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Everything posted by MrsParris

  1. Yes, It worked for me. I only did 3 days, but it seemed to help. Kimberly
  2. So glad to hear all is well. If you don't mind, where did you have it done, and what was your cost? I am looking into a TT, but I thought I would have to lose more weight first. Because of finances and my job, I can't get one until next summer anyway, but I am doing my research. Thanks so much, Kimberly
  3. Congratulations on your new band! My husband, Greg, was banded 3 weeks ago. He lost 45 lbs. pre-op and has lost 20 lbs. since getting his band. You men make me so jealous when it comes to weight loss. Not that it isn't tough for you too, but you get faster weight loss than we do.
  4. Congratulations on making a decision. Don't second guess yourself. You made a positive step that will greatly improve the quality of your life. I found a great fill Dr. by doing hours of internet research. I then compiled a list and made numerous phone calls. Many won't take patients that they did not band, or if they do they want a crazy high new patient fee. Be persistent and you will find someone. I thought the fills centers fees were too high. Good luck on everything.
  5. Robyn, Not stressing is the best thing you can do. I drove myself nuts counting calories, protein grams, etc. and exercising my tail off. I averaged 1-1.5 lbs. per week. I quit stressing about all that, and just use common sense and I am still averaging 1-1.5 lbs. per week. I cheat some, but I am learning to eat some better, but still enjoy life without constantly restricting myself. For a couple of months after I was banded, I really questioned myself as to whether or not I should have gotten my band. I am almost 5 months from my band date of Nov. 19th. I no longer question my decision. It was the best decision I could have made. Financially, I will be paying for it for a couple more years, but it is so worth it. It makes me stronger and gives me more control. I can't imagine not having one now. I am on vacation in Disney World right now, and I have lost 2 lbs. since Friday. ON VACATION!!!!!! I have never in my entire life lost weight on a trip. I always take back home at least a 5 lb. souvenir. My husband was banded last April 6th. He has already lost 13 lbs. Good luck with your decision. Kimberly
  6. I love to snack at night. I have a hot air popcorn popper. I spray the fat free butter all over the popcorn and scarf it down!!!! I don't feel guilty when I eat it. For some reason, I never have a problem with it getting stuck either.
  7. You must be the couple my husband Greg told me about. He was banded the same day. He's on his flight home now as I type. Here's to a speedy recovery and good luck with the weight loss.
  8. Please keep us posted. I need a TT desperately. I am saving for one, hopefully next summer.
  9. Greg, I am proud of you! Now you only have like 19 more days of liquids left!!!
  10. Looks great!!!! Please don't think this is a dumb question (I am planning on a TT next summer) but, was the pain worth it?
  11. Congratulations! I love shopping for clothes now! I started at a 22/24 and now I fit into a 14 and it is an amazing feeling! I even bought a pair of size 10 long shorts the other day. They have that stretch denim, that's the only reason they fit, but I'll take it. I can button and zip a 12. This just gets better and better. Every time I make out the check to pay my credit card bill I just smile, because the way I feel now is priceless!!!!
  12. I was going to use Fills Centers, but I did a lot of internet research and made a lot of phone calls and I was able to locate a bariatric surgeon 1.5 hrs. from my home that does my fills for $100. I just feel more comfortable knowing that I am being seen by a physician. Most people really like the Fills Centers. I just thought their prices were a bit steep and I am so glad I checked around. I went back to the OCC for my first fill. Kimberly
  13. Please let me know what they tell you. A friend of mine had a TT 2 years ago done here in Alabama and she paid $6,000. I am anxious to see how much cheaper it is done in Mx. Thanks, Kimberly
  14. Yes, Please let us know. I want a tummy tuck this year, and maybe a breast lift next year. I would love to hear about the facility, quality, & cost. Thanks, Kimberly
  15. I am starting to look into getting a tummy tuck. I still have at least 28 lbs. to go, but hopefully they will be gone by the end of summer. I am thinking about having this done during Christmas Holidays. I would like to get it done near my home, but I was curious as to prices in Mx and who to use. If any of you have any knowledge on this subject please let me know. Thanks, Kimberly
  16. Now I have gurgle envy!!!!! I have only had the gurgling when I get my fill. I have to get blind fills and when I drink the water and the Dr. hears the gurgling sound he takes some of the saline out. I am doing fine with the weight loss, but I could probably stand a bit more of a fill. I have one scheduled for late May, but I just might have to go in April.
  17. My husband Greg is being banded on April 6th also. I can't go, but my mom will be with him. Greg is a very SOCIAL person, so I am sure he would like to meet all of you. Congratulations on your upcoming surgery! I was banded in November and I am very pleased with the weight I have lost. It has not been easy, but so worth it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kimberly
  18. Thank you so much for this post. I am not breaking any weightloss records on my journey, but I am not completely depriving myself either. I refuse to go back to a complete diet of unhealthy foods, but my band will allow me to eat any food I choose, if eaten slowly enough. Once every weekend my husband and I eat out and I order whatever I want. My band won't let me eat too much of it. I take the rest home to my children or my dogs. I try to eat as healthy as I can most of the time, but if I feel the need to "cheat" I do. I get my exercise in at least 5 out of 7 days per week. I use my band for the tool that it is. It helps me control my portions.
  19. Thanks for that! I try to wait just once per week, but I get impatient, then I get pissed off at my scales. As long as it doesn't go up more than 2 lbs., I just chalk it up to basic fluctuations and try not to get too fixated on it.
  20. That is great!!!! I have been steadily losing 1 lb. per week for about 6 wks. Although I was happy I wasn't plateauing, I was upset that it wasn't coming off a bit faster. I kept plodding along, got my 3rd fill, and I have lost 3 lbs. so far this week. Isn't it great when the scales reflect just how hard we are working at this? Kimberly
  21. Good luck! With your attitude and commitment you can do it. I lost 107 lbs. 10 yrs. ago only to gain it all back, down to the last pound. I felt like the band was my last chance and I am determined to make it work for me. You will be successful too! Kimberly
  22. I am so happy for you! I started out at 252 lbs. Today I weigh 193 lbs. Realistically I know I am not skinny, but I am beginning to feel attractive again! You are doing great!!! Congratulations!!! Kimberly
  23. CindyLou, I love your new Avatar photo!!!!!! Kimberly
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