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Everything posted by Sandy

  1. Holy smokes girlfriend you are hot! Congratulations!
  2. It's normal to get that way. I was so busy right up til my surgery it kept me from totally freaking out. You will do fine. The care you receive from the time they pick you up until you are back at the airport is remarkable. the clinic is so clean. I have worked in a hospital for 19 years and I was completely impressed. I didn't have to do the pre-op diet either but I started being thankful I could eat any meal knowing what was in store for me so I didn't have the emotional urge to overeat because of stress and anxiety. It's best to start now with little steps so it isn't such a shock when you come home. The life insurance thing should have been done before anyway. You will come home a new you! Congratulations! Make sure you come back to the forum and post how great everything was because I am positive that's the way you will feel. :lb10:
  3. T- train yourself in the new way of eating with your band. Retrain when needed.
  4. P-pick your friends wisely. Surround yourself with people that will support you in your lap band adventure.
  5. Going under feels like being really drunk for about 3 seconds then you are out. It's not bad at all. The pain of a c-section I would rate about a 7 out of 10 (10 when they make you sit up!) and lap band 3 sometimes but mostly not even that. It's the gas you need to be prepared for. Gas X strips and walk, walk, walk. If you manage that it will be a breeze. Any other questions... just ask! I will get back to you as soon as I can. the more you know about it the less nervous you will be so keep reading
  6. I am 10 days post op and I am wondering how long before I don't have to look at this glue? I know it's doing a job and I will not take it off but I can look forward to when it will be gone, right? :umnik2:
  7. Hi Kittycat and Erin, I love Achmed too! I have three different ringtones on my phone of him. Even my 4 yr old can imitate him. Hilarious!
  8. :lb14: Hi, congratulations on taking this step. You will not regret it! About the anesthesia, you will be fine. I have been "put to sleep" around 10 times and never had any problems whatsoever. The lap procedure is so fast they don't even have to put you very far under. You are up and walking very soon. This is very important for managing gas pains. I have 4 kids (all 4 sections) so I have plenty of experience trying to recover with a little one around. To "carry" them downstairs I would sit down and have them climb on my lap and butt scoot all the way down. I would also bend down frequently and have them sit on my knee so I could hug them and be close. When you are sitting ask them to climb up on your lap. You have to get creative. Please don't risk a hernia though. The time will pass very quickly. This forum is an awesome place to learn and get support. come back often. :lb11:
  9. "Elainad" and I are going for our first fills on September 17th. :lb21: :i-m_so_happy: :beach:
  10. Vix, I too had to change my surgery date once it was made. My husband wouldn't let me go alone so I had to postpone it 3 weeks until my sister could go with me. I had to pay for her ticket too and I know I would have done fine by myself. The time really did fly by though and I am already 9 days post op. I used the extra time to incorporate some of the different ways of eating once the band was in place. For instance, I gave up soda. I could drink 24 oz easily with my meals but I stopped completely because you aren't supposed to drink with your meals with the band. I was able to leave the dinner table earlier than usual thinking that soon I would be on only liquids and to have as much as I did was OK. This will also give you time to have mini talks with your hubby about little things that may concern him. Share some of the stuff you read on here. Congratulations on your break thru with hubby. We wish you all the best and we know you will do great! :lb10: :give_rose:
  11. I was done three days before you and also had an awesome experience. I too can only hope and pray the rest of my journey goes as smooth and trouble free.
  12. lisa, lol. I have cows in the pasture and they look good, I want to bite them! I won't take the chance of messing up the band but I might cry about not being able to eat it. You guys are all I have for support in this so THANK YOU!
  13. is pudding allowed? I wanted some today but I didn't see it on any of the handouts Dr. Miranda gave me. The only problem with wine is the calories, right? I don't even hit 600 so I am having a glass tonight.
  14. OK, so I'm starving right now! I want some hamburger.... just hamburger.... cooked with nothing on it. ( I added liquid yogurt yesterday and it tore me up. I have worse gas now than at any point since the surgery. ( I did a protein shake this morning and one for the evening so I know I'm getting enough protein. calories are way low but I don't know what else to have. kids ate all the popsickles but I never really liked them that much anyway. suggestions?
  15. Stacey, I was confused by the calendar too so I emailed Dr. Miranda to clarify it for me. Here is her response: "YEs you may add the drinkable yogurt and the shakes tomorrow, hydration is crucial Dr. MIRanda". She sent me this on friday so I added yogurt on saturday. It gave me wicked gas. I am so looking forward to the creamy soup. I have never been a soup person but boy it sounds so good to me now!
  16. Hi Stacey! Sorry to hear about your diarrhea. I hear it's very common. I have no experience to share on that front. However, I would be willing to bet big bucks that a mouthful of yogurt didn't hurt you. I too had to take meds tonight for a headache. I crushed a tylenol and mixed it in a shot glass half full of crystal light. Mixed as well as I could and slammed it down while holding my nose plugged. I had a popsickle ready to cover the taste before unplugging my nose. As far as your other question I would call OCC and ask. I don't have much discomfort at all. In fact last night I slept on my stomach. Don't get me wrong, I know somethings been done in that area. Maybe because I have had 9 previous abdominal surgeries. I consider myself a whimp when it comes to pain so I would call them if I were you. Let us know how you make out. :lb4: It will get better
  17. =D> :lb24: :lb21: :lb3: :lb10: :lb13: What a wonderful testimony it's never too late
  18. I have no interest in exercising at this point. I do however have a large family with tons of laundry and house keeping. Also on the plane ride home my suitcase was heavy. I'm just nervous about a hernia.
  19. I am officially a bandster!! I am so happy. I feel so empowered now that it is inside me and nobody can take it from me. I'm not sure why I think that way. I had surgery monday morning and it was amazing. The whole experience was above what I had even grown to expect by reading all the posts on this forum. I don't remember any discussion about weight lifting limits. Anyone know? :whistle3:
  20. Hi Elaina and Stacey, yes it's normal to get the runs. They told me to dilute any juice I drank because it might do that. I tend more in the other direction so I didn't dilute mine. I hope the plain ride is ok for you guys. It was very long for me and I think it increased my swelling and bruising. Also I couldn't walk off the gas. :lb11:
  21. I work with a 60 year old woman who had the band here in the states. She went in on a friday and was back to work monday morning. If she can handle going back to work on day three I figure I can handle any of it with no problem. Leaving for bandland sunday!!
  22. walking is an excellent way to start. Start small and increase by 5 minutes every week. Soon you will be going farther than you imagined. :lb11:
  23. Oh how exciting! congratulations! =D> :lb24: :lb21: :lb21: :lb21:
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