Hi I just wanted to Email everyone and let them know that we are good! The plane ride was pretty rough and we were delayed due to the fog, but we made it. When we arrived at the baggage claim area, Francisco our drive was waiting with a cute little sign that said Carrie and Theta (of course we took pictures of the sign). He introduced himself and told us that our luggage would be coming out of baggage claim #6 and showed us were it was. Francisco was very helpful and carried our lugged to the van. We then took about a 27 min ride from San D to Tijuana. We crossed the boarder and did not even have to stop. We arrived at the clinic were we met with Dr. Miranda, our nutritionist. She was SUPER nice and very informative. She answered any questions we had. I am happy to report I lost a total of 16 pounds in 17 days. We gave blood and listen to our rules from Dr.Miranda while our supporters, Steve and Beverly had Dominoes Pizza delivered to our clinic...such support... .
Anyway, Francisco then brought us to our hotel. The hotel is very nice. The staff is AWESOME. When we arrived they helped us out of the van and brought our luggage in for us. Our rooms were not ready so we went to the bar and had a drink. Theta and I could not have liquor of course but the my Virgin pina colada and her bloodymary were very good. Alonso, he is our bell boy, notified us that our room was ready and brought us to our rooms. He told us if we wanted him to make dinner reservations for us just to let him know and yes I can eat today...woo hoo food, we are having Mexican food. Francisco will be here at 7 in the morning to pick us up for surgery. Everything so far is as promised. I will keep everyone posted. I will write again tomorrow after surgery.