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Everything posted by CindyLou

  1. were your fills done under flouroscopy?
  2. Mine fell off around day 5 or 6 post op, but I don't think there is any timeframe. Just let them fall off. As long as there is not swelling, draining, or redness then you should be ok.
  3. Dr. Miranda told me I could do drinkable yogurt and creamy soups on day 4 if I wanted. She even wrote it on the 21 day calendar.
  4. I've lost a little over 15 lbs (including preop) and I can already feel such a difference in my waist and back area. Also, my face looks much slimmer and I am not retaining ANY water in my ankles and legs. I put on my jeans yesterday and they buttoned without any problem and even felt loose in the butt. So this gives me much enthusiam to continue this liquid diet for 11 more days!!! I haven't really felt very hungry, just had a few cravings when my husband eats food that smells good. So for those of you just getting your band or thinking of getting your band, just remember the results do come quickly!!
  5. I made some VERY watery cream of wheat when I couldn't stand it anymore. It was liquid enough to go through a straw (though I didn't use one) and sat with my stomach very well.
  6. I'm glad you are feeling better. I'm DONE with broth. Over it. I've started the creamy soups, which dr. miranda said was fine. Also I had watery cream of wheat today, which agrees with me much better than thinner liquids....no pain after I ate it. I have a huge pot of homemade split pea soup on the stove right now and can't wait to eat it. I cooked a ham today for hubby and I am using the ham bone for the stock....yum! The ham smelled so good I chewed some and spit it out. That's gross, I know but I couldn't help it. I think I was too active today. Went grocery shopping, blockbuster, cleaned house, etc etc. and now I'm exhausted. I didn't get to walk today. It is raining (which we only get maybe twice a year) and I never made it down to the gym to hop on the treadmill. I guess that's what I'll be doing tomorrow while the rest of the free world is eating turkey.....lol.
  7. I had pudding today and it was VERY filling. I tolerated that better than liquids. The liquids cause a lot of stomoch rumbling and the pudding didn't.
  8. I could have gone back to work on Monday if I had to, but I tell ya, I really wasn't ready. Now, don't get me wrong, I feel energetic and don't feel tired, I just have had all the gassy bathroom issues that would not have worked out too good. Plus I had to travel to Florida for my dad's neck surgery a few days before my lap band. Then now it time for TGholiday, so i just decided to be selfish and take the whole two weeks. I'm glad I did.
  9. I would give my left big toe to be abel to burp!!!! I haven't burped since surgery and it has felt like I need to continuously!!!
  10. I had to laugh at your response.....b/c my husband and I have never passed gas in front of each other......I know, weird, but we don't. Well that has changed now!!!!!! I would die if I couldn't let it out. He said he still loves me, gassy self and all....lol.
  11. the preop diet is more key if your BMI is over 40. So if that's the case I would stick to it as much as possible. Share the turkey with the fam and just hold off on the carbs and sweets. Good luck. I know its hard! I'm trying to figure our how to deal with TG on full liquids!
  12. I would think ellyptical would be the same as a treadmill. how are you feeling?
  13. I told anyone who asked why I was taking two weeks off work, which turned out to be most everyone I know.....lol. I'm not known to take much time from work. I've had mixed responses, but anyone who "started in" on why I shouldn't I said, "I'm not open to opinions at this point!" And I had no problems from friends, family or coworker from that response!
  14. I was banded last week and only have minimal port pain and really can't even feel it. I had to ask where it was.
  15. I guess time and walking have done the trick! I feel 100% better today!! The extreme hunger is even gone. Wow....what a difference one day makes. That pain is still there but its just slight when I go from sitting to standing or vice versa. Ok, now I"m not so discouraged. I was in that "OMG, what did I do?-stage yesterday. Thanks for the support and ideas.
  16. When I was at OCC there were two people there having their bands removed! They both said they had hit their goal wieght and were happy with the outcome. Both had been banded apprx. 2 years. Why would someone do this? Wouldn't they just gain the weight right back? I'm confused.
  17. If you were banded at the OCC, I dont' think there is a charge for the fill except for the 100 for flouroscopy. Now depending on where you live, the travel expspenses might get you. Good luck
  18. Happens to me too and that's when I get that wave of pain all the way up to my throat!
  19. I would do both! If I had a local group that I could participate in I would certainly!
  20. Well, I woke up today feeling much better. I haven't had anything by mouth yet (its only 9:20 here). I don't feel hungry at all this morning and I usually wake up pretty hungry. I think maybe my husband eating McDonalds last night was too much for me, and the smell was making the "mind hunger" even worse in addition to the hunger pangs. So, he has agreed to keep the food I love away for now. Only a few minor gas pains this morning, but my belly is still HUGE. Ok, now its time for some hot tea and broth...yum!!!!.....then a walk. Thanks everyone for your continued support. Oh, and why can't I burp? I feel like I want to burp so bad and NOTHING comes out, its very painful.
  21. I'm home now, and OHHHHHHH the gas pains! I think I might OD on gas x. It's mostly anytime I go from sitting to standing now. Yesterday is seemed related to liquid intake, now more related to changing from sitting to standing. Its a terrible pain all the way from the top of my stomach that travels up the middle of my chest. It feels like I could just belch really loud and feel much better, but nothing comes out. Wow....I really hope this goes away. And I feel really hungry. Sorry I know I"m complaining, but I'm starving....hunger pangs and all. I think I might take Dr. Miranda up on her offer to start creamy soups on day 4 if I'm this hungry tomorrow. Maybe I'm just tired and cranky.
  22. I went back to the OCC for a barium swallow. Looked completely normal, but he said I had a huge amount of gas both inside my digestive tract and inside my abdomen. so every time I take a sip, it is causing the gas to push up and causing a heartbearn like sensation. Then this morning I figured out that I was very constipated (sorry, TMI) and once I was able to go to the bathroom, it has helped the gas pass quite a bit. I feel MUCH better. Now I'm still having sever heart burn and plan to get come mylanta as soon as I cross back over the border. Still having the shoulder pain, so I know the gas is not relieved. I'd still go back and do it all again, even though yesterday was totally miserable. I'm doing the shoulder rolls now! I was very relieved that my band looked great. The baruim swallow was so cool. Also I was impressed with the OCC's response. The driver was here within 10 minutes of my call. We went straight to the clinic, the Dr. saw me immediatly and we were back to our hotel within an hour!!! Great service!!! Thanks everyone for your support! Cindy
  23. Well, I'm finally banded!! Everthing was great the the OCC and the hotel is very nice. I met Selena and a few others, but dont think I got names because of being so groggy. OMG, just as I was writing this I started having a LOT of saliva in my mouth and dry heaved twice. Any time I swallow anything I can feel it making its way through like a STRONG hunger pang sensation. I called the clinic and they said if it doesn't improve by this afternoon they will want to do a barium swallow. I have a question. If they have to do anything further like a swallow, do they charge for this? Not that it would make a difference I"m just wondering. All in all I'm very happy with the experience, I'm just hoping that this might be a little swelling causing the tightness. It feels like I'm swallowing watermellons every time I sip. And I'm still having shoulder pain. Sorry to ramble. Well, I'm off to try and make my botox appt. I'd probably go on a stretcher if I had to.....LOL.
  24. Congrats!! I just want to sugget calling the OCC and they will have their driver take you across the border! I am on day 2 and can say I don't think I could swing that walk!
  25. I'll still be on clear liquids!!!! So I"m not cooking at all and we aren't going anywhere! Thanksgiving dinner will just have to wait until next year. My mom baked some pumpkin bread and sent to my husband...that should satisfy him.
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