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Everything posted by BandDiva

  1. BandDiva

    Only lost 30lb

    I have the 10CM band, 4cc's. I am currently at 2.5cc
  2. BandDiva

    Only lost 30lb

    Everyone's fills and what they require is different. My guess is, you have not really experienced restriction yet. I finally got it on my third fill. I would recommend you go back for another fill right away.
  3. Shiney, You will do great! Congrats on your decision! Ask your patient care coordinator for a list of Dr.'s in your area. In my city, there were Dr's who were not at Fill Centers but still took other patients. I would definitely look into after care, I called about 3 Dr.'s until I chose the one I am going to. The feelings you are having are very normal and you will get past them. I will tell ya, I did not lear about real restriction until this last fill (#3). I have learned that the small bites I was taking with my 2 previous fills are just not small enough. It is a live and learn situation, but you will get past all of those and love your band. It has saved me on more than 1 occassion of eating what I didn't need to. So, good luck to you and stay in touch with us! XOXO
  4. Dying? NO WAY girlfriend! You are about to start LIVING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Become obsessed with that! I was banded 6 months ago yesterday and I feel better than I have in years! Just imagine the newer and improved version of YOU! That is what I did (I had my fears too) and here I am 6 months down the road, older, yet feeling younger! You will do great! GOOD LUCK!!!
  5. Not sure what it could be, but I had sharp stinging pain last week & it went away. I figured I irritated my port, bent the wrong way or something. Anyway, it was so intense that I did nothing. Hope you feel better soon!
  6. Lisa, I got a lose a little more weight first. I'm afraid if I fell I would break something. lol Not to mention the fact I would look like Henryetta the Hippo on skates. LOL
  7. I failed on the pre-op diet too. Don't beat yourself up, just try to lose what you can. You will be fine girlfriend!
  8. Thanks Bill! I don't deprive myself either, I do have treats, I just make sure I eat healthy most of the time. I normally have a treat on the weekend with my hubby. I am not losing as fast as some either. I am close to 50 lbs and I know others who have lost 20-30 lbs more than me that were banded the same week. This is not a race, we have all the time we need. I spent my whole life on fad diets depriving myself & then, like you said gain it back later when I lost interest. Thanks for being so positive!
  9. Hey sweetie, you are not alone! We have all been where you are. The band is not going to take these feelings away from you either. It is a daily battle, that you will win in time! But, you have to prepare for the battle the right way..... If I were you I would get ALL the simple carbs out of the house. Chips (whether they are fat free or not), breads (unless it has the weight of a rock), cookies (sugar free or not), chocolate etc. Anything you know is bad & makes you want to eat. The mistake I made was thinking a few fat free pringles (70 calories for 7) would be ok, and one tiny piece of chocolate etc. WRONG!!! All those cravings come back & the first time you start feeling sorry for yoursef, YOU STUFF YOUR FACE. I am not judging you, this is what I DID!! Now, when I want to treat myself, I do it away from the house. I don't bring the junk food in!! Your body recognizes simple carbs as sugar. So, get your carbs from a potato, brown rice, oatmeal and fruits. I know you aren't banded yet, but when you are you need to be eating Protein, Veggies, (some) Fruits. So, why not start now? I eat a lot of deli meat, I also found a bag of frozen chicken with rib meat at sams. I LOVE IT! Plain ole chicken sometimes is just too dry. But this chicken is great & the deli meats work because they are so thin. I also eat Meatballs alot or ground turkey and occasionally beef. This morning for bfast I had 1 egg, 1 turkey bacon. Lunch I will have deli meat (ham today) and a cheese. I love the string cheese. I limit myself to 2 a day. But that gives me some dairy too and it is a good snack mid afternoon. Trust me, if you do this you will start losing. Since I have done this, I am losing again. Get it out of the house and it won't be there to tempt you. If you are hungry at night, grab some protein! If you just have to have something around for your sweet tooth get the sugar free pudding and jello. Top it with cool whip light in the can & you have a great 70 calorie snack. Hang in there, you can do this!!!
  10. Bill, Congrats, you are doing great!! I totally agree with your way of doing it. I believe the band is for us to eat small portions & not live like freaks and say no to everything. I am very happy with my loss and some may not like how I do it, but screw em! lol Anyway, keep up the great work! OH....I experienced that stinging pain you described when I bent over 2 weeks ago (and I am almost 6 months out). It was awful, but the next day it was a little better, the next I felt nothing. WEIRD!! Take Care! XOXO
  11. Great Trav-we are all gonna be dipping in the cookie jar! LOL
  12. Mona~ How are you feeling? Did it get better....been wonderin!
  13. However what is a “lacy eye catcher” I’m imagining some lacy thing hanging by my chin in case my eye balls fall out to catch them????.... HAHA.....great! Thats funny!
  14. Just a few questions for you..... Are you drinking enough water? Are you exercising, if so, you may need more calories if you are over doing it. (so yes, starvation mode is a possibility) Are you eating 1/3 of what you used to eat? Are you taking metamucial or benefiber everyday? Are you eating sugar? I notice I lose more when I stay away from simple carbs (except fruits). I get my carbs from beans, lentils, brown rice. I eat complex carbs 85% of the time. http://www.weightlossforall.com/complex-carbs.htm http://www.weightlossforall.com/simple-carbs.htm Don't stress over it, could make it worse! Hope this helps. Make sure you are getting a snack inbetween your meals, so your metabolism is continually moving. I will have a string cheese, slice of deli meat or half of a protein bar (non sugar).
  15. Sabrina I love reading your posts! I don't think we should give up anything with our band. Now, saying that, I obviously dont keep junk food in my house any more! lol I think we need to treat ourselves from time to time. What I am learning everyday with the band is it helps when we cheat. I can't eat, or if I do junk it is not much of it & I don't do it all the time. I am afraid that my binge eating on sweets and chips would start again if I stocked a bunch in my house. I did however buy a box of Samoas last month, you just reminded me as they are unopened. hehe
  16. Hey Mona~ I am sure you are fine. I am sure the carrots did not agree with you. I experienced this pain on Saturday, my band tightened like crazy and I can not explain why. But, when I drank it was uncomfortable going down. The next afternoon I started feeling better and now I am fine. Just do the liquids and try to do some walking today. Don't stress over it, that will just make it worse. Hope you feel better!
  17. LoriBecky is a patient coordinator at the OCC. I tried finding her post, but couldn't I will keep looking. But here are a couple more: http://www.lapbandforum.com/index.php?showtopic=10027 http://www.lapbandforum.com/index.php?showtopic=9562
  18. I can't do fries, or like boiled new potatoes. But, I can do mashed. Funny, I can't do bread at all right now.
  19. Hey Christy....have you ever gotten tight after TOM? I ended last Friday and this episode happened Saturday. I didn't notice the tightness last week. I should have listened to my body trying to tell him that morning and had liquids all day, maybe then I would have saved my self that nasty pb.
  20. I am fine, just wanted everyone to know I was eating. No worries.
  21. I agree with Sabrina! You look great, arms and all! Just wait and see how you feel, if you want perky new boobs go for it!So, So proud of you Denise! :o)
  22. If anything, I learned when you are having a rough day and can't eat, don't come running to the forum because people automatically think you are living your life this way everyday of the week. Like I said yesterday I was able to eat solids & I have eaten normal all day today, started with 1 egg turkey bacon for bfast & a small piece of meatloaf and small salad for lunch. For all the newbies, I agree that UN-Fills are necessary but that decision should not be made after having one rough day. Especially if it is not affecting your breathing, sleeping etc. None of that was happening and I was able to drink my protein shakes. Saturday was the day after TOM for me, and I have been under a lot of stress lately caring for my sick Father. So, who knows, I had a fickle day & stress and lifes circumstances have been known to tighten your band in some cases. Actually, when my Dad was in the hospital in December (before I EVER even had a fill) the same thing happened. Again, who knows why, but it is reality that we deal with. For those of you that were kind enough to email me personally about your experiences, thank you. I now know I am not alone & more people have gone through this.
  23. I was down a few more lbs, so I feel better. Thanks Jacklyn for the compliments, it means alot that someone can see that I am losing weight and working hard.
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