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Jennifer C

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Everything posted by Jennifer C

  1. I was re-banded on May 7th nd thought I had my local fill dr. all set, but when i sent the operative report, they said that they can't do a VG fill!!! Can anyone recommend a fill dr around the Washington, DC, Virginia or Maryland area??? Thanks much! Jennifer C. banded 5/7/07 245 current 232
  2. Hi Teri, I had a slip after losing 38 lbs in 3 months with the smaller band. It slipped in November. I now think that I probably got the band too full on my first fill. Of course, I went all the way from DC to Mexico and I wanted it "good and tight" so that I'd get my moneys worth!!! OK, that's a big mistake. I should have taken the fils slower and I just went straight to 1.6CCs. Also, I had vomitted several times. The thing is that I wasn't really sure because I would have good days and bad. One interesting thing though is that the very day that I went into the emergency room because my band had completely closed off, I started my monthly cycle (Of course that's a possible reason that will work for girls only . - Jen
  3. Hi, I just got my VG band after having a slip and subsequent removal of the smaller band. One thing I'm happy about having the VG band is that Dr. martinez said that it won't close up. The inside edges of the "inner tube" are in a flower petal pattern. So, that's very good news for me and i think that although the weight loss may be a little slower, it's better than a slip! Jennifer C.
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