Hi Cherb,
Where are you in NC? I know there is a fill center in Charlotte. I am 3 hrs from Charlotte myself. First of all, I was only banded on July 3, so I can't give advice on what you are feeling. However, If you are anywhere nearby me, we should talk, because I am a Career Development Facilitator/ Counselor with the NC School system and I have access to many job postings with an inside track. If we can get you employed, then maybe your stomach would settle down enough to eat without problems. I know when I'm stressed, I have terrible reflux (pre band). Then, if you had insurance again, you wouldn't feel so panicky!! You were smart enough to make the decision and committment to get this band, so I trust your judgement on knowing when it has become an urgency on seeing a doctor, money, or no money!!! I am a single mother, and I know that dilema well, "are we sick enough to go to the doctor yet".
Please respond, I'd love to help if I can. Best of luck!! Hope you're feeling better.