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Everything posted by BandDiva

  1. You are such an inspiration! I have wanted to hear from someone who has had their band for a long time. Thank you. I find myself really worrying that I am doing things wrong. Like, am I drinking too fast, or putting too much food in my pouch etc. I have only had 2 fills, I was banded in October but each time I have been I am lying there saying, 'is everything ok, I haven't stretched it have I." My Fill Dr. just kind of chuckles. Anyway, how long do you take to eat a meal and drink like a cup of coffee? Ofcourse I sip it, but should it get cold? LOL I guess I just wonder how long it actually takes for the food/liquid to go down to take another sip or bite? I defintely stop when I get full. I sit my fork down in between bites. I just worry, and I don't want to lose my band! EVER! I could have never lost 40 lbs in 3 months without it.
  2. The Benefiber should work for yall take it twice a day, like 10 and 3. However, you might need a milk of mag to kick start ya. Take the benefiber for a couple days and if it doesn't 'loosen' ya up, take a dose of that. Then you should be good to go with the benefiber.
  3. I was lightheaded and dizzy, I up'd my protein and added b12 with my supplements. I immediately started feeling better. I had to have 70-80 grams of protein a day to feel good.
  4. I have never timed it, but probably a couple of minutes. Yeah, my food gets cold too.
  5. You are probably eating too fast. If something was stuck it would continue to hurt and you would more than likely PB. With the size fill you have your opening is tiny. So try slowing down and taking time when you eat. It will stop. When I eat, I take a bite with my fork then sit it down. I also eat on a TV tray watching TV so I don't get bored hovered over my plate. lol Anyway, I let it go down slowly then I pick up my fork and take another bite. You will learn what works with your fill.
  6. I would tell you that it is the best thing I have ever done for myself! I finally feel like I am in control! I only wish I would have done it sooner. Feel free to read my blog, you might find something interesting about my journey over the past 3 months. Good luck to you!
  7. It hasn't been easy, there are times i still slip up and drink maybe a little too soon. But, I try my best & it is getting easier. Just stay focused.
  8. I agree. I followed the OCC rules and just did a few days on liquids after my fill the first time. When I started back on food it was terrible!!!! My fill Dr. here in Dallas recommends 7 days of liquids and today is day 6 for me on liquids after my second fill. I feel so much better this time around!! A lot less swelling! I can already tell that when I start back on food it is going to be a lot easier. I asked them why he says 7 days and they said that he just found that most people need more time recovering from a fill (swelling etc.) I definitely say more days on liquids after your fill.
  9. Just keep in mind that sometimes fish can be dry. Try to pick something with a sauce. (some fish entrees have it) You are going to be in public and you don't want to get sick. Otherwise, just really take small bites and chew chew.
  10. I recommend everyone stay at the clinic after your surgery. I did, but I knew some people that chose to go back to the hotel and had some pain and wished they would have stayed over night. IF you stay at the OCC, obviously if you have pain and need meds they can give it to you. If you go back to the OCC all you will have are the little pain pills they give you. So, stay the night and enjoy your time at the OCC!
  11. I know exactly how you feel. I PB'd for the first time not long ago & it was crazy. Deifinitely not like vomitting. Just the last bite coming up!! I was totally glad too! LOL Everyone told me to do liquids for a day, but I was fine, I didn't slime or anything. I felt a tightness ane then it came up. It wasn't a big deal really. (not that I want to go through it again anytime soon,lol)
  12. Just so you all know, Muscle Milk Light, makes a decent ready made. I get the chocolate. I bought a whole case at Costco. I am on liquids for a week after a fil. So, they come in handy. It is 8.5 oz and it doesn't taste bad at all, infact I enjoy them! 160 calories 5 grams fat 9 grams carbs 20 grams protein 3 grams sugar
  13. I agree. I had my teeth cleaned the other day and it felt great! I am 3 months post op!
  14. I would go out and enjoy the evening with your husband! If people ask, just tell them it is the New Year & you are watching your diet. Order fish, or a chopped steak, or something soft with mashed potatoes. Treat yourself and this night, don't worry about your servings! Dr. O says you can eat 1/3 of what you used to eat and without a fill that should not be a problem if you eat slow. I say go & enjoy yourself! You can always get a doggy bag.
  15. Good to hear from you Christy, I was wondering about you January 8th girls! lol Glad you are all well! Rest up!
  16. Hey there! I swear by these. I drink half in the am and the other half in the afternoon. They have 42 grams of protein. I buy them by the case because they are cheaper. I usually add it to my crystal light or something. You can shoot them, put it in your water, waterever. http://wholesalesupplementstore.com/new-wh...uidprotein.html
  17. Don't they also have a monthly service fee?
  18. Leah, Dr. Jay is wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I went today for fill #2! You will absolutely love him! Make sure that you mention Dr. Ortiz and tell him that I mentioned him too. I told him that I was recommending him to folks (it made him real happy today). I told him that I want to go back to the OCC at some point but right now I just can't. He has a lot of respect for Dr. O. That really makes me feel good. Please let me know how it goes. My email is redcarpetdana@gmail.com
  19. JAN 10 will be 3 months for me and I still have port tenderness and I don't think I will ever feel "normal" as in me without a new part inside me. It is a very different feeling now and I always know it is there. The port, the band, I am always concious of it. So, to ask when you will feel normal, you will never feel the way you did before! You will always know that something is inside of you and somedays will be easier than others. BUT, it is well worth it! As for the incisions, give it a few weeks, long enough for the glue to wear off.
  20. I love colonics! I do them regularly! They recommend 8-12 weeks (1 per week) to start out. Your colon is so stinkin long that everytime you have one the water goes in further and cleans you out more. Eventually you are cleaned out! LOL Then its all about maintenence. (like any thing else). Several people in my family have had Diverticulitus & I know several who have had colon cancer (some even died). I believe in colon health, which includes any type of colon cleansing you can do for self and daily fiber tablets. DON'T BE SHY, it's your life.
  21. Is that what the card says that the OCC gave you? It doesn't say Inamed? If so, I have never heard of it. But, maybe some others have.
  22. It is a crazy world we live in! Dr. O told me that he trained 90% of the Doc's here in Texas. When Lori gave me the list of Doc's who do fills for Mexican Bandsters I talked to several but chose Dr. Jay @ Medical City. Then after talking to Dr. O, I found out that he is amongst the 10% who he did not train. However, Dr. Jay raved about Dr. O!! He said he was well respected. I think like you said, to some Doc's it is simply, about the Money! Dr. O is brilliant!
  23. Hey everyone! Just thought I would check in and see who is being banded this week and wish you all good luck! It really is a breeze, so relax. The OCC is so wonderful and before you know it you will be going back to the hotel. By the way, they do weigh you in your clothes. That was the first thing Dr. Miranda had me do when I walked in her office. I did get to take off my shoes (wear slip ons- hehe)
  24. Read Dr. O's book, follow the rules and be patient. You will see results. They may not be as fast as you want them, but you didn't gain it over night either. I have been at a stand still for 2.5 weeks and I finally got on the scale this morning and down 4 lbs. I totally believe in the band & research tells us it works! Ofcourse there is bad with the good, but that is life. Not just WLS! You will do great! Chin up!
  25. Wow! So glad you are OK. Hang in there! We all know you can do it! )
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