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Everything posted by julieburns

  1. Ok Stormy I can't wait to hear about your financing woes when they are no longer woes!!
  2. I am curious about this too. I am shooting for 1200 calories a day but don't know what the breakdown should be. Thanks for asking this.
  3. You are stronger than I Jacque!! 2 days ago at work we had a taco pizza. I knew the bread would not be good so I just took the cheese and meat off. Ate all of 2 bites and yes you know the rest. I Pb'd so bad I had to go home from work early!! I know I am only 1 week out from my fill and shouldn't have even tried it. Again I think I ate too much too fast. Perhaps if I chewed better and only had 1 bite. I love this type of behavior modification... I fell like one of Pavlov's dogs!!! It's working though!!
  4. If you get banded at the OCC they do NOT tube you. This is dependent on where you get your surgery. I had mine at the OCC and had no problems swallowing. Within 1/2 hour after surgery I was drinking juice and sucking on an ice pop. No problems. I also was up and walking and left the clinic about 4 hours after my surgery. I even changed my plane to go back the next day instead of staying another day. I am usually a wimp but it was an EASY procedure for me.
  5. I think if you just spend time reading this forum you will get most of your questions answered. If not just ask. Most of the things you have asked are here already so take some time and start reading. Most of us were banded in Mexico by Dr. Ariel Ortiz at the Obesity Control Center, the sponsor of this forum. There are numerous raves about this man and the clinic he operates so again I suggest to just read, read, read! I am from Portland, OR and there are alot of us OrEgonians here on the forum. I am not so sure about how many in eastern oregon though. I am happy to chat with you anytime if you want to PM me. I was banded 6/4/06 and had my 1st fill 1 week ago so I am still fairly new at this. I have absolutely no regrets and look forward to coming to this forum EVERYDAY as my support system. It's great here! Congratulations on taking the first steps to a new you!! Yes you too can do this.
  6. I am very much a wimp and also feel like I recover/heal slowly. I left the clinic that afternoon and came home 1 day early. My surgery was on Wednesday and I went back to work on Tuesday. I do have an unpredictable physical job though as a nurse so I took the extra day (monday) off just because I was afraid I couldn't perform if and emergency happened. I was a little sore but much less than my daily pain from fibromyalgia!! I would have an occasional gs pain that would pass failrly quickly, 10-15 minutes unless I drank my liquids too fast or too much at a time. Yes everyone is different but hopefully you are getting a taste of what to expect Stormy. What about the financing? Is it pinned down? Do you have all you need? :lb11: Although you don't need luck as these people are very professionals and the best at what they do!!
  7. Erin, what a cute new Avatar pic!!
  8. Yummy!! My husband loves to BBQ but no desserts yet. I'll have to tell him about you and your delicious extravaganza!!
  9. How cool to get it done a day before you thought. No time to really worry this way!! Can't wait to hear how you're doing soon!!
  10. You quoted the verse I use EVERY day to get through the day with challenges!! You are living proof to this scripture for sure!! :lb21: :lb10: :lb24:
  11. Thanks for the great article. I'd love to know where I can get the complete list. I will add the ones listed though to my food list when I can eat again!!
  12. Welcome home Paula!! I really missed you and your lovely insights and additions to this forum. Yes use us to regain your strength. There have been some very fun threads lately that are off topic, check out the list of pets one 1st. You are a wonderful sister and daughter. To go to your brother's aid is a very loving thing to do. I feel for him with the terrible pain he must go through and then this wife......how dare she be so low as to take stuff out when he was gone. My ex-husband did that to me 11 years ago and I still remember that feeling when I came home and things were gone, especially "MY" boat from the garage!! I do know what he is going through except for the daughters. I will say a special prayer for him and for your health and well being to be renewed as you are home now. Enjoy your little haven of home and bring yourself back to what you know you want to do. Be healthy and don't be too hard on yourself. Relax and remember to BREATHE!! Hugs and love to you Paula, welcome back!!
  13. I love dachsund's!! How sweet of you to build the little doggie ramp on the boat. I love that idea!!!
  14. Since I am relatively new to this band, after my first fill a week ago I am just having a hard time. I am sort of "mourning" the loss of all the food I used to be able to eat....anything and everything nothing really specific. I eat a bite or 2 of something and then feel that terrible pain in my chest that stops me cold. But I am so wanting to eat more in my head. I know I need to retrain the way I think about eating and I really don't want to be fat forever. I really don't want to eat the amounts I used to either really. I guess it's more of the emotional eater in me being put to death. Which is a good thing in reality. I just miss enjoying my cooking with my husband. He also misses my cooking as I just don't do it much anymore. Not just because of the band but I also work swing shift and am not home at his dinner time. We both are making sacrifices for my weight loss.
  15. :lb10: :lb21: :lb24: :lb13: What an inspiration for all of us.
  16. Great question. And thanks Michelle for the suggestions. I also didn't know about stevia so I'll have to check that one out.
  17. I am eating only 1/4 to 1/3 cup at this point if that all day!! I focus on proteins, mostly liquids so far though. I've been a little like you Sufina with my 1st fill. My cure though has been to rest my stomach so yesterday I pretty much had just liquids. I know, I know this isn't the best but it got me through the day. When I do eat it is almost like you explain, I just go too fast. I was much better yesterday though and only slimed once, no real Pbing!! I dread the AM's. I am so tight and before I get out of bed I have to take 2 pills to help my pain. I barely take a few sips of water with them and then I feel full for about 2-3 hours. I can't crush these and just pray for the day I don't have to take them!!! We'll both get this thing I know we can. :lb4: and I will too!!
  18. I can't stand Libra!!
  19. Thanks Karyn, I've been wanting to get the Isopure but wanted someone's opinion on the fruit punch flavor.
  20. I'll take it!! I'll PM you!!
  21. You're never too old to get healthy. Stay away from the fruit pops until you can have solids. Keep going on the gatorade and especially the juices too. You don't have to cut them with water if you're not a diabetic and it sounds like you need the calories at this point. Hope you feel better soon, you will!!
  22. Not me but if you're going to Mexico and have to pay on your own I highly recommend Dr. Ortiz. He's the top in the field!! Check him out before you decide.
  23. I LOVE weiner dogs. I had one once as a puppy and he wouldn't house train. I lived in a condo at the time and worked long shifts. My stay at home friend had 3 of them and 5 acres for them to run so "Harley" went to live in a pack of other weiners!! He's so happy but I do miss him.
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