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jhawkchick75 last won the day on January 24 2024

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About jhawkchick75

  • Birthday 09/19/1975

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    Kansas City, Missouri
  • Interests
    Watching sports (Chiefs, Jayhawks, Celtics, Royals, Brigade and Notre Dame), spending time with family and friends, and spoiling my niece rotten! She is my mini-me and the most adorable thing in the world!!! I guess I am biased I suppose!!! :) <br /><br />My Stats:<br />Pre-pre op diet: Sept. 8th <br />Pre-op diet: Oct. 10th<br />Leaving for SD: October 22nd<br />Procedure on: October 23rd - Dr. Ortiz<br />First fill scheduled for December 3rd - Dr. Malley, KCMO<br /><br />1st milestone: Get down to 150<br />After that we shall see! :)

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  1. Good luck!!! Best advice I can give you is after the surgery is to walk as much as you can and get your liquids in. But also don't push it and try to do too much. Make sure and get on the computers at OCC and give us an update...I love the doped up messages from folks just after surgery! Looked back at mine afterwards and it was a riot! Good luck!!
  2. Ditto to what Erica said....my fill dr won't do it until 4 weeks but follow the rules and if you are still hungry I say go in! I stayed on mine early and I think it helped. I haven't had one in a long time and I have been told that every year you can lose .5 to 1 cc so I need to get in and get it checked out cause my portions have been going up.
  3. I also was able to do a lot of shopping in my own closet. Was actually upset I found a box from college that by the time I found it was too big. My goal was to just get into single digits and now i'm in a 4/6 depending on the pants. Never thought that would happen. I didn't buy much and didn't tell a lot of folks in fear I would fail again like I had many times, but finally I have found something that although a lot of work does work for me. Good luck!!
  4. He he...thanks Dana!!!! :)

  5. YOU ARE HOT!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Totally understand....I booked in June or July and couldn't have surgery until Oct cause I couldn't take off work until then. But a good thing is that gave me lots of time to research. I spent hours reading stuff online and going back through threads in here and I even got a notebook and took tons of notes. So by the time it was my turn I felt beyond confident and ready to rock! Good luck!!!!
  7. I personally do not believe in BMI - mine says at 135 that I am still borderline overweight and it says I need to be btw 119 and 124 to be considered a "healthy" weight and there is no way I will get to that weight in a healthy way. I agree i'd get to where you feel comfortable and also i'd get your body fat percentage measured. That also isn't 100 percent, but is a much better indicator
  8. Thanks so so much that means a lot from each and every one of you!!!! I really really appreciate it!!! I am nervous to go back to class it is a lot to take in, but it is so interesting and I hope I can help others that have had weight problems like me. I know in the past when I've tried to go to the gym it was hard to have someone try to help me that never had a weight problem. So I hope I can be someone they can relate to. Thanks again!! You all have helped me so much even the folks that were banded way after me you still give me lots of inspiration!!!
  9. Hi friends!! Sorry I have been MIA my life has been kinda crazy right now. I am finally able to say that I hit my goal weight!!! I am almost 2 years out (in Oct) and it look a long time to get that last bit off but I finally did it!! Now i'm gonna work on some more toning. To all those that are just starting your journey I sooo remember being in your shoes it feels like yesterday. Don't regret my decision one bit it has changed my life. One reason my life is so busy is becuase I started classes to become certified as a personal trainer. I'm so excited and can't wait to get started with it! Still running just did a race last weekend and am training for a 6 mile race in Oct. Sorry i've been out of the loop but will try to get in here more often. I do get in and read from time to time and love seeing everyone's progress!! Glad to see everyone is doing well!!
  10. You are doing great!!! Keep up the good work!!!
  11. I seemed to have more pain than others did, but it was not horrible. They sent me home with meds but they didn't seem to help much for me. I tried to go shopping the next day but didn't stay out long. Don't worry the pain is just more a lot of soreness than anything. Good luck! Best advice I can give is to get in here and read back in posts as much as you can. You will gain a lot of great info!
  12. My biggest loss seemed to come after the 2nd and 3rd fills, but I know for everyone it is pretty different. Stick with it you will get there!!
  13. Good to hear from you!!! I have been a little MIA as well work and life are keeping me busy, but i'm trying to poke my head in when I can. Stick with it girlie and i'm sure you will do just fine!!!
  14. If you are able to eat that much on a regular basis then you might want to consider another fill. Also, keep in mind that you might not be getting enough calories in! That can send your body into starvation mode and you will not lose weight. I actually had my fill nurse get on to me about not eating enough and once I did get a few more calories in sure enough I started losing. So keep in mind less calories is not always better. I was in a plateau for months so I understand your frustration!!!!
  15. For me personally the pre op diet was actually harder than the post. I agree definitely you can also do lean cuisine, weight watchers, etc...I also agree i'd stay away from the slim fast that is a lot of sugar. I like the EAS ones personally but everyone has different tastes. I also did the fiber choice tabs for quite some time and they did help a lot. Good luck to you all that are coming up on your surgery!!! You will not regret it!!!
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