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Everything posted by Clynn

  1. Bread and pasta are a no-no when I have proper restriction, but when I need a fill it is game on for just about anything so long as I chew chew chew.
  2. I felt a little restriction, but I was unique in that regard. Most people do not feel any restriction until after their first fill.
  3. If you are still on liquids then things getting stuck should not be an issue. Didn't you put a post up awhile ago saying your port had been leaking fluid? Pain is quite a bit more serious, especially if it is persistent. Don't be afraid to give the Dr a call. People on the forum can tell you whatever but we are not doctors and there is a reason Dr Ortiz gives you numbers to call. I am a doctor to computers and I really do not mind a bit when people call me to ask questions or share their concerns.
  4. I can relate to this. I told EVERYONE I was getting the surgery and most everyone was incredibly supportive. I feel quite fortunate to have such people in my life, however, that is another topic. The only two people who were appalled that I would do such a thing to myself were both quite thin and had never had any kind of weight problem. Isn't it funny how our perceptions work? It is like, "I am human, and I am not this way, therefore humans are not this way." They do not even realize they are thinking this way until it is pointed out to them, and even then it can be very difficult to change. But hey, if all fat people have to do is stop eating, then all alcoholics have to do is stop drinking, and all drug addicts have to do is stop using. It's just that simple isn't it? Isn't it?
  5. When my glue started to come off the incisions were still quite tender. I would walk and the skin around it would move, pulling on the incisions and causing them to sting a bit. I put a large band-aid over it to hold things still and problem solved.
  6. You're not alone hon, we're all right there with you. You'll meet the other people getting banded the same day as you and get plenty of time to talk while you're staying in the clinic and the hotel afterwards. They'll understand what you're going through better than anybody. The best thing you can do right now is not look at this as a symbol of your failures, but as you taking control of your life and your body. You are not here because you are weak, you are here because you are strong. Weakness is continuing to go through life doing nothing to make it better because it is too hard/painful/frightening/ etc. Good luck to you, and you can always come onto the forum to talk to those of us who have been there.
  7. A stretched pouch does happen. I've heard it mostly associated with eating past the capacity of the stomach. The body compensates by growing the pouch. Not quite sure what you can do about it though. Might want to contact Dr Miranda.
  8. Yeah, I know the frustration. I have a medical savings account where money is taken from my paycheck every week and then when I spend money on medical things I get reimbursed from that account tax- free. They've reimbursed me for pills, doctor visits, glasses, they'll even reimburse me for over the counter stuff like Nyquil though I have never tried. But when I tried to get reimbursed for a fill I've gotten grief about how that's not "medically necessary" and therefore not covered. Luckily my doctor is 100% behind me on this and has given me a note saying that it is medically necessary. Still waiting to hear if they will accept my claim this time. The momentum of the industry is that weight problems are personal problems rather than medical ones. I've been on Lipitor in the past and got that paid for no questions asked but the things which will get me away from all that badness is not covered.
  9. Each surgeon is a bit different about how they wish to have their patients recover. The four weeks of liquids is standard for Dr Ortiz's patients and is what he thinks is most beneficial to aid in recovery. Instructions from your doctor should override anything heard elsewhere.
  10. If your policy does not cover it you are probably stuck. You can try and recruit the help of obesity advocacy groups and your doctor. From what I've heard from other people who have gone through that process it will take some time, probably years. It's a big mess of back and forth which is why most people on this forum skip all of that and go to Dr Ortiz.
  11. Call the Doctor. If it is nothing, no biggie at least you'll know.
  12. From what I understand it is not unusual, and certainly not indicative of something being wrong as long as it is not accompanied by pain other than what you would expect 10 days out. One of the people I was banded with had the same issue. He called Dr Ortiz and the doc told him that as he lost weight it should go down, but if it does not, come on back and Dr Ortiz will fix it at no charge. If I were you I'd give it some more time to heal and see if the swelling goes down. If it's still the same, go ahead and give the doctor a call to get it documented and make sure that is still his policy.
  13. At my heaviest I was 318 and fly at least twice a year. Southwest has never asked me to buy a second seat or been anything less than courteous towards me. If people are still concerned about it, choose a flight which is unlikely to be full such as during the early am. Their policy is that if they ask you to buy a second seat and the flight is not full they will refund your money.
  14. You will be on clear liquids for a few days, then full liquids for three weeks. You will get a packet with detailed instructions on what is ok and when during your consultation the day before surgery.
  15. It is an hourglass of sorts, but this hourglass is made of living tissue that expands and contracts. Oftentimes the tissue in the stomach will be slightly inflamed for one reason or another in the morning and that causes people to feel more restricted in the am. Nothing major to worry about, just learn to work around it.
  16. A shower is no big deal. Your incisions are glued shut and so won't be exposed to water. The day after surgery I did feel quite icky and in need of hosing off. My belly was still very yellow from the stuff they painted on it during surgery. Just do whatever you're comfortable with. You will get pain meds to take back with you to the hotel and there is a Costco right down the street to get anything else you might need such as gas-x, gatorade, or whatever. Good luck
  17. I didn't get a basket of approved liquids, but the hotel had plenty to eat, well, drink anyways. Everything else stated in your quote was accurate.
  18. It's really a scheduled as they come up kind of thing. Keep an eye on this thread for details about future get-togethers, though they seem to average about every two months. More the merrier I say.
  19. It is unsafe to do it earlier because your stomach is still healing from the surgery. Having a fill earlier could cause unnecessary irritation to the area or even cause a slip. Right now your focus needs to be on healing up rather than loosing weight so give your body the time in needs to be healthy. Take a deep breath, relax.
  20. Before I got banded I spoke to my doctor and he said do not go under 150, so my goal is 150.
  21. If you are drinking lots of liquid, which you should be at this point in the game, it goes through the system pretty darn quick. As annoying as that may be, it is better than the alternative: not drinking enough and getting kidney stones. Hang in there and it'll soon be over.
  22. Hey guys, I've had something come up for Sunday and will not be able to attend. Have fun though!
  23. It is an adjustment to be sure. Hang in there, we've all gone through it so we all can sympathize. Focus on your goal and that this is a temporary leg of a longer journey.
  24. Hello everyone! Since it looks like we may have some new faces on the 29th and Michelle has departed for the East Coast, I thought I'd volunteer to be the one who brings the blue balloon this time. That way any newbies will be able to find us. See you there!
  25. This post here http://www.lapbandforum.com/index.php?showtopic=781 This lady ate one bite of chicken while she was supposed to be on liquids and caused her band to slip. There is a reason doctors tell you to do (or not do) things and it is not because they like to be bossy.
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