I guess I am not a good example. I didn't want the band to feel like a diet, so I don't tend to eat as healthy as everyone else does. Yesterday, Monday I had a packet of quaker oatmeal for breakfast, for lunch I had a small fries and 1/4 of mushroom burger from (Runza), I didn't eat supper but had a latte from Starbucks and a chocolate chip cookie. Sunday I had a raisin biscut from Hardees and a latte for breakfast, for lunch I had 1/3 a chicken strip from Kentucky fried chicken with mashed potatoes and beans, for supper I had 1/2 a chicken strip and 2 scoops of ice cream. Work days I usually eat less and better though. I imagine if I ate better I would be loosing more weight, but then my mind would probably revolt from being on a "diet".