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Everything posted by lessisbest

  1. Been reading about all who are stuck at same weight for "weeks". Like Mammaof2wins I have been on this plateau for 6 months now. Same 5 pounds lost and gained numerous times. Have been filled to the max and unfilled. (The fill to the max ended up stretching out my esophogus to a huge size apparantly since I can no longer feel the food in there.) Had an upper GI and Dr. was floored that I could not feel pressure in my chest since the barium stuff was just sitting there in my esophogus. I don't know what is going on, but I am frustrated. I go to the gym and either swim or tread water for minimum of an hour 5 days a week. I drink all of my water and then some. Do not drink any soda. I know that i eat more bread products than most bandsters since i have no problem getting them down. i have decided to start logging my food daily on thedailyplate.com to really get a better picture of it. I am currently weighing in at 215. I think in October it was 213. I have (I think) 7 cc/in a 10cc band. I started this journey in Sept. 07. so I am 19 months post op and am down 75-80 pounds depending on the week. I know that is great, but doesn't stop me from being frustrated sitting on this plateau.
  2. Have had numerous fills in the last 17 months. At first Dr. numbed the area. Now he doesn't. I like it better not numb, because the numbing medicine burns a little going in and you still feel the initial stick. I'm very content just feeling the one prick of the fill needle. NO big deal. 10 minutes at the most. My Dr. Does not use flouro. honestly I don't even know for sure what "doing it under flouro" means. He has never had a problem finding my port with out it. Best of luck to all of you first timers. Karen
  3. Thanks for both of your responses. Encouragement is nice (and needed) sometimes. Am planning on finally going back to the orientation person at my gym to get advice on what other weight machines I should be doing. Am still only doing the same 6 six machines they started me out on right after banding. It's time to move on and get busier with it. Also am going to start journaling my food again. That always seems to help with the weight loss. I too wish the band was the miracle cure, but NOT. But it is a great tool. Thanks again.
  4. Don't know if I'm hoping to be in that 15-20% or that it's psychological. I guess psychological would be better. At least that I can do something about. 171 would be a great # for me. Congrats on your success so far. Thanks, Karen
  5. That's what I suspect. That it's all in my head. Dr. just can't get over that I don't feel pressure in my chest since basically the barium drink was just sitting there in my esophogus for the whole time I was in the xray room.(About 25 minutes) I truly didn't feel uncomfortable. I'm frustrated right now, but I really did decide on the band because I didn't want to mutilate my internal organs with a gastric bypass. I know that i will get thru this, just wish I could make it hurry up. Need to get my head back into the game. Know that i don't always eat correctly. Getting plenty of cardio excercise in, but need to increase the strength workouts. Just venting and reading other peoples post on this site tonight has helped. Tomorrow is a new day. By the way, if that's you in the picture, you look great. Thanks for responding. Karen
  6. OK, I am really confused about whatever is going on with me and hope someone out there has encountered and conquered this issue. I will start with October '08 fill which put me at 9.9cc. I did fine the first day on liquids, second day on soft and then tried chicken for lunch on day 3. Got hung up and stayed that way for a long time that day. Really hurt. Finally threw it up and went on about my day back on soft foods. Realized that I still felt miserable even on soft foods. I kept throwing up almost everything solid from then until I finally got a .2 cc unfill 2 weeks after fill. It took that long because in the mean time i got shingles in my mouth and throat. Ouch!!! Extremely miserable 2 weeks. After unfill, really felt no restriction any more. 6 weeks later got .1 cc fill. Didn't feel any different. Took 5 weeks to get back in. He put in .2 cc which got me to maximum fill capacity of 10cc. Unbelievably still feel NO restriction. Went back after one week(today) for an upper GI to make sure band was where it belonged. Did the barium stuff and watched it hardly pass through the band. just a trickle. So anyway it is obvious to me that I did have restriction. It showed that my esophogus is enlarged due to the fact that the band is too tight and food just backs up into it. Problem is I can't feel it. All I feel is what my head is telling me is hunger pains. Dr. is stumped as to why I don't feel restriction when actually too tight.(He did take some out so that I loosen up.) with the exception of that 2 weeks in Oct. I have always been able to eat any food with no problem. Breads, nuts, popcorn, meats, all of it. Keep waiting for the day when I can't. Doesn't look like it will happen. I go wed. for and EDG or EGD whichever way the letters go to be sure the band has not eroded into the stomach. Dr. doesn't think this is the case because if it was the barium should have been spilling over the outside of the band instead of concentrated in the center, but he wants to be sure. I am scared that this will no longer work for me. I am 18 months post op and down about 75 lbs. Since Oct. have gained and lost the same 5 pounds numerous times. Totally frustrated, confused and beginning to wish i had done a gastric bypass instead of band. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for reading my rant. Karen
  7. The EGD is a scope/light that they put down your throat to see what is going on in there. I only know this much because i am scheduled to have one on Wed. to see if my band has eroded into my stomach. I only know that little bit about it. Plan to research more tonight. My Dr. told me I needed to have a driver for procedure since they will sedate me for it. Be prepared for that at least. Best of luck to you.
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