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Everything posted by CindyLou

  1. I would suggest only using a half dose of MOM. I used a whole dose and let me tell you it kept me moving....literally....back and forth to the bathroom for 2 days. One good thing is that it got rid of the gas I was having. Keep us posted
  2. Hi Lisa, 14 lbs in a week could be indicitive of dehydration. Be very careful and if you feel weak, please seek medical help. You could need an IV for hydration. Does your Dr. have an emergency number? I would treat this as an emergency and get help immediately. Hope you feel better. Cindy
  3. Are you the member of any credit union or qualify to be a member? They are usually a little easier on the rates and easier to qualify than a band. Watch out for the loan companies. They charge an orgination fee on top of the interest rate that raised the "real" APR around 3% over the quoted interest rate. I am a member of Christian Community Credit union. www.myccu.org. ...Anyone can join. I didn't get this loan through them but I have used them in the past and they are very easy. You can join online and do all the paper work via fax. I did my car loan through them also. Good luck. Cindy
  4. I highly suggest Overeaters Anonymous. they will help you sort throught these feelings and offer some support. My feelings didn't come out as anger, more of sadness. But I'm feeling much better now. I started attending OA and it's nice.
  5. Good luck with that! Hotels in that are seem to be very expensive. I would try the choice hotel website and look for one of those. But we went last year and spent almost $200/night for a cruddy Holiday Inn. If you go outside of SD a little bit you will probably have better luck.
  6. I'm confused, because when the band is put on there is nothing in it. Do you have a 10cc band....maybe they are different? One thing is for sure. You should hardley EVER be throwing up unless your are sick. I would call your Dr. (OCC?) asap regarding the throwing up. It could damage your band. Hope you feel better.
  7. 400/month for 3-5 years sounds a little high even with a high interest rate. I went through my credit union and the interest rate isn't great...and my payment if only 220/month for 4 years. I financed the entire amount......$7950. Where have you tried for loans and what interest rates are they quoting you? Hope we can help.
  8. We went over yesterday for a fill. It was SOOO cold and my husband hadn't brought a good jacket. So as we were coming upon the last exit I just kept going . He almost had a heart attack. But I had the directions with me and we were literally at the clinic within 3 minutes of crossing the border. I think its less than a mile over. When we left we sat in traffic approx. 45 minutes. They asked for my registration on my car as we re-entered and quizzed me about info on my registration. I have State Farm and had checked a few months back about coverage. They told me I was covered for 50 miles over both the Mexican and Canadian borders. It was very easy. I would not even consider going anywhere else besides the clinic or maybe the hotel, but it worked out nicely.
  9. My husband ordered room service the whole time and was very happy. The cheesburger looked great, although EVERYthing looked great to me.
  10. I was suppose to lose 11 but lost 8. Nothing was mentioned. My BMI was 34, so I know its different and more important for higher BMI's.
  11. Also, not to alarm you, but these are also symptoms of a slipped band you should almost never be throwing up. Please let us know what they say after you call. I have the phone numbers handy if you need them.
  12. Ok, so I know I'm only on liquids, but I really thought I'd feel something. But NOTHING. I'm not sure what I expected, but I hope I get some restriction because in the last week or so I've had none...pretty much eat anything. Hmmmm...any one else feel nothing? Or will I feel different once I eat solids? Oh, BTW, it was totally painless. I got 1.7cc
  13. I was there today for my first fill I was told to call if any of the symptoms you described happened at ANY TIME! (and I looked back in my paperwork just now and see the same information.) You should be keeping solids down at this time. I would call them ASAP! If you don't call they can't help.
  14. I'm getting my first fill Friday and hope that's not what I have to look forward to. I've already been extra gassy since my surgery!
  15. I too, want to eat more while I'm eating. Sometime I even WISH I could eat more when its good But you are right, wait 5 minutes and that fullness does come.
  16. I have found that while trying to get high protein I've restricted my carbs too much. Over the last week I have upped my carbs some and feel much better. I was trying to stick to atkins while waiting for a fill, but I have decided to follow dr. Miranda's advice and have my fruits/starches as directed. I'm now convinced its all about balance.
  17. Stay away from bread if you can. I'm 5 weeks post op and just had my first bread last night and really thought I was going to dies while waiting for it to digest. other than that I haven't had any trouble even with meats.....I've had chicken, steak, etc without any problems, but one roll just about did me in. That's my 2 cents.
  18. I went ahead and starting "praciticing" the no liquids while eating thing when I started soups just to start and get used to it.
  19. I hope you feel better! With the drinking and eating thing.....I've tried to anticipate my meal times and drink LOTS about an 30 mins to an hour before and it has helped. Then at the end of the meal I take a few small sips just to make me feel better for not drinking.
  20. You will be FINE! I haven't missed soda much and I have to admit I've taken 2 or 3 small sips from my husband. I'm happy that I LOVE coffee, so I was able to keep that addiction Just be sure you don't cold turkey yourself from the caffiene. If you get headaches or need a pep, just drink a little coffee. This will all be SO worth it.
  21. I did the deposit via direct online transfer between my wells fargo acct and theirs....then faxed a copy of my certified check for the rest one week prior and brought the check with me. In retrospect I wish I would have used my credit card and paid via paypal for the entire amount to get points then paid it off with my loan money from my credit union
  22. be careful of medical tourism companies. They charge a fee over and above the surgeons fee. There is nothing they do for you that you can't do for yourself. At the OCC (Dr. Ortiz or Martinez) their staff take care of every detail.
  23. Yes, patience is the key for new lapband patients.
  24. I weigh every morning, but it only "counts" and gets recorded on my ticker if I've lost. Because I'm weighing every day I know there will be little ups and downs. But I LOOK FORWARD to weighing every morning. And my husband gets a kick out of me parading to the kitchen buck naked to get on the scale.
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