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Everything posted by julieburns

  1. Can't believe I let this one slip by. Cathy.... :lb10: and :lb13: You are truly an inspiration to all of us. Thanks for all your support and activity on this forum.
  2. Love it, maybe now she'll not lag behind!!! :lb10:
  3. LOL over and over again. Cathy you look GREAT, sexy policewoman you!!
  4. Do the weight loss plan that works for you. Don't worry about the numbers. Just stick true to a plan, no fudging. I know of several that havn't lost all the weight and they still get surgery. The point is to stick to this plan to reduce that fat around your liver which doesn't always show up in pounds either, it's sticking to a program for a few weeks that does this. Do your best and no worries!!
  5. There is no rule to not eat salad. It is just known from peoples experiences that it can be one food that is difficult for some people. We all are different so eat what you can and don't eat what doesn't work easily. Simple!
  6. No I got nothing like this. I would call or email the OCC (if that's where you are having surgery) and ask them .
  7. :lb21: :lb24: :lb10: What an awesome accomplishment Flan. You are truly an inspiration to me.
  8. Congratulations on starting your journey. Your road will be rough with your limitations but you can do this. I too have chronic pain, doesn't sound as bad as yours however but it's there. I think these limitation or hurdles we all have are added to our lives for a reason, I know not why but it is for the better of us. you CAN do this and you will if you set your heart to it. Your plan on how everything will go may not be how it actually turns out but as long as you lose some weight consistently that's a winner!! Many of us on this forum were banded at the OCC in Mexico and did not have the rigorous pre-op testing you are having. Just some blood work and an EKG, meeting with dietician the day of surgery and that's it. (If I forgot something sorry) but it was all done the day before or the day of surgery. The states really have you jump through the hoops in various quantities. So you are on your way. Our pre-op for most was 2 protein shakes a day and a lean cuisine type frozen dinner. You could have lettuce and ministrone soup if you were hungry. Congrats on the 9 pounds down already, You can do this!!
  9. Before my 2nd fill, can't remember if it started before my first fill, I would get woken up almost every night around 4 AM with stomach pain. It would wake me up and then it hurt so bad for up to 4-6 hours. In the past I have had problems with acid so I took antacids, sometimes it helped sometimes it didn't. I would also start having bad gas within a few hours of this pain usually so I thought it was Gas pain. Took anti gas stuff and it didn't seem to help either. I have no idea to this day what it was. It magically disappeared after my 2nd fill. Havn't had it since, not even once. Now whether this is the same sort of thing I don't know. I think as lisa said we all react differently to this change. Our bodies are in shock from it I do believe for a period of time. Nutrition is crucial and correctly getting what you need is key. Perhaps it is the coffee, that is nasty stuff for a tummy. Perhaps it's not as I don't drink the stuff anymore. Had to give it up years ago for stomach reasons. I do know that after I was first banded I tried taking half a caffeine pill because I was dragging and it made me sick as a dog...could it be caffeine? All I know is perhaps to call the OCC but I am not sure that would really be any more help than this forum at this point. A slipped band as you should know this would cause constant vomiting and you would be unable to keep anything down, terribly sick and would want to go to the ER. This does not sound like that at all. I hope this passes as mine did in time. In the meantime hang in there and don't stress over it, stress also causes the band to react terribly, believe me I know that one especially right now. I can hardly eat anything without PBing since the disaster in my life.
  10. So glad to hear you may have a solution rather than surgery. How brave of you to get the shot. I think the few seconds that it takes to give the shot is nothing when you think of being able to walk without pain, or at least a reduced amount. I hope this works for you. Mona as a labor nurse I cringe when people don't get an epidural because they are afraid of the needle. In the long run it is far less painful than hours of labor pains!! I've NEVER had a patient say they wish they hadn't gotten it after all is said and done. If it is recommended get your mind in the right place and give it a chance. The shot only is a matter of maybe 10 seconds compared to your life so buck up, it may be worth it!!
  11. How ya doing today Shelby? Your list was great. Remember you can also have frozen treats like fudgesicles or even an ice cream bar or shake. I love weight watchers Mocha frozen bars, creamy and delicious for only 100 calories. Yes if you have an ice cream shake it may help you get through this phase. Some may disagree but this time is not about counting calories. I am not saying to have one everyday either but again it may help as a treat. I also love the Haagen Daz raspberry vanilla sorbet frozen bars, also 100 calories. Skinny cow makes good fudgesicles.
  12. First of all :lb10: on this wonderful new life you have begun. Secondly I believe jello is a clear liquid. As a nurse that is what we are taught. I know the OCC has fluctuated on their viewpoint if all should have it. I think some folks may have had trouble with it for some reason and perhaps now they say now jello. Check your paperwork as other said. Glad you got a nice "meal" though. As Mona said you can have as much liquid as you desire so when your get the growls just drink up. Special K protein water helped me alot.
  13. Pain in the butt or pain in the gut??? couldn't resist that one. I too have off and on trouble with capsules. Glad your fill is what you needed Amy. Isn't restriction great?
  14. Got mine yesterday. Can't wait to do it today. I also would be happy to mail any canadians one. I got mine from Amazon.com. Just let me know. I think this is something I am going to stick with for my exercise program. I love Jillian and she really motivates me. I looked at the little booklet last night and it has so many fun sounding games/challenges. Like 10-12 different ones. You can really personalize this one too. Even pick your own sneaker colors!!
  15. Your are a life saver, that kitty needed you for a new start. Sorry you had a momentary lapse of judgement though and got hurt, sound bad. To answer your question yes you can crush your augmentin. No problem in dong that. It is not time released. Do you plan on fostering this little baby? Or just adding it to your family. One more really isn't anything with all you have already. It's like the TV show about the family with 17 kids and counting...she's pregnant again. That's you Mona except you skip the pregnancy part which is a good thing. What a great person you are!! You could soak your hand in warm water to help it feel better. I am surprised you had no stitches or did you? Lova ya kiddo and I love your compassion. Thanks for being here for us and especially that little kitty. What's he look like? Boy or girl? Any name yet?
  16. For me salad sometimes works and others doesn't. I eat only very small amounts usually if I do eat it. I will echo what bobdole said...If it hurts don't eat it.
  17. Jann: My heart goes out to you for your loss. Death is never easy and it leaves us remaining here on earth so sorrowful. I pray you will have the resources necessary and time to grieve in your own way. We are here for you as well. Love ya Julie
  18. Great. Can't wait to see how evereything went!!!!
  19. Thank you so much for clarification, I would never want to steer anyone wrong or give info that could potentially be dangerous. Readers take note of the recommendations for the protein bullets and mixing them in water.
  20. :lb10: I am so happy you have restriction, yes it can be a B#@%H though. What great control you had during your lunch, great job Amy.
  21. :lb10: You look fabulous. Keep up the good work and you'll be at goal before you know it. You look super as you are now !!!
  22. Wowza, you have great legs even before you lost any weight. Now you can really tell your hard work is paying off. Thanks for the pics.
  23. Hey Stormy Can you post the name to the restaurant and directions or at least the address with zip so we can mapquest it. thanks
  24. :cheerleader: :cheerleader: :cheerleader: Cheers to you Mona!! I am so happy for you. This has been a long time coming for you and you so deserve to have the band work how it should for you. Happy day!!!
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