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Everything posted by ackovach

  1. Here is an update on my nsv: So far I have achieved: my husband wants me all the time..... I am still not in synch with him yet, but it sure is nice to feel pretty again reduction in blood pressure med my pants & skirts are getting longer waist is now 34.5 from 38/39ish happier more outgoing and doing things I want to do from size 8 to size 7 undies calf size from 20 to 16 inches, I can now wear Naturalizer wide sh ft boots!!! (been a very long time) Not shopping in women plus department, but pickings are still slim in regular departments starting to feel sexy can cross my legs can do the stretches and wrap my arms around my legs in yoga starting to try out high heels again went from size 8 shoe to size 7.5 Don't look bloated anymore Gradually coming out of my shell.. I was very introverted because of my weight and how unhealthy I felt. Getting more confidence People starting to notice that I have lost weight I can't wait to: use skinny cuff to take my blood pressure be off all medications wear regular shaft boots no more jiggle in my bootie get pregnant and have healthy pregnancy and healthy baby feel sexy Not feel like the extra padding in my bum makes me taller than the person next to me when sitting walk correctly in high heel shoes fit perfectly into non-plus size clothes without out trying on everything in the store to find 1 skirt or pants
  2. Hi Jessica, I am so sorry about your mom & step dad. From experience, I know how draining this can. Emotions can zap all of your energy. Years after going through a lot of stuff, I realized that I had been severely depressed during my moms illness and death. At the time, I thought I needed to feel the things I was feeling. Years later it snowballed into some real issues for me. I ended upon needing depressions medications. In hindsight, I could have saved my loved ones at lot of drama if I had dealt with the depression early on. I am off the depressions meds now and losing the weight that I gained during this time. But I wish I had taken care of myself during that time by doing yoga, depression meds, talking to someone, anything other than the anger I had. All I am trying to say, is don't forget to take care of yourself too. I know it seems impossible right now. Death & illness can take a physical toll on the loved ones & care givers. Try to find something positive to do every day. They say exercise is the best medicine for the mind & body. You are in my prayers, Amy
  3. yeah for you!!!! Isn't great to look forward to the holidays instead of the dread of dealing with food..... So happy for you!!! Amy
  4. I was very disappointed that Amy did not stay true to herself and send Vicky home. Vicky will vote her off in a heartbeat. So how do those girls lose 8 pounds in a week??? I want to pull a couple of those. Amy
  5. Yippee for you...... Isn't it great to see the scales go your favor??? I am so happy for you. You look so pretty. I can really see the weight loss in your face. Amy
  6. Yeah!!!! I am so happy for you!!! You look so pretty & happy in your pictures. I found a little trick this week. I do not know how long it will work, but for now I am happy with it. I just went to 199 last weekend. I normally fluctuate 2 or 3 pounds during the week....... but not this week........ Guess why....... 3 Metamucil capsules per day ... Plus I been taking benefiber for a while. But I always feel clogged up until this week. I was 199.2 this morning instead of going the other direction. I have been watching those the girls on the biggest loser lose 6 - 8 pounds a week. How the heck are they doing that???? Wouldn't it be wonderful to practically skip the 190's all together? I have not had any BIG weight loss weeks yet. I keep hoping for a 6 pound week. Maybe we can figure this out together..... Sorry to ramble on your post. I am just SO, SO happy for you. Take care. Amy
  7. Stormy, I am so glad that you are feeling better. You have been in my thoughts and prayers over the past few days. I struggle with anxiety and depression too. I really have to fight to stay above it. I have been off my medication for over a year now. But it was rough getting off of it. Thinking of you, Amy
  8. Hi All, I FINALLY hit my 199.8 milestone!!! I am so happy. I could not have done this without the band. I was expecting a lot quicker weight loss. So I do get down on myself about not hitting my goals on time. But I am going to keep plugging away at it. I am doing weight lifting and cardio 4 - 5 times a week. My waist was at 34.5 this morning from about 39 at my largest. And I starting to fit nicely into some of my size 14 regular clothes instead of plus size. My plus size 16 are getting very large. But I went shopping at Ann Taylor & Anne Klein last weekend and nothing really fit. So it is a mixed bag on what size I am. I am fitting into some of my clothes that I wore at 175. I have greatly reduced my blood pressure medications. I take 3 and hoping to get off 1 of them next week. I would really love to have a couple of weeks that I lose a solid 2 - 3 pounds. I am losing about 1 pound a week now. I have really good restriction too. I still have to use willpower at night & when making food choices. My current measurements are: chest 44 waist 34.5 hips 46 So I am going shopping for pair of boots and jeans!!! Happy Day!!! Amy
  9. Drink lots of Kefir. It is in the health dairy food section or organic section in my store. It tastes a little like drinkable yogurt. It has ton of natural probiotics. It will also help recovery after the surgery. I still drink it everyday.
  10. Michelle, I am so inspired by and proud of you that my eyes watered up. You are amazing. Amy
  11. My Dr. has been a little tight lipped about her opinions. But very supportive and helpful with follow-up appointments, prescription requests and helping me get off my blood pressure medications. I told I had the lapband, but did not tell her where. I go in for blood work every 4 - 6 weeks. She found that my potassium level were low. And prescribed me something for nausea. I am very happy with her. She has been my Dr. for 3 years now.
  12. yeah for you!! you are on your way to skinnyville.
  13. Hi all, This was a very long winded rant. I am a bit embarrassed about posting all that personal stuff, so I removed the post.... Thank you Stormy & TheRedhead for your kind, intuitive words. You tremendously helped me get some perspective on the situation. I know we all have our battles. With my most heartfelt thank you, Amy
  14. Everyone else has said, but I am gonna say it too!!! You are doing awesome. You are a lap band role model. I think you will be very happy with your next fill. I only had restrict for a few weeks after my first fill. Now after my 2nd, I have amazing restriction. You will get there. Keep us posted. Hooray for you. Amy
  15. I am so happy that you feeling better and can now eat. Nov 11 will be here before you know it. Be good to yourself in the meantime. Amy
  16. Totally amazing.... How did you make the band work for you? So excited for you!!!
  17. Wow that is SO,SO wonderful!!! Congrats. Amy
  18. You look beautiful and are a huge inspiration!!
  19. Yeah for you. After my first fill I dropped weight immediately. Good luck to you!!
  20. Yep. I have a few band fart stories too. I rarely farted before the band. Now I am paranoid about it. I used to warn my husband when I got pregnant it would be sweet revenge to fart all the time and say I couldn't help it. Well, I was not a farting, pregnant woman... darn. But now..... watch out..... My 3 year has already caught on that it is mommy and where the sound comes from. And I just say, "well mommy can't help it" As I smile sweetly to my husband.... heheheheheheheheheheheheheheheh But while getting a massage about 3 weeks after surgery, I sounded like a train. It was too embarrassing. Happy farting, Amy
  21. Wow Mona, It is amazing that such a little guy can do so much damage & be so cute!!! 23 puncture holes sounds like a lot. Amy
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