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Everything posted by CindyLou

  1. if the pouch isn't empty then the medium used on the flouroscopy won't flow through accurately...... any type of baruim swallow requires the patient to have nothing by mouth for approx. 8 hrs prior to the procedure
  2. Except the band helps restrict the meatballs and the milk goes right through
  3. oohhh. I might steer clear of any jerky rides..sounds painful......
  4. I was told no eating the day of fill....the pouch needs to be empty for the fill. Then at the fill Dr. So reccomended 2-3 days of full liquids but said it was up to me what I could tolerate.
  5. When I got my fill Saturday, Dr. So reminded me stay away from Salads and Shakes as they both go right through the band. ..also, Dr. Ortiz told me the smae thing before my surgery. I notice on the board that a lot of people use shakes and salads.... am I missing something? Cindy
  6. I had 1.8 for my first and then a TOTAL of 2.4 for my second. They take all of the saline out and then insert it again. Specifically they added 1.8 the first fill. So when I went in for the second they only withdrew 1.6. Then after it was empty they inserted another 2.4. So I have 2.4 total. I probably didn't clarify. Sorry.
  7. My shoulder pain improved with Solid foods. I even started on Solids early because I was having such bad pain when I was hungry. I still get shoulder pain, but it's mostly when I'm hungry. It has been better since my fill saturday, actually.
  8. My husband "turned" on me regarding my surgery, when my first fill didn't give me any restriction. We had a know down drag out one night about whether I had wasted my money or not. I felt horrible and started second guessing myself for my decision. But after a little education on the process, things improved greatly and he is back on the support bandwagon. I think it normal for them to go in and out of support and hopefully yours will come around and get a good understanding of this process. I wish you the best!!
  9. I just had my second fill saturday. 1.8 first fill and then total of 2.4 for my second. All I can say is this: You will when you DO have retriction. If you have to wonder if you have restriction, you probably don't. It is like night and day for me since Saturday!!
  10. Well, for me its not a matter of wanting to or not wanting to....I CAN'T. A few times I have reached over and took sips of my husband's drink and thought I was going to dye. it just comes back up immediately for me.
  11. I have been SUPER gassy since my surgery and it doesn't seem to be getting better. Small price to pay!
  12. Unfortunately I can eat anything. Cake included
  13. At this point, its probably related to inflammation in the diaphram causing the phrenic nerve to be aggravated. Ibuprofen can help with the inflammation and help reduce the pain. Rememer, the shoudler dies not acually hurt. Its a referred pain from the diapgram with makes us think our should hurts. Weird, huh? I'm going in for my second fill tomorrow and hopefully mind doesn't come back.
  14. Did you have surgery at OCC? If so what did Dr. Miranda give you on your paperwork. If not then did you get instructions from your doctor?
  15. I haven't lost any weight since my first fill. I am trying not to get discouraged and hope this next fill really helps me. I don't seem to get full at meals at all! And I'm very hungery at night just as always. I have accepted that it is a process and I am still positive about it.
  16. the issue would be crossing INTO mex. they could randomly stop and ask you if they notice a child. But then really, what good is a note unless it notorized. I have always thought passports were required unless both parents are present. And in order to get a passport, both parents have to sign.
  17. Wow! Me too! My period came 1 full week early. I had reshedule my surgery to a week earlier, mainly because I didn't want to deal with both at the same time and bamm...post op day 2 there is was!
  18. My aaving grace with the lower gas was Milk of Magnesia. It was like an explosion and finally felt SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good to get rid of it. If I had to do it over I would have taken it as soon as I got home. But just start with a half dose.
  19. I've had one fill and I can eat bread as long as I don't go too fast.
  20. I had no problem scheduling at 5 1/2 weeks. I used the online scheduling. Maybe try that.
  21. I paid there, but I drove to the OCC and did not stay the night at the hotel.
  22. I was told that for the first fill I could leave right away, and I did. But they did say for the second fill that I would need to "test" the fill by eating a meal and waiting a few hours before leaving.
  23. yep, I was eating just like I always did before the band, which because I haven't had any restriction, has been the norm. But then just the last few days I am feeling restriction, so time to slow down and chew better. I am also about the get my period, so maybe it will loosen up again after that, which would be a bummer!
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