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Everything posted by louisem

  1. So I have been doing a bit of shopping lately since none of my clothes fit and all the summer stuff is on sale. Tonight I was trying on workout clothes and tried on a 1x bottom and an X top and they were both a little big. My first thought....oh no what am I going to do when they don't fit....... My second thought Ooooooh, what AM I going to do when they don't fit As a student, the shopping is killing my pocket book, but it sure is doing wonders for my mood, when I fit into 18s and 1X/X where 6 months ago I was a 24 and 3x. Yeah for me! Louise
  2. Hey Dolittle, actually Sabrina and I are in British Columbia, and my Dr has had some patients that have had success getting coverage. We don't deal with insurance, but provincial medical services plan. It's a lot different than in the states. generally if you lose close to 100lbs you can make a case for a TT covered by our healthcare system. The system puts a lot more weight (no pun intended) on the doctors recommendations. Hopefully it will work out for me. I have another 50 lbs before I can consider it though.
  3. Hey all, I was just wondering if there any other singletons out there having a hard time figuring out what to do for a meal so that you aren't eating leftovers for a week. I seem to be stuck eating mostly packages foods because making a meal for 1 just seems a waste. Any suggestions on quick and small meals for the single people? Louise
  4. Sabrina, talked to my Dr about TT and Breast lift (AKA reduction). He said there are ways to get MSP to pay for both. boobs, easy, just need to have Drs support for back pain (a good Dr will support you). TT, you can make the case that your "apron" (god what an aweful term) is causing skin infections and the Dr can try to get MSP to cover it. The TT is harder, but it is worth a try. PS he said it only cost about $5000 for a TT in BC if you have to pay. I thought it was way more. Cheers Louise
  5. Congrats! after reading your post I checked mine too and I just squeaked under the morbidly obese line myself! Yeah for us. Louise
  6. Sabrina, did you get any information on Dr. Manchanda's background? When I called his staff were really unhelpfull and uninformed so I never pursued it further. It would be nice to have another name for when Dr. Arseneau is unavailable. Louise
  7. I just stood on the scale on a whim and fully clothed, mid day I am 249lbs!!! I haven't been below 250 for 8 years and even then it was short lived! I'm supposed to have another fill next week but I don't think I need it. People are really starting to notice my weight loss too and I feel great! Louise
  8. I was told by my regular Dr and Fill Dr to wait until 3 months to start on crunches, but aside from that I started going to the gym after about 2 months. I like the elliptical trainer but that wouldn't be good for you. Have you thought of the recumbent bikes? since you are seated there is very little pressure on your feet. Check with your Dr. The weights are a very good idea though. Cheers Louise
  9. Take a deep breath! You will be fine. While there are very good reasons to loose all the weight possible pre-op one day does not ruin a whole diet. Do you best between now and your surgery, drink lots, avoid salt and all will be well. I lost very little weight and they still performed the surgery. It is much safer if you go on a liver shrinking diet though so it is important to do the best you can. From your signature it looks like you have already lost some weight so that is great. Good luck with your surgery! Louise
  10. I'm not an expert, but I have read that when in comes to treating type 2 diabetes bypass surgery actually has a bigger effect due to the change in how nutrients (including sugars) are absorbed. That said any weightloss will help but the biggest thing is that she consult with her doctor to weight the risks of surgery as well as which surgery is best for her. Personally I can't imagine having bypass surgery but if it was a question between bypass and losing a foot I'd take the surgery. My opinion though, is that when someone has a severe chronic illness the only way to find the right answer for them is for them to consult their doctor directly. There's no right answer for everyone and the more compromised your health is the more important it is to make sure you have all the facts. I hope she is feeling better soon. Louise
  11. I know, it's funny because the fill was really bad, then got better, then got bad again. I went from loosing no weight, to 3 lbs per week, to now weight and now back to loosing 2-3 lbs per week! I actually haven't been using mine much in the last couple weeks. I was travelling, then loosing 3 lbs a week then not able to eat, and I didn't see much point. This week I am getting back to the gym since I can eat so I will be starting up again!
  12. I was loosing hair about three months after surgery even without major weight loss at the time. It has now stopped even though am losing now. I asked the Dr and he reminded me that the anesthetic itself can cause some hair loss in the few months after surgery, which actually did happen to me with a surgery I had over 10 years ago. That said you need to make sure you are getting enough protein and your multivitamins. Hair loss is common for any type of drastic weightloss. My best friend lost over 60 lbs through WW (and maintained it) and experienced significant hair loss during her weight loss. It grew back after though. I'm not sure what, if any products work but I think you can get prescriptions for things from you doctor if it continues. Louise
  13. Good luck with your unfill and with plastic surgery!!!
  14. I had a slight unfill last week cause I just couldn't take it anymore. I ended up having esophageal spasms which were really annoying. So I had .15 taken out and now I am losing again! I hadn't lost weight in a couple of weeks despite very low calories and this week with more food intake I've lost another 2lbs. It really makes a difference when you are at the right fill level ;o)
  15. I didn't loos 5%, and the weight I did loose was made up by water retention due to TOM right before my surgery. The weightloss is to shrink your liver so the more you lose the better but it is highly unlikely that they won't go through with your surgery, especially if you are at a lower BMI. Just do your absolute best and things will work out. Louise
  16. Where are you in Canada? I'm in BC (lower mainland). So from my experience, the 3 weeks post op was tough. YOP and other yogurt drinks help. If protein drinks are too much for you try slim fast, it's higher on sugar but I find the taste more appealing. For true protein drinks you can try the Nectar brand which is like a fruit drink or Muscle Milk which has a ton of flavours. Popeye's suplements sell them both but I don't know if they have locations elsewhere in Canada, they also have samples sometimes which helps in case you don't like a particular flavour. Chugging water is also tough, but you might find that after you heal a bit and before your second or third fill you might still be able to drink fast. The change is pretty gradual though with the fills so you learn to adapt. I think that is one of the reasons to have gradual fills is to let you get used to how it feels and adjust your habits accordingly. Just remember that it is an individual thing. What is true for one person may be completely different for another so you have to learn to listen to what your body tells you. PS, if you have had a C-section this surgery is a cake walk in comparison ;o) Good luck Louise
  17. Yeah for knitters. I actually am not proficient enough to knit a sweater. I don't have the attention span to follow any complicated patterns but I do find it is relaxing to sit and knit. Unfortunately now I don't have time and I don't have cable to be able to watch TV at the same time. I once saw a women on a stairclimber either knitting or crocheting while she worked out. That's dedication!
  18. OK this may sound cheesy but I find a great way to pass time and keep from eating is knitting. If you don't know how it really isn't difficult to learn, I learned from a book I got a Walmart that had pictures etc. When I had the time I would sit in and watch TV and knit scarves and cotton dish clothes as gifts for friends and family, it's actually what helped me survive my 3 weeks post op. Good luck. Louise
  19. I am so sorry to hear about your troubles. It's an awful situation to have to face. I'm not a psychologist (yet) but here is what my Health Psych text book would say on this subject. 1. It is really important to try to positively re-frame the situation. This is really hard to do in this case, but instead of thinking of what your sister did do, try to focus on the fact that your mom is safe and nothing further can directly impact her. Things are just things and her safety and comfort are what is most important. This is way easier said than done. 2. It is important to ventilate and not ruminate. What this means is that it is good to share your anger and frustration to get it off your chest but try not to dwell on it as much as possible. When you do, it just serves to make you more and more angry and just extends the duration and intensity of negative emotions. A good thing to do is distract yourself with other things. Working out is a good option, so are things like self care ie getting a manicure etc. Now that the psychology mumbo jumbo is out of the way what I really think you should do is go to the police and press charges for theft if at all possible. I hope things get better for you soon! Louise
  20. I had a slight unfill this afternoon, just .15 ccs and it has made a huge difference! I still have good restriction but I can eat solids (I'm doing a happy dance), plus I can drink without pain and a lot faster! Being that tight isn't worth it. Louise
  21. When liquids are a problem, that is definitely when you need to get an unfill, even if it is just a small one. Dehydration isn't anything to mess with. I'm off to an unfill this afternoon for the same reason. I've been fighting it because I am loosing weight quite fast, but it shouldn't hurt to drink (or eat for that matter). I'm going to see if just a small unfill helps. Good luck Louise
  22. Hi all Just wondering if there is anyone on here from New Zealand? I am looking into possibly going to grad school there next year and wondering about fill doctors etc. I did find some websites for surgeons there but thought I would check to see if there is anyone on this board? Louise
  23. I was banded in December and I haven't thrown up once, I haven't even really PB'd yet though I have had one or two pretty uncomfortable situations with things getting stuck. Lots of deep breaths and a small amount of hot liquids combined with walking around helps for me when that happens. I've only had real restriction for just over a month so things might change, but I think that I have learned how to eat slow enough and with small enough bites to avoid most situations. I think one of the reasons you gradually increase your fill is so that you can learn how to eat with it cause it sure doesn't come naturally. I'd also be interested to find out where these people were banded and what type of support that they are getting from they medical team that they continue to have these problems. I haven't dealt with the OCC since my surgery but I have a great doctor and local fill Dr that have been awesome. If you are having your surgery at the OCC and have good aftercare set up I don't think you have to worry too much. Just my two cents. Louise
  24. yeah Sabrina! I recently had to have a sales rep tell me to get a smaller size for jeans, now they are already getting loose! This restriction thing is great. Congrats and have a great time this weekend. Louise
  25. Hi Sharon I'm still in the same boat. It was really hard travelling while this tight, I lived on lattes and clam chowder for a couple of days. I've learned to eat incredibly slow and things are a lot better. Plus I've lost 13lbs in the last month so I am trying to tough it out for now. Part of the 'problem" now is that I am almost never hungry. Not really a bad problem to have though. Louise
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