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Everything posted by AngelaAnn

  1. I got those 10-minute trainer videos--it was about $70 and it comes with 5 different 10-minute videos targeting different areas of your body. I used to do 2 a day before I started going to the gym and wow! Let me tell you, in 20 minutes you really work up a sweat! Especially if you do one of the cardio ones coupled with the yoga one. The yoga one is hard but sweaty!
  2. I don't know if I'm the inspirational type as I am sure that if I was able to cut the sugar out of my diet, I might have been down 50 lbs. by now--I am just happy that it's coming off and I don't have to completely give up chocolate. It's funny--I can't eat pretty much any carb except maybe once a week and I was okay giving up my bread addiction, but the chocolate is a lot harder. And it's true--once I had great restriction and stopped obsessing about every single thing I put in my mouth or how many calories I was burning on the elliptical--the weight just started dropping on its own accord.
  3. Hello All-- Hope you are having a good Tuesday. So, I've mentioned on here that I still harbor a sugar addiction that I'm constantly battling almost 8 months after surgery. Chocolate is my downfall. Needless to say, all of a sudden after losing practically nothing in the months following surgery my body is starting to shed the fat. I had my third fill in February and have a total of 3cc's in my 4cc band, but it wasn't until I got on the scale this morning I realized that I've lost almost 10 pounds and those have just come off in less than a month. How is this possible? Was I on a plateau for all those months? All I know is I feel pretty good and I haven't been 212 since junior high. Is it true? Maybe I'm not destined to weigh 200+ pounds forever. Maybe I won't be the "fat friend" in a year...interesting.
  4. I would like to try that water! It sounds amazing! Where do you buy it?
  5. So, someone has taken to spamming my personal folder--how the hell did this happen? I blocked the person but want to ensure that this doesn't happen to you all by reporting it to a moderator. The member's name is mignulikz or something and don't click on anything in the message!!
  6. Are you due for a fill? That definitely helps with the hunger...or is it the dreaded "head hunger" that plagues you? I know I still have issues with that.
  7. Good Luck! I can't wait to see photos--I'm pretty sure that I'm going to need the boobs done as they're starting to look flap-jacky.
  8. TORTILLAS!!!! They are the devil!!!!! As for potatoes, I can do them anyway but fried. Mashed are cool, boiled, or baked in super small amounts, but french fries or fried up anyhow are not my friend. I think it may be the grease/oil.
  9. Hi Dana- I hope you feel better soon. I have the same problem as you and my band super tightness all revolves around my period. The 10 days before I can eat normally and sometimes a lot and then the week after I'm really tight, just like you. I just wanted to say that you look fantastic!! Your face looks totally different--how much a difference 45 lbs. makes!
  10. I know, right? When I get off after 45 minutes I feel a bit wobbly--today I felt high. It was the craziest feeling--if I knew that I didn't do recreational drugs anymore, I would have sworn I was high. Maybe the endorphin rush ain't no joke. Actually, today was the first time I saw this woman. But it was obvious she was no stranger to exercise--maybe I will ask her if I ever see her again. 'Cause I am curious to why people do the things they do. (Of course, I will do it in a nice, casual way so I don't just sound nosy.)
  11. Girl--your burning more than you put in to fuel your body!! And truth be told, I don't know if it's good or bad--but I know when I don't eat enough calories (like today I had problems with tightness and only ate about 900) I get the craziest brain farts--it's like I can't find my words or think straight. That is what I thought when I saw that she had burned 1457 calories. I thought to myself, hey! That's more than I actually eat in a day.
  12. LOL! It's true! Some days I feel like I'm not going to make it and other days I feel like I'm going to have a heart attack--but it's the best bang for your buck in my opinion. And I don't feel clumsy on it like I do on the treadmill--I can't walk a straight line to save my life, let alone a moving one!
  13. Who's making harsh judgments? Nobody here. It just was something that I've never been confronted with before. No, I can't imagine how she must feel because I'd be dead if I were on that elliptical for 104 minutes. And, you see all types at the gym nowadays--from 13 year olds to 90 year olds to 400 lb. people to 90 lb. people. The gym doesn't have just hard bodies anymore--at least not in San Diego.
  14. That is impressive--I started out at 20 minutes in January and have since worked up the the 45 minutes, but I don't know if I'll ever build up to an hour or more!!
  15. She very may well be anorexic--I haven't seen stick arms in real life in a long while. Part of me was shocked by the visual and the other part was actually impressed with her stamina.
  16. My gym does have a 30 minute limit only when people are waiting. I go to the gym anywhere from 11am-2pm and it's never crowded. Yeah, I love the elliptical--lots o' calorie burning without the high impact.
  17. So I was on the elliptical doing my usual 45 minutes (I had to build up to even that and I'm dying during the last 10 min) and I look over at the machine next to mine and this girl is on 87 minutes!! I ask her does she just go until she burns a certain amount of calories? And she tells me that the machine will ONLY let her go up to 99 minutes! So she does that and the 5 minute cool down and burns...1457 calories! What the hell? Does this just seem a bit over the top to me? (On a side note, she was painfully thin--easily a size 0 or 2). Maybe she has body dysmorphia or something, I don't know, but I just had to vent to people that might actually be interested in something like this. Thank you for letting me do that! Enjoy your week-end!
  18. That happened to me too! This weekend I went to Macy's and realized that I can fit in a regular 16 now and an xl top! It was pretty awesome! Congratulations!! ;D
  19. It feels good because I realize that this band manifests its good doings in other ways not scale related. Like I just realized that I don't have to shop in the plus size department anymore, either! I fit into a "regular" 16 now, not a 16W and XL in tops. 10% body fat in a month?! That is freaking awesome! Go you!
  20. Awww...thanks! I feel pretty good today!
  21. Hey All, Happy April! So, though I haven't lost huge numbers on the scale in the seven months I've been banded (I still have an addiction to sugar that I struggle with, especially chocolate) I have lost a lot of body fat! I went from 49.9% body fat on the day I was banded to 34.9% as of today. I thought that was pretty darn good--my goal is 25% body fat. I hope you all are well, it's a gorgeous day in San Diego.
  22. Truth be told--it took me six months to deal with my eating habits being changed. I still have "head hunger" issues, but I probably wouldn't have lost 40lbs. if I hadn't had the band done. Don't worry. You can still eat your favorite foods later on--just one or two bites. You will get used to it!! It is worth it!!
  23. Yup--it happens. I also get it when I'm not eating. Sometimes at night when I swallow I get the gurgle in my throat and yes, others can hear it. I've had people look at me strangely in class on more than one occasion.
  24. This happens to me too. I always try to eat something an hour before I go to the gym because afterward, sometimes I can do yogurt or cottage cheese, but usually it's just a protein shake.
  25. Hi, The fill doctor at the OCC told me I could eat for both my second and third fills and that I didn't have to do liquids--I have 3cc's in my band and my restriction comes and goes.
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