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Everything posted by BIGSEXY

  1. Thanks. I felt full today. And I found the Butter Pecan Gucerna. Now I know why there was plenty of everything else and all of it was gone. It's not bad. It was really filling after all that broth all week.
  2. I'm fealing the same way today. I timmed some hedges in the yard last night. This morning I had 1/2 cup of broth and my stomach has growled all day. I feal like I could eat a regular meal. I freaked out and emailed. Dr. Ortiz. I thought I had slipped my band. I thought we could only have 1/2 cup at a time. I have not been drinking 2 cups of Gatorade.I was afraid of streching the pouch. Pluse, my blood sugar levels get so high after it. I have been drinking water and vitamin water.I have some of the Gucerna from the pre-op diet. I think I will try one of those tomorrow and see how that feals. I can't find the Butter Pecan. The Strawberry is nasty to me. Isn't Tequilia a clear liquid?
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