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  1. I totally can relate to you all. The gas has reduced in the last 2 days, I had surgery 10/14. Walking was about the only thing that helped and drinking water. I couldn't control the burping at all and a really loud burp came out when I was talking to a colleague. Totally embarrassing!
  2. Hi all, Feeling ok, not great. Got the hiatal fixed so this seems to be causing a bit of pain. The clinic and staff are very nice. They have decided that I cannot drink since I am having nausea, but stick to ice and popiscles. I guess I will go walking a few minutes again.
  3. Clynn, I love your response! Thanks for the smile.
  4. So I am headed into the 3rd week on the preop diet (I gave myself an extra week) and I keep thinking about all of those people who say this is the easy way out. I have gone to the gym almost everyday in that 3 weeks and get 800 calories a day- all I can think is that if anyone says that to me I might kill them. This is another reason why I am glad I am not telling many people about the surgery. It doesn't sound like it gets any easier after surgery either. How did you all handle comments about how banding is the "easy way out"?
  5. I really like this idea. I haven't found a pair of Nike's that have been comfortable though. I guess I could give them another try, they seem very narrow to me, it might be worth it to try a wide. I'm too big for running, but it would be nice to know how good the hikes and walking are doing for me. I'm going to do my research! I can't wait until I'm small enough to run without blowing out a knee!
  6. Are you going with Cyndi? I am also from Poky getting banded on the 14th.
  7. Oh good it just not me missing something important in the paperwork on the shakes. The only guideline we have is not to exceed 225. I looked at other lap band forums and some doctors restrict total max carbs to 50grams PreOP PER DAY. Anyway, the shake I like has very similar nutritional facts to the Ensure High Protein and I know some of you lost weight with that so it is probably ok. I just want to be able to have some energy and no carb shake is not going to cut it (plus they are yucky). The Opti-fast they sell at OCC as 20g of carbs! So they must not care.
  8. I tried to ask Dr. Miranda a question about carb content Pre-op, but I don't think she understood my question. I want to know if I can use the Mix1 protein and antioxidant shake. It has 29grams of carbs and 15grams of protein for a total of 200 calories. Does it have to be low carb? I think some low carb shakes are pretty gross.
  9. You are a rock star! Thanks for being such an inspiration for those of us just starting out.
  10. I am scheduled for October 14th with Dr. Ortiz, I arrive on the 13th. I look forward to meeting some of you!
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