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About akm

  • Birthday 04/16/1982

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    South Dakota

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  1. I love Etsy!! I've been thinking about putting some stuff up! Love your blue night owl collar! I just don't think my kitty would like it as much I do! Good luck on Tuesday!
  2. My mom and I will be there! I'm getting banded on the 23rd! Hope to see ya!
  3. I have thought about going, but I have never gone because of all the things you mentioned! I think it would be very difficult to do the sponsor thing! I'm also concerned about the physiological aspect. I asked my insurance if they covered eating disorders (for counseling or psychiatry) and they said only anorexia and bulimia! Just another way they are denying that obesity is a disease! Let me know what you end up doing!
  4. My mom and I are going for my surgery on March 23! Would love to hear from anyone having surgery around my date! Good luck to all going in to OCC in March !
  5. Ok, I talked to Renee and he said that the retainers must be made of plastic. What a relief!!!!! :good3:
  6. Ok first off, you look amazing in that outfit! Love the shoes! I forgot to call them today and ask, but from what your saying I just need to devise a plan to make it so that the jewelry can't be taken out....hmmmm. Can't think of any physical barriers, because I'd want to change them incase I find super cool jewels. Maybe psychological trauma that would result in years of therapy? Must keep them because I'm a dimple model on the side? If taken out, then I can't chain them to my ears for my Shanid O'connor Halloween costume?? Open to other suggestions. AngelaAnn, did they just find yours and take them out without you knowing ??? That's gotta be some type of piercing larceny! Thanks for the heads up. I put Mom on red alert. Amber
  7. My dimples have been such a pain in a** to heal that it is almost like I'd be losing the war if they close on me!! :angry: There is no way I'd get them done again either! AngelaAnn, how long were your nips pierced before you went into surgery? Some places close faster. I haven't worn earrings forever and my holes are still open, but earlobes are different from pretty much any other piercing. Babies have them!! I would think that facial piercings would shut-up quick though. Well, the only way to know for sure is to ask. I might have to give Mom a crash course in inserting body jewelry!
  8. That's what I kinda figured . Thanks for the reply!
  9. I am going to be banded in a couple months and I was wondering if anyone else went in with body piercing and if they were allowed to use retainers. I know that metals are definite no-no's, but what about PFTE (Teflon)? It is biocompatable material and I have PFTE retainers for all my piercings, but I don't want any surprises. I've had the piercing for a while, but I still freak out about closure because everyone is different and our bodies know where there are and aren't supposed to be holes! Has anyone else experienced this? Thanks!
  10. Thanks for that! I am set for banding this March and I was thinking about deductions, but forgot about the extras like airfare, hotel, etc. We use a FSA too, so how does that factor into the first 7.5%? The first 7.5% is not deductible, but the FSA is before tax, so I would only add everything after the FSA & then the first 7.5% of the after FSA expenses is not deductible, right?
  11. Ok, I've had no children and I have lines all over the belly! I've lost weight before and noticed that the red ones tended to fade with weight loss. I can't remember exactly, but I think the old white ones were even less noticeable as I lost. I had lost about 50 lbs with Rx drugs. I've been using Mederma, but not the 50 times a day it suggests and I don't know if it's working or not. I'm kinda worried this go around, because there are so many more than ever before!!
  12. I'm getting banded in March too ! I'm set for the 23rd, so maybe I'll see ya! So, I'm 26 and I fought ever since I was in 2nd grade with my weight. In high school I would not eat to trim down and I also did a lot of drugs to try to control my weight back then and in my early 20s. After I quit doing drugs, I gained a bunch of weight back and hit 215. I went to the doctor, because I could not stop gaining and he gave me Rx weightloss drugs. Well, I lost 50 lbs over like 6 months. And I will never forget one coworker telling me I was her hero because I did it with diet and exercise, and didn't take the easy, surgery way out. I reminded her I was also taking Rx speed, but she didn't care because I never got the surgery and in her eyes I was better than people who got surgery. For a long time I thought like she did; surgery is the easy way out. So I continued to yo-yo, doing it the hard way and every time I hit 220 I went back to the doctor and got my Rx and started the cycle again :negative: . Last summer I realized that I need this surgery. It is not the easy way out and people who say it is are ignorant and, oddly enough, tend to not have severe weight problems. Your sister may be one of these people. Not to say she is stupid or anything, she just may not know what all is involved in this process and I'd rather have invisalign instead of metal braces, too :pardon: . Maybe she is just being selfish, but maybe she does not understand why you need this. There are so many people out there who think it's easy to get the surgery. That's why after I lose a few, I plan to tell each person that says "You've lost weight, you look so good," that I got surgery and that they can- well, you know.. Because high school is hard, you don't have to tell anyone, but be prepared for friends to ask why you are only having yoghurt and pudding for two weeks straight! My husband is not obese and he will never truly understand what we are going through. He supports my decision, but I joined this forum to get educated on the procedure and to get extra support from others who know what it's like! Do what you need to do and to heck with everyone else! :lb16:
  13. I have my band date set in March 2009, but I had gone into a bariatric surgeon who accepts "out of town" patients. When I mentioned Mexico, he told me "Well, they've been doing it longer then we have." Then he agreed to be my aftercare doctor (he knew I was a self-pay). I'll be able to go to him for fills and questions. Don't know if this would help anyone trying to make the decision and worried about the aftercare from OCC. I just found someone at home to do all the follow-up!
  14. Thanks guys! I have been reading this forum for months and the people here are who convinced me that OCC was legit and the support system is awesome!
  15. Yesterday I made my deposit and emailed the Survey! :i-m_so_happy: My date is March 23, 2008! I'm pumped! I think my mom may be able to work it out to go with me, too! They have not posted the March Topic yet, but I'll be in there! Is anyone else planning a March Band-day?
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