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Everything posted by AngelaAnn

  1. I wish I could help you as well. I was a smoker before banding, but the times I tried to smoke afterwards hurt when I sucked in the air, so I guess I just quit by default because truthfully, I had no intention of quitting. I liked smoking, but now I'm glad I did--I didn't realize how much I smelled. Good Luck!! I know it's not an easy thing to do, but you've done it in the past and you want that hot bod right? That far outweighs stinky cigarettes!
  2. I'm sorry, I cannot help you, but if you were banded at the OCC, you shouldn't have any fill solution in your band. Maybe you're still swollen a bit? I can't tolerate many things, but I know it's because of my fill. I don't believe this is the norm because after the liquid phase, I could pretty much eat anything through my second fill. I really think that you should call the OCC for a consult...I hope you feel better.
  3. Dehydration is no fun! Anyway, this happened to me during finals too. The week of the 18th I couldn't eat a solid thing for 8 days or I'd immediately pb it back up. Just liquids and my protein shakes and bullets. Then on Christmas Eve, I could eat my "whole" dinner. (By whole, I mean 5 bites of prime rib, 5 string beans, 2 bites of potato, and 5 bites of a salad. But this was awesome and satisfying and weird.) The band is a mysterious thing.
  4. I'm not an expert, but I don't think you should trust that it will loosen itself up on its own. My second fill is pretty tight and it just started loosening up now, two months after I got it. I was led to believe that you can do some serious damage if your fill is too tight. There's nobody near you that can loosen it?? Good Luck! And keep trying with the water!
  5. I got this feeling all through the liquids phase...it went away after I started eating. I also used to get it and when I drank some calories, it would go away for a time. It was strange and unpleasant, but if it's what I had, then it will go away.
  6. I am so with you!! I used to be able to burp such satisfying burps, but now they get "stuck"...everything comes out the other end now. But I do miss my burps--maybe it's the lack of carbonated beverages?? You know, since I used to drink a lot of diet coke and now I don't?? I probably was never a "natural" burper, it was self-induced with the carbonation.
  7. I went through the exact same thing and really, it's only until you get good restriction (probably your second fill) that you can't physically drink while you eat, otherwise you WILL PB everything back up that you've just spent half an hour trying to get down.
  8. I didn't feel that great until I started eating solid foods again, during the three week liquids, I was sore, fatigued, and lethargic...the OCC also told me to not start excersizing until 3-4 weeks after surgery. If you don't feel well, you might be trying to do too much while your body is still healing...but congrats on the weight loss so far! That's a lot.
  9. I hate to tell you this...but girl, you in trouble. I loved diet coke as well in the morning, but was able to give it up and now I drink coffee in the a.m.--I had to learn to like coffee and I still can only drink it with my sugar free vanilla coffeemate. You're going to have to give it up. I'm sorry, but if you want to get the most out of your band, you will. And, afterwards, anything carbonated hurts like a bitch. Sorry, to have to be the bearer of bad news.
  10. I was a smoker before surgery and had to quit two weeks prior, I probably had 2 or 3 in the two weeks and truthfully had no intention of quitting after surgery but when I tried to smoke afterwards for about two to three weeks., the pain from sucking in air was painful! So, I gave it up and now I don't miss it at all.
  11. Hello, After my second fill, I physically can't drink when eating or anytime afterward for about 45 minutes to an hour. If I drink while eating, or immediately afterward, then I PB all my food back up...my pouch is already full and when it "overflows" with food or drink, it's gotta come back up.
  12. I'd heard from Dr. O and others who've posted on this forum about how stress can cause your band to become tight. Well, it's finals week and needless to say, I haven't been able to eat anything but these perfect food bars (which by the way are delicious and melt in your mouth! Also have 18 grams of protein) for the last two days and water...and coffee. Any "real food" and I PB hard, which is bad. I thought I was restricted with my second fill, and it was just starting to loosen up a bit, until two days ago. I hope that after Thursday this will go away...good news is I've lost 4 pounds! (And right before my period, too....which is unusual). Hope you all are doing well!! P.S.- Stay away from the stress 'cause it will creep up on you.
  13. That's the best story I've ever heard!! For me, it's the fact that I don't have health insurance and I used to get chronic strep. I took a trip to T.J. and stocked up on my zithromax--it was about $8 instead of a culture to figure out if I had it (when you have strep, you know)+$76 for the antibiotic.
  14. Good Luck! Don't take it personally--I've posted a few times too where nobody has responded. Nerves are normal, but I felt silly afterward, my parents told me that I was only in the operating room for 20 minutes.
  15. I feel your pain...I'm 3 months out and I can't hear the word 'broth' or 'soup' without gagging. I won't eat either anymore. Good luck! It get's better! Just think, only 16 more days! And then you can eat something. --A.
  16. I had my surgery on August 13th. I had no restriction with my first fill, in fact, I gained back 6 pounds that I lost during the liquid phase. After my second fill, I finally got what everyone was talking about when it comes to restriction. I've lost about 8 pounds since November 7th. The first three weeks were awesome. No hunger, no growling weird noises from the stomach. Now, on week four since the fill and though I still have restriction, I'm hungry again.
  17. I should have known. But that fresh loaf of french bread looked so good... One little slice can't hurt. Wrong! I've been pbing for half an hour now. Not fun. The worst part is that it went down okay and then right after that last bite was swallowed, I felt this immediate pain in my chest. Tried the papaya enzymes. Tried walking around. Nope. The last piece came up and now it feels as though the slice is coming up a little at a time. Usually when I p.b. it's over after two episodes of "vomitting", but not tonight. I'm swearing off of bread. It isn't worth it. Thanks for listening...I have to go expel what is left now.
  18. I couldn't sit for long periods of time for about 3 weeks after surgery--it felt that I kept getting gas trapped in my stomach/chest and it hurt! It does go away though...
  19. Prepare your boyfriend!!! The gas is worse in the beginning, but I am ten times gassier now than before my surgery and most of it isn't burping.
  20. Bwhaha! Sorry, I don't negate your pain, but this happened to me to...from someone on eHarmony! I thought that site was supposed to be "better". The guy was so cool...but I knew when I met him that he couldn't get past my big ass. And he ditched me, too. Maybe it was the same guy?
  21. I feel you! Since my second fill, bread hates me now and my father makes this amazing Italian stuffing. Ahhhbooo. Happy Thanksgiving!
  22. I was just in your boat on Saturday! Almost exactly the same story, too! Crazy...and for the record, I still think you're pretty damn hot.
  23. I had crazy stomach noises until I had my second fill--then they went away. And it took about a month for the gas/gas pains to go away, but just let it out! You will feel much better. If you are eating the sugar free popsicles, that might be exacerbating your gas pains. I had to eat regular popsicles because the sugar alcohol in the sf ones were making my stomach hurt and giving me extra gas! It's normal--learn to love your new gassy self! Good Luck!
  24. Are you sure it's 10cc's or 10cm? My card says 10cm, but that's a 4cc band.
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