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Everything posted by jhawkchick75

  1. I have very few people I will be telling. I have two very close friends that I tell everything to so I will be telling them when they are in town next week. I honestly don't know how they will react. One is overweight and one struggled with her weight for a long time but is one of those 5 percent that have been able to take it off. So I really don't know how that will work. I have one other that I told who had a lot of questions, but it was more out of concern and now she's OK but still a bit worried. Once I start losing I won't lie, but that will be after the fact so I really don't care what they think!
  2. Exciting! I am there for my tests on the 23rd and surgery on the 24th just behind you!! I haven't started them yet, but I heard that Optifast is really yucky. There is another topic in here about shakes and what not and it talkes about which are good. Good luck!!
  3. Hey maybe they will give you a cut! Those all sound great I will definitely check those out this weekend. I used to be really good about taking vitamins and i've faltered a bit there. I might start writing it down when I journal my calories to make sure I remember. Thanks everyone these are great!!
  4. But if you have a passport do you have to take your BC still? I don't know why, but I am nervous about carrying my BC around a lot. If I can just take my DL and a passport i'd prefer that. If anyone knows the drill let me know. Thanks!!
  5. I know for me, when I drink water it makes my food taste better. When I drink pop I feel like it masks my food. And since i'll be eating a heck of a lot less, i'd like to really savor and enjoy what I do eat. Agree totally with what everyone else said. When i've been on WW before and wasn't losing like I wanted, many times it was b/c I wasn't getting my water. I can't drink as much at work b/c I have a very fast paced job and i'm lucky if I get to the bathroom once a day, but I drink a lot once I get home and really focus on it then. It is gonna be tougher though when I get banded b/c one time I really focused on getting my water in was during meals. So i'll work on that. Good luck! I am starting a pre-pre op diet on Sept. 1st! Shelby
  6. When I was on Weight Watchers (one of the 50 times!!) I tried this and it really did help! Like you said, it tricks your body and keeps it guessing. And since the calorie differences didn't go on for days, it really wasn't that hard.
  7. No thank you that is really great to hear! This is going to be the hardest thing i've ever done, but I know I need it desperately. I too am one that drinks probably 5 glasses of water or whatever as I eat. That is gonna be a tough one. Thanks everyone for your help! I'm sure i'll have about a million other questions especially as I get closer to my date.
  8. Just got the book last week. I have only gotten through 2 chapters, but it is really good so far. Once I have my procedure I really think it will be very helpful. My mom bought it too which was really nice. Will be nice for her to understand. I got mine off Amazon as well.
  9. I don't start my pre-op for a while, but i'm trying to start little things now like no pop and I want to get in the habit of taking vitamins every day too. I understand that pills are really hard to swallow - are there any liquid or really small vitamins you all take or recommend? Really just looking for a good multi-vitamin but would like to look at calcium and fiber too if I can find it. I also need to work on not drinking while I eat - that is going to be the hardest for me!!!!! Thanks in advance for your help!
  10. I've gotta find a picture and sent it in! I have been avoiding cameras these days, especially full body shots so I will have to look around for one. Great idea!!!
  11. Thanks so much that helps a lot! Sooo looking forward to that! That is one thing I am going to have to really focus on is slowing down my eating and chewing well. Sometimes I wonder if I even enjoy my food I shovel it in so fast. I have already started working on that. Thanks again!!
  12. Constantly needing to buy new clothes...what a fantastic problem to have!!!! I still have a few outfits in a 12 that I WILL be wearing this spring. I can't wait!!! Congrats!!!
  13. Have a question...from reading posts i've gotten the jist of what PB'ing is (and hope it never happens!) but what does that stand for?? Thanks!!
  14. I plan on doing the "farewell tour" at all my favorite restaraunts as well. I have to be really careful and not go nuts though. After labor day weekend I am going to start really watching what I eat and not binge. That will give me over 1 mo b/c I have to lose almost 10 lbs before I get down there, and I don't want to be crash dieting at the last minute. I want to do it healthy!
  15. That is too funny you mentioned that. As I started to read this post, all that came into my head is the song Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired! Cross Canadian I think?? Anyhoo...I am in the process now of telling folks what I am doing and of course I am getting mixed reviews. But I remind myself that for the first time in my life I am doing something for ME and that I can't get down. My dad was not supportive at all at first, but now that he has researched Dr. Ortiz some and just the procedure in general, he is not only supportive, but is helping me with a loan to pay for it! Give him time...my dads biggest thing was he was just worried about me which I understand. Keep your chin up! You are doing the right thing!
  16. Hearing these makes me feel really good! I was hoping for 8-10 lbs a month but I wasn't sure if I was being realistic. But it looks really doable from reading on here. Great job everyone!
  17. I don't come down until October, but Sept 19th is my birthday so i'll be thinking of you all! Exciting!! Speaking of exciting...this is my first post!!! My trip seems a ways away, but it will come up before I know it. Getting my airline tickets this week before they go up anymore. Bleh gas prices! Best of luck to everyone!!!
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