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Everything posted by BandDiva

  1. I am a little over 8 weeks post op and my port area still gets sore if I sit for too long or stretch the wrong way. Just be careful and do not do too much. No heavy lifting and lay flat as much as you can.
  2. YES JUDE!!! I love my band, and Dr. Ortiz.....the whole staff!!!
  3. Christy, Sweetie, yes, you are crazy! LOL But, guess what, most of us were! My advice to you is, say no to them now and forever. Trust me, if I can, you can! I drank Dr. Pepper like there was no tomorrow. In fact, I never drank water! I was self destructing myself without realizing it & if you think Diet is better, you are foolin yourself. I didn't like any of those drinks you mentioned either, but I learned to & I suggest you do the same thing. Otherwise, you are going to have a life of water. Unless you choose to drink the soda, which could effect you negatively. It is your choice. Wish you the best! Just remember this takes a committment that you might not have never done before. So dig deep!
  4. That doesn't sound right. How big was the pill? I would most definitely get in touch with a Dr. immediately.I know I was able to take pills after surgery, I have had 1 fill and can still take small pills and capsules (tylenol) I have not attempted anything bigger.
  5. DITTO DITTO DITTO!!! I don't see how a scale can be evil. We are supposed to be conquering obesity! I weigh everyday. If my weight goes up, I look at what I ate. Sodium, etc. and I DO NOT repeat it the next day. I feel like by doing this, I will never gain my weight again! I am absolutely creating new habits and if I weigh once a week, or once a month, or whatever, eventually I will let it slip and I could be one of these people who puts on her weight. NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!
  6. Tell me about it! My Dad was in ICU for 2 weeks, we just got him home Sunday. I couldn't eat anything. I was on soup. I had my first PB during this time, it was disgusting. But, I learned and now, I am moving forward. I lost 4 lbs during that time too. I just started eating solids again yesterday. I was able to eat a taco salad just fine. Hope you feel better soon! Take care of you!
  7. Also, let me add the toasted bread I eat has to be wheat. Not white bread. Kiss it good bye. It expands in your stomach and so it is impossible to eat.
  8. Yes, mine drove me crazy itching. They are just healing, no worries. Start on Vitamin E & Maderma when you can.
  9. I haven't been able to do bread unless it was toasted. Even then, I only have a bite or two, never a whole piece. I have tried sandwiches and one tiny bite and I got tightness in my chest and it was too hard going down. I choose not to suffer when I eat, so I have pretty much given up bread. I have been able to have like 2 multi grain crackers with my first fill. Sounds like you are hoping for restriction (due to price) so I would be willing to give the bread up. Here is to hoping you have great restriction!
  10. WOOHOO! You did it! By the way, I was last too! lol I hated that wait!
  11. I recommend the Wylers broth granules this way, you can ask the fight attendant for hot water & you can have your broth. You can also have apple juice, grape juice, but you want to only have half juice and have water (diluted right after surgery). The pain is not bad, however your port will get sore especially sitting for long periods. So, on the plane, get up and walk or atleast stand when you can. You can swallow pills after surgery, I have had 1 fill so far 1cc and I can still swallow a capsule. Obviously, you don't want to swallow the horse pills! lol I was not hungry at all. The broths and juices satisfied me. It was not until the creamy soup stage that my hunger kicked in. I doubt you will need anything for pain, but I had liquid cherry tylenol just in case. The meds they give you at the OCC melt under your tongue and work great! Ask them if you can buy more! They should have extra for you to buy, you will need them during your first couple weeks. Anyway, i hope this helps, just speaking from my experiences, Obviously, you may be different. But, I wouldnt worry too much! You will do great!
  12. I completely understand. Our life must change. BUT, at the same time we can't crawl in a shell and not go out with friends or social gatherings. When we go out we have to know how to make the right choices from the menu. Or if we want to have a plate of mexican food, you reward yourself and then get back to the program. I am down 33 lbs since my surgery and I never would have been able to do that without my Band. But, part of the reason I love it, is because I can still have the things I love, just in moderation now that I can control. Before, I felt like I had no control. Now, I feel like I have complete control. Trust me, I understand having a love for food. It was an addiction to me. Now most days, I don't care what I eat. But, there are some days that I want something in particular.
  13. Why do you think you can never go to these places again? The band is great because you can have things you love in moderation. Of course you don't want to go to Cheesecake Factory everyday, but an occasional eating out doesn't hurt anyone. Just the other day I went to one of my favorite places for mexican food, first time since surgery. I was only able to eat 1/2 an enchilada and very little rice and beans but I was satisfied.
  14. I totally agree!! Nothing wrong with the scales, maybe the people standing on them. LOL Seriously, everyone just needs to do what they are comfortable with. For me, it is everyday. I no longer make excuses for myself and weighing is part of my day, just like drinking water and taking my vitamins is.
  15. I know you all say stay off the scales, but why? I weigh everyday so my weight is in the forefront in my mind. I don't get upset if I am up a lb because in a few days, I will be down 3lbs. By weighing everyday, I have truly learned what foods are best for my body. (when I hold water, etc.) Don't be afraid of the scales. So what if you gain a lb, it will come off if you are a committed Bandster! If you don't weigh everyday, set a day and always weigh then. By the way, I didn't gain any weight once I started on solids. I held my weight for 2 weeks. But, I was also weighing everyday to make sure it wasn't going up! I would suggest cut the V8 juice and maybe the G2 and increase your water, see if your weight comes back down. (maybe it is water retention)
  16. 1. Name:Dana Ball 2. Location:Dallas, Texas 3. Age:36 4. Band Date:10/10/08 5. Married:YES! He is awesome! (we were friends 12 yrs first) 6. Children of the human or furry kind:4 Furry ones! 2 Akitas & 2 Chi's! 7. Hobby(ies):I collect crosses, love to ride horses & like to help homeless animals find homes! (neuter or spay please) 8. Work:I work at home with the Stallone family! 9. What was the deciding factor(s) on getting banded:I was not going to let the scale hit 300. Also, my family has many health issues (heart disease & diabetes mainly) I was dreading the day my Dr. said, "Dana you are diabetic." Sick of losing and gaining it back plus 10! PLUS...my Dad offered to pay for it! 10. Interesting factoid: I have 2 brothers. So, I love ALL sports & I could probably out fish anyone! hehe
  17. yeah, it dropped in temperature today! This is for dinner tonight!
  18. I am now juicing fruits and vegtables everyday. I juice 5 of each. I feel better than ever! I need the liquids, and I need the great natural vitamins.
  19. I wonder who the person is who wrote the article? There is nothing on the website saying it was due to lapband. Where did this article come from? http://www.leslieparks.com/ Found it, here it is. http://www.hcnonline.com/articles/2008/12/...arks_update.txt
  20. I gradually increased my foods. Day 1 I started on scrambled eggs, pintos and chz (taco bell), and for dinner I had a can of potatoe soup (ate the potatoes). Day 2 I had cream of wheat, turkey bacon, spinach dip with a few crackers, and dinner I had ground turkey with gravy and mashed potatoes. ETC. Just increase it a little each day until you feel comfortable you can handle about anything.
  21. Oh, I am so sorry! I had to try white bread too. I tried it with a burger twice. I had one bite & I felt tightness. So, I immediately Stopped eating. I won't ever try it again. I can how ever eat sourdough if I toast it. I especially like the wheat sourdough, but I can handle the white sourdough too, if it is toasted. Try that! (when you recover)
  22. Alot of people that I hear that are having "bad luck" just do ALL the wrong things. This forum is so valuable. I have learned what to stay away from, how to eat, how to listen to my band. etc. I think if you apply everything you learn here & follow healthy band rules you will be successful. If you don't, you won't. For most, it is their choice. I have a feeling you will be amongst those successful people. Look forward to hearing of your success Rhonda!
  23. Rhonda, You are absolutely making the best decision in your life. I just wanted to share how I felt Thanksgiving Day. I don't know about you, but EVERY Holiday being obese it has been about the food. How much I can bake, and prepare. Then, once it is made, it turns into, how much can I stuff myself (like the Turkey). This year, I finally got sick of myself. I had ENOUGH!! So, I booked my surgery. This Thanksgiving was the first time EVER in my life that I didn't have the guilt of "OMG, what did I just EAT?" I didn't feel like I had to un do my pants or take a nap after lunch. I had a little dab of this, and a little dab of that and I was satisfied. My band has become my best friend now & I DO NOT want to live without. Therefore, I am living my life by the book and taking care of it like I would a baby! I know now, that I will never dread the Holidays like I did before. I hated what happened to me after them, I would gain another 10 lbs! Be encouraged as you approach your surgery & know that every day is one step closer to your goal. Food should not be a comfort any longer! Know that we are all here to support you the best we can!
  24. Mine was 19 minutes and that was repairing a hiatel hernia too. It will depend on your Doctor.
  25. You are funny girl! Hey, I was just trying to go by the book! LOL I just had a fill yesterday and they said liquids for a week! I am thinking about blending myself now! I am 7 weeks into this thing! HAHA
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