What can I say, great minds think alike. I went out with a guy a couple of months ago and because I had just had a fill the day before I was still in the 24 hours where I have to eat full liquids. He wanted Chinese, I suggested a place where I could get soup. I did not order a drink, but he ordered one for me. I felt like I kind of had to tell him since he knew I liked Chinese and he caught the look on my face when he ordered the drink for me, which by this point I am sure I had a slightly weird label on my forhead. In the future I will just order water and sip on it before the meal arrives.
The good new is, I told my friends I could take him or leave him. I didn't care for some of his comments and I'm not sure he was really over his wife's death enough to be dating because he talked about her at least 50% of the time. However, I just can't help but wonder if my "confession" was a factor or not.