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Everything posted by jhawkchick75

  1. It just blows my mind how ignorant people can be. It's funny to me how I have all these friends that get boob jobs and things like that and nobody has a problem with it, but I get this done and they have an issue. I have no problem with plastic surgery - to each their own if it makes them feel good, but I wish others felt the same. So frustrating! Don't let it get to ya. They are just ignorant!
  2. DITTO! I had a house too that I fell in love with and then I found foundation problems! But then I found the place i'm in now and I couldn't be happier. I was just waiting for something to be wrong with it but it's great. So I agree the right one will come along and it will all work out. Good luck that is really exciting!!!!!
  3. BTW...can you all tell I really don't feel like working today! I have posted in like every topic! In the office it has worked out really well so far. I was worried about how I was going to get away with the protein shakes and then like the week before a coworker and I were talking about weight loss and he said he was going to start bringing shakes for lunch and dinner. So I jumped in and said "that is a GREAT idea...i'll do it with you"!! Perfect timing huh! So that part was easy but with my friends i'm gonna see how long I can get away with it. It reminds me of anytime we go out and one friend says she doesn't want a drink we all assume she's pregnant!! Terrible huh, like someone can't just not drink one night. But the last time it was true! So we will see how long I can get away with it, but I think I probably could. Good idea!
  4. Shadiggty - great job on saving money! Your time will be here before you know it. Great job! And MamaMichelle isn't it so crazy how much money you save! I went through and looked through my debit card transactions and I was spending over $200 a month on just eating out...and that doesn't include any times I paid in cash! At first when I thought about the cost it worried me, but when I saw how much i'll be saving in eating at home and just how much less i'll be eating period i'm probably gonna break even. Even just being on my modified pre-op right now i'm saving all kinds of money. Can't imagine what it will be like when I am really on pre-op and afterwards. Yea!!!
  5. Agreed! At first I was really bummed that I couldn't have my procedure until several months down the road, but luckily I found this forum pretty quickly after I decided to do it and it has really helped calm any fears I had about doing it. Now, i'm so confident I want my date to be yesterday! But it will be here before I know it. It feels like the first of August was just last week, so I know it will sneak up fast. Thanks to everyone!!! Shelby
  6. SIX kids!!!! Wow...you really deserve the time to get away!!!! Good luck with your surgery!!!
  7. Happy Happy Birthday!!!! Treat yourself - non food of course to something nice today!!!
  8. I've been pondering that or telling them right before I go so I don't have to hear about it much! My closest friends live in other towns so I could get away with that, but there are a few that live in town and that I see a lot, so I don't think I could get away without telling them - especially when I go on pre-op. But i'm only telling very few people. Once I start losing I won't lie about it, but I also didn't want to tell a lot of people and make a big deal about it. And family is definitely not finding out until after. My family is prone to get into each others business and be gossipy, so they will not find out until absolutely necessary!
  9. She is really a great person! It's kind of sad though that she had a MUCH better reaction than I think some of my friends will. But with them, I think it is more out of concern. If they get to see the place online and I really talk them through it I think they will eventually be OK. With a few of my friends I am treated for some reason like the little sister that needs to be taken care of. So I have to remind myself that they mean well. My dad met someone where he gets his hair cut that had it done and she raved so he is getting more on board daily. But it always feels so good to have someone supportive unconditionally.
  10. That is so hilarious I was that same girl too! You couldn't see a single spot on my walls because of posters! I now have such respect for my mom - she had to go with us while we screamed and cried at the concert! Have fun and tell me all about it! I'll be there in Nov!
  11. So I had to share some good news! I'm not telling a bunch of folks about my procedure, but at work I am going to need to tell some folks because we do a lot of lifting, moving, etc... so they will find out. So yesterday the conversation went to a place where I was comfortable telling one of my employees and she almost teared up she was so happy for me! I expected she would be supportive, but that one surprised me. She just couldn't stop telling me how happy she was for me! I'm always so ancy when I tell people - even my best friends. So it is really nice to get such a positive response. Had to share - it felt really good! Shelby
  12. That is so great you got the CDs - I have a bunch of old VHS tapes still I might have to get them out one weekend. I don't have any shirts anymore, but i've probably got some buttons and what not. Have a blast at the concert!!!
  13. Ditto! That made me all teary that was great! That was a great video! I do not support the war but I most definitely support our troops. I have several friends in the military and appreciate what they do.
  14. I don't do coffee and I rarely drink pop, but the beer is gonna kill me! I've been laying off and I don't drink that much to begin with, but I love my Miller High Life! My birthday is before the pre-op starts so that will be my last hoorah probably as far as adult beverages. I'm glad i've started working already towards my pre-op so it won't nearly be as bad. I already lost 2.4 in the first week so far so good! I need to lose at least 10 before surgery. Have a great night everyone!!
  15. Sorry, one other question from me - I tried to start a photo album but when you look in it it says there are no pictures in it? When I go into to edit it they are there but they all say they are hidden. Any ideas on how to fix this? Thanks!!
  16. Just what I was thinking....it's worth a shot to see if they will cover it at least part of it. Can't hurt!!
  17. Let me just tell you I will be seeing NKOTB in Nov as well and I can't wait! It is going to be such a blast....great memories!!! My mom's friend even offered to drop us off in her mini van just like the old days! I'll be the DD b/c I will be just a couple weeks out of surgery so no drinks for me. It will still be a blast though!! Enjoy yourself!!
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