never dared to enter over the last few years (as they only carry S, M, L and non-existant).... I really knew nothing was going to fit so it was kind of pointless to go in there... I found a dress that I thought was nice and just for "laughs" I decided to try it on to see how much more I needed to lose to fit into it and.... voila! I haven't noticed as much on the scale as I would like...and I am still wearing the same clothes as I was 6 weeks ago, so I had no idea. I came back home and grabbed 4 pairs of old pants out of storage...all of them fit...and all of them are 14's!
  20. I think February is the best because of Presidents's week - it is a lot easier to get time off of work for most. But whenever we schedule it I will almost guarantee I will be there! I did a lot of event planning, seminars, and conferences with my job if you need anymore volunteers please let me know!
  21. 1# ALL NEW CLOTHES AND SEXY LINGERIE (Things I never would have dreamed off wearing!) 2# BIKINI BIKINI BIKINI 3# PRAY TO THE GOOD LORD THAT I DO NOT NEED A TUMMY TUCK (or that I win the lottery in order to pay for it!) 4# ENJOY SEX AGAIN WITHOUT WORRYING IF HE THINKS I LOOK FAT (i am not sure who the "he" is yet...but i am sure he has gotta be out there somewhere!) 5# TAKE SUPER SEXY PICS AND SEND THEM TO ANYONE AND EVERYONE WHO MADE A COMMENT OVER THE YEARS...ESPECIALLY ANY EX'S... I told you that one day you would have regrets for breaking my heart! Now that is pathetic! Sweetie...pick your jaw up off the ground and stop slobbering all over the pictures for goodness sakes! lol
  22. Trina, I agree with the ISOPURE and BOOST high Protein. The boost is what I was recommending to everyone in the beginning...like I was an independent contractor and was gonna make money off of it or something! ;-) It is 15grams of Protein. The Packet that Dr. Miranda and Dr. Ortiz gave me said to try and drink 30 grams of protien a day during the liquid phase, so two shakes and you are set! The Chocolate kind is the best...butter pecan was second best.
  23. I second that! Thank you both very much. Barb you look GREAT!!!
  24. Thanks Everyone...I will take it a little more easy and stick with the treadmill for the next few days...hopefully it subsides a bit! I hate the constant worrying! But I love my band! ;-)
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