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Everything posted by julieburns

  1. Jude so glad you wrote your first "chapter" in your new book of life. I was wondering where you had been and how you were doing. What a great thing to have been done a day early. Caught you by surprise and so you had no more time to worry. I feel I didn't get my monies worth though as I never got a back rub...LOL!! It must be all that charm and warmth you exude. Happy new beginnings!!
  2. I just responded to the post titled "Scared" started by Iamworthit. Read it Stormy for sure. I talked about realistic weight loss and how this band works for a group of people, I don't know how many. Yes the body does go into starvation mode. The more you have dieted the worse it is. It is my opinion and this is true for me that I have not lost "good" weight until after my 2nd fill. You don't have any restriction at this point so you can eat anything you want and you must use your willpower and sensible eating to grind off the ounces. Yes I said ounces it seems. Consider any weight loss good and don't set yourself up to be disappointed when your numbers are smaller than your hubbies. That's so unrealistic because we all know the men will lose weight so much faster. All you can do is put the scale away, stick to a sensible eating plan following the recommendation of 1200 calories a day and read all the tips you can or remember the ones you already have read and try them. Protein is so important as well as regular meals. What you eat is also the key to weight loss. :lb4: The sad truth that is a well kept secret is that you do not lose weight quickly from the beginning with the band for a certain group of people. It takes the time to get at least 2 fills before it starts working for you. Any weight loss prior to this is a bonus.
  3. I think one thing that is the most overlooked and under spoken about is realistic weight loss after surgery BEFORE you get enough fill in you to have consistency with restriction. I too was guilty of this. We all want the band to help us lose weight and get so pumped up once we have the surgery. We lose our pre-op weight and then quickly lose some weight during post-op week 1. Some of us if we are lucky continue to lose in weeks 2 and maybe 3. Even Dr. O says people lose the most weight in the first months. I'd like to have him do a fact based study on this, I am certainly not questioning his expertise but does the OCC really follow up on how much weight people lose and when they actually lose it, during what months? At neither one of my fills did they weigh me or even record my said weight anywhere, so how does he have the data? Once the real food starts we plateau, stop losing and even gain some weight back. Suddenly things have changed and we aren't losing weight, unless we are very strict to the plan and even then we may not lose. We make it through this Bandster's Hell as it is called and then get all pumped up for our first fill, or perhaps at least have a glimmer of hope this may do it for us. 1st fill done now we may have some so called restriction for a fleeting few days or maybe a few weeks or maybe the 2nd one is it. If not we have to start in again with the willpower and stopping before we are full and the disappointment that comes with not losing the weight we thought we already should have lost. By now you get the picture I hope. Yes many folks do lose their weight on a nice regular basis, 8-10 pounds a month and this too can happen at any time to any of us, I am in no way saying many have not lost nice weight during this most difficult period before we reach the ultimate of "restriction". The moral of this story is that there needs to be a heightened awareness of the real truth about weight loss and the band. It's my opinion that many people lose the weight from the get go, and this is great for them. But I know there is also group of people that really don't lose the bulk of the weight before the 2nd or even 3rd fill and good restricton. I have read about it on this forum alot. So to you iamworthit I am not trying to scare you certainly, you may get good restriction with the first fill. I just want to help you understand realistically that it might not happen either. This is a process that has it's own time schedule and sometimes as strictly as we adhere to the "rules" we may not lose the weight as we think we should. I wish you the best and hope for a nice fill experience for you. Yes you will be in my prayers.
  4. :lb10: I'm glad you're doing well and have just a little discomfort. I am so happy for you Dana. Have a safe flight home!!
  5. I am so glad you are keeping liquid down. I was really worried about you. Since my unfill I have to be super careful. I do just liquids in the morning until after noon and then sometimes I can eat something solid for lunch , other times I just do a protein shake. I then usually am able to eat a little bit of whatever we are having for dinner if it's band friendly and do. I still Pb once or twice a week though. It's my fault I think because I get in a hurry and don't chew well enough..my bad. I have to stop that because I know it's not good the more you do it. Anyway gald you are doing ok. Keep us posted.
  6. Heidi, Lisa said it very well. Right now you separated to have some space and time for reflection and to give yourself that space, physically AND emotionally. Easier said than done I know. Try to look at this as your time to grow, no not bigger physically but mentally. Try to totally distance yourself from this "situation" because after all you are separated. You each need time and space to figure this out. Maybe this is something that in the long run if it is "a thing" will show him how much he truly does need and love you and want this to work. If anything it's a diversional rebound thing that allows him to not do the work he needs to do right now emotionally. He is directing his attention on this "friend" just as you would turn to food...it's just a way to avoid what truly needs to happen here. Now this is just an opinion of someone who really doesn't know but wants to help you focus on you, not him!! Don't get caught up in anything he is doing, yes it's hard and you feel left out but this was a choice you made to be on your own for awhile or forever, who knows. Do the work necessary to figure that out and that means focusing on you, your health, your commitment to the band and of course your kids. But you must come first in doing what it takes to walk through this season in your life. As all seasons this will change over time, even from day to day and hour to hour sometimes. But it is just that.... a season that will have a distinct end and you will come into another season. Could be winter or it could be spring!!. A little saying that my mom gave me is this.."Surely as cometh the winter I know there are spring violets under the snow" Many hugs to you kiddo, you can get through this.
  7. So what did you have? Congrats on making it through the 21 days, I know how hard you worked at not cheating. It is not an easy 21 days at all and to made it through is chapter 3 of this wonderful new you!!
  8. It is standard in the industry to charge for a consultation fee no matter what/when one is considering the surgery. That is why you go to one is to get a medical professional's opinion who does this every day and help guide your decisions. I can see how your ballon was burst though. Getting one's hopes up for something and then being told "NO" or not at this time is something we then have to incorporate. I would give yourself time to consider the whole picture and what is best for you and your health. :lb11:
  9. :lb4: I've heard staggering calories also works. It's like one day you eat 1000, next 1400, next 1200 next 1100, next 1400 etc. It's also been talked about more thoroughly on here as well. It's touch when you're not losing as you'd like. I've sure been there. You will do this as long as you hang in there.
  10. I bet you are feeling let down by the numbers but any loss is a plus before your second and third fills it seems. I felt no restriction after my first fill as you described but also had certain foods I could not eat..weird??? Anyway after my second fill/unfill experience I now have the "full" feeling almost all the time. There is no way I can eat anymore than 1/4 to 1/2 cup total at one time of anything. there are MANY foods I can't eat though. I am still learning to chew very well and never put anything in my mouth until I mentally prepare for it....slow down and chew it well or else I will have trouble and slime/PB. I think I am at a great "sweet spot" currently so based on how I feel and what you described you need another fill. :lb4: :lb11:
  11. Yeah me too..... As I have said before I am the first to admit I am technically challenged!! Someday it will be easier or I will get smarter and by then it will be such a dramatic change in pics,,,Oh I can't wait for that day!!! Glad you got yours to work Stormy!! You can certainly see the difference...WOW!!
  12. Nice pics sister girl...you are doing this!!!! Keep up the good work. We need some pics of hubby's progress, or maybe he wouldn't like that as some don't. Glad you posted though.
  13. You're so close Dana to being banded for sure. By this time tomorrow night you will be feeling no pain and happy as can be. I'll say a prayer for you.
  14. Well I found it, funny it was gone for awhile.. Maybe it was because someone changed it to the right category for me. thanks if you did.
  15. I posted the poll today for the meal time and an RSVP. Somehow it ended up in the technical help section, but it should come up under the "view recent posts" tab. Not sure how it got in that section though. Now's the time to voice your opinion. Also I thought a general head count for the restaurant would be nice. Start voting today!!
  16. :lb11: :lb10: How exciting you have a date. Glad you came to the forum also. Now all you have to do is read, read, read, post and reply and you'll know all you need to know before surgery. Welcome
  17. Yea Linda!!! The train ride is a great idea. I hate long drives. good to know you are down with any time. Can't wait to meet you!!
  18. She was banded yesterday, 1 day early. They were slow when she got in. She was just in the shoutbox and said all is well and she has no pain or discomfort or gas!! She sounded great.
  19. Sorry you are in the dark hole of no weight loss when you are following the plan as you should. I know you'll figure this out. It's so tough though when you want to get to your goal. You have come such a long way and look so great, time may be the only factor that will help. I think the others gave some great suggestions so pick and choose and again you will do this!! Hugs to ya Kim :lb4:
  20. :lb5: Welcome Sandra!! I was banded 6/4/08 in Mexico. Most of the folks, but certainly not all on this forum were banded by Dr. Ortiz in mexico. I love to have others who have not gone to him because they give us a different perspective on some things. Just jump in post and reply, that's all you have to do!!
  21. :lb10: I am so glad this went easy for you, you deserve it. BTW what's the latest on the knee. Still just waiting to see it it gets better? Have you thought about a second opinion?
  22. Jessica I am so sorry your going through this most difficult. What a godly heart for you to forgive and then even be taking care of your parents. I have no helpful advice really the others havn't already said but I want you to know I care. I will say a special prayer for you and your family. Your are #1 in this situation. You have started a journey to become the best you, you can. I pray this situation is only temporary and that you will find the appropriate assistance you need to get your parents into a care facility or group home. Yes it will be some work but this is why we have them. You can't put your life on hold indefinitely to take care of them, they may outlive you at this rate!! (trying to make you smile sweetie ) Stay strong and true to yourself. Yes I too am am an emotional eater and this is a 10+ on the 1-10 scale if you allow it to be. You can do this. "Draw near to him and he will draw near to you" Hugs to you honey
  23. Well here it is, I actually figured out how to do this on my own...give the girl an A for techno geek 101 I hope I have included the questions and times that people want. If not just PM me with any questions or concens. I plan to have some sort of door prizes or even a raffle. Would people want to put in like a buck or two and get tickets and then the winner gets the money and I'll also have some other nice prizes to choose from? anything else we should do? I want to have a time when we each get the option of "telling" our story to the group also, if this sounds good. Probably as some sort of introduction thing. Now I know this one is some peoples favorite and other's hate it so I am just throwing it out there, what about some sort of game? If so what? I am no good when it comes to this so if someone wants to do one I say plan it, and then you can be the leader for the activity. Sometimes these can be fun. Also they can not if people don't want to. Anything else I am forgetting? I'll try and come up with some more fun surprises for when you all get here. :drinks: PS: So that this keeps up in recent posts please bump it up after you've voted. Thanks for your input also..
  24. Cara, you will be greatly missed. I was looking forward to meeting you. I do understand about how you want your fill though!!Nothing better than a great airline deal as well.
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