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Everything posted by nothereanymore

  1. Stormy, I have lost 2 rings since losing my weight - my wedding..... (Yes it’s not good and I'm so done fretting about it) and my 25 year... So I would strongly recommend you size them along the way or take a chance like I did - and then maybe losing them. Best, Lisa
  2. Ahhhhh, thanks everyone for you nice comments! Julie, congrats girl - I think you are awesome and getting that done can really motivate you to work out - it’s much easier without the (excuse me) boobs getting in the way! I'm thrilled for you! Love you all! Lisa
  3. Ahhhhhhh BeBe - congrats! (This is a much better goal to hit)! I've missed you! Lisa
  4. Girls, Thank you so much, you guys are awesome! I woke up this morning and really thought hard and long about were I would be today if I didn't get my band. I have a very good intuition that it would not be a very pretty place, physically, mentally or spiritually. And I almost forgot to thank the person that really made this all possible, Dr. Ortiz – a big thank you and good thoughts are going that mans way from me… Best, Lisa
  5. Hello, I just want to thank everyone for all of your help and support – I celebrated my three year Bandiversary today. Took about 15 minutes out of a very busy work day to think about how far I’ve come. It was a bit overwhelming….. From weighing 275 at my high, 265 at surgery and now 129, I’ve completely changed who I am. I am virtually unrecognizable and my health is amazing. I crossfit, do palates and yoga, along with cardio and weights. I went from a size 22 or 3X (tight) to a size 2 bottom, 4 top. I have muscles in placed I didn’t know existed. I was actually in a palates class and the teacher said, look like we have a professional athlete in our class – I’m going to need to work with them to make sure they get the move right through all of those muscles – I was looking for the person she was talking about and she walked up to me…. I was speechless. I still see myself as the big girl – I think of life as the opposite of Shallow Hall. My personal life has improved, along with my health and my professional life. I’m a much better person and do things now that I could never have dreamed of doing as a big person. I could never have made it as far as I did without the support and help of all of you. So a special thank you and shout out to all. I know many of you have seen it but I did post my three year anniversary picture in the gallery http://www.lapbandforum.com/index.php?auto...si&img=1025 I just wanted to capture the time. Life is just so dam amazing! Thank you and my love goes out to all! Lisa (if you're thinking about doing this - don't think - just do it!)
  6. I've cruised a few times since being banded. I like it since the food is included - I just get what I want - do what Shelby says - follow the rules and have small bites of everything. I never gained weight – took full advantage of the gym and stayed really active –I always lose weight on a cruise.
  7. Have fun and I so agree - take lots of pictures! We want to see everything! Eat PO PO and drinks some Mai tais for us! Do something you never would do when you were overweight, be totally adventurous and wild! Lisa
  8. Carrie, welcome back - its great to see you again! We all have our ups and downs - just part of life and the learning of the bandsters ways! Congrats on losing those 5 pounds so fast! Missed you! Lisa
  9. Congrats and good luck - cheers to the start of your journey and a new you! Lisa
  10. We all go through these things, it’s hard especially when your dealing with highly emotional issues, as you are with your divorce. The band is like a set of dumbbells, if we don’t use it – it won’t do anything. But like the dumbbells, it’s always there if we ever want to pick it up and start using it again. You made a lifelong decision to change by adding it, and you still can use it and most likely need to more, now than ever. To be honest – I bet you could do without a fill for a while, if I were you I’d just start over. Pretend you just had your surgery and go from step one. Start with a liquid diet – 28 days of pure hell, but sometimes doing something like this can help us get our mind back in focus and there’s a good chance you may have stretched out a bit – and doing this would most likely bring you back in. I’d stay on the forum and do what you’re doing – add in heavy exercise – it’s the best at getting your head back on straight. It helps to get the endorphins up and nothing is better than seeing those muscles come out. You are starting a new chapter in your life, its going to be sad, happy, confusing and now is the best time to focus on making a new better you. Sometimes things are just meant to be, take it and go – but make the most out of it. My thoughts are with you, I know you can do this – get back on the band wagon and start kicking some ass. Best, Lisa
  11. Hello Red, thanks so much for the nice note on my picture, you'll do great as well - congrats on your upcoming surgery - 2 days and counting! Here’s to the start of an amazing journey – get ready for a wild ride!


  12. Heather, thank you for the nice note on my picture - it looks like we have the same amount of weight to lose. You'll do great! Congrats on your decision to get the band!


  13. Lea, I am so proud of you – I read your story and it just really touched my heart. Congrats on your band – I know its going to be the perfect tool for you! Keep up the hard work – you are truly inspiring!


  14. Congrats - that is so awesome! Keep up the hard work - its sooo worth it!
  15. Yaaa Holly - I'll pm you my cell this weekend - I'm hurriedly packing - did belly dancing and then went roller skating tonight - now have to pack, work in the AM and catch a plane - what a ride! (And I have two sisters - one in Tempe and one in Paradise Valley - I'll be all over the place)! I wish I could see you too Carrie - I bet we'd have fun! Lisa
  16. This happens, to a very small % of people - its less than 4% loose their bands is what I read. I got the band with those odds and glad I did. Nicole hit a hard spot after reaching her goal and due to complications needs to have it removed. She's not the first person we've had on this board that had it removed - however it’s important to note that in 3 years that I've been on I've only seen a few - and that's with hundreds of patients using this forum. I bet if you asked Nicole - she's most likely glad she got it - even with the problems. She's lost over 115 pounds. That's life changing. With any surgery there are chances of complications – based on what I could see (with myself) the chances of complications from being morbidly obese were much higher than any I could find with the band. Nicole – once a bandster – always a bandster – you have the knowledge and wisdom to have continued success with healthy living. You go girl! All my best and I hope you continue with us – it really helps to keep you motivated – (or at least it helps me). Lisa
  17. We stay away from the liquid calories. I kept myself to just one or two glasses of wine a week, and really had mine when I had to go out to dinner – used it as my appetizer and it helped to keep me from filling up before dinner (which was normally a small appetizer), and kept people from trying to “ply” food onto me. I recommend you switch to a nice sleepy time herb tea to help you sleep and add in some mediation and relaxation therapy to do the trick. A small glass of wine (and that’s a very small one) has about 100 calories – (most people when they fill up their wine glass are having two of those) if you’re drinking 3 per night you’re most likely consuming about 500 extra calories per day – or 3500 per week. On average you have to eat 3500 calories to gain a pound and stop eating (or drinking) 3500 calories to lose one. Just cut out the wine (or most of it) and you could lose an additional pound per week. When I started looking at how I was consuming food and beverages and gained insight on how it all worked I was really better equipped to use my band to its fullest. Take care and congrats on the decision to get your band – it’s really life changing in an amazing way! Some of the most difficult changes we make end up really being the best for us. Best, Lisa
  18. Stacey, you may be too tight – or you may have just irritated your band. When something like this happens to me I’d go on liquids for three days to allow time to heal. Drink small amounts slowly - give yourself time to heal and be gentle on your body. (Full liquids, broth, and such) nothing heavy or blended - just like in the beginning. After the three days slowly incorporate soft foods back into your diet – small amounts. If you do fine work, in solids, making sure to chew each (very small) bite 30 times. Remember to measure your food – and follow the rules when you eat (that’s when you go back to solids) start with your protein, then veggies/fruits last carbs. If you can’t even go to the liquids – go in for an unfill. And next time when you have a fill start with liquids and move slow to test it out. Take care, I hope it works out – its good to see you back! Lisa
  19. Hey Sabrina, I was so like you – at 188 pounds I felt pretty thin and just wanted to move my body in a more tone direction. My face was a little bit round but compared to where it use to be… I was fine with it. Now I'm 50 pounds lighter and I’m having problems finding where my weight should be – when I like my body – my face is too skinny, and looks old – mainly because of the skin on my neck (that’s why I want the face lift to get rid of that). However if I get to the point where I like my face – I think I’m too big in my body. The truth is I’m most likely just over thinking everything. Been on this quest to get lean and healthy for so long that I don’t know what a good place for me it…. It’s weird. I just had to re take my drivers license picture and I actually posted it to the Gallery – as soon as Chad approves it’ll be up to view – and I think I may be too thin in my face – I put the old one next to my new one, its pretty shocking. I look at your picture now and think you look absolutely beautiful - can't think of you losing too much more weight - but that's difficult to tell someone since I did. Losing weight is hard; finding who we are once we lost it can be hard as well. Best, Lisa
  20. Sabrina, you are totally rocken those white pants! You looks so cute and stylish (and skinny)!! - congrats girl!!
  21. Hey Shelby, Well you know I've had PS, and I really thought long and hard about the arms. Pammie had hers done - but she heals up great and you can barely see her scars - me on the other hand – I’m not so lucky. Since the arm scars are so noticeable I decided to wait. I'm coming up on my three years and decided to have some professional pictures taken. The photographer was great, a beautiful lady who used to be a photographer with the marines. She was very impressed with how I was able to build them up to decrease the need for PS. They still bug me a bit – (I can see wrinkles when I bend them up – so I try to avoid that…..) I think you should wait and see what happens – I’ll put my pictures up as soon as I have them so you can take a look and I know Pammie is really good about documenting her progress – so you’ll be able to take a look at her surgery as well to help you decide. You have plenty of time. The part about PBing – I do that now and then – I think instead of PBing the entire meal our body now knows to just get rid of what it cannot handle – I could be wrong but that’s what it feels like to me. Best, Lisa
  22. I’m heading out to AZ to visit my big sister; I need to get her on a healthy diet and exercise program. I’m getting in late Friday night on the 11th and will be there till the 22nd. If anyone wants to meet up let me know! My goal is to take some hikes - and really focus on getting out and having some fun. (Dancing is on the menu....) So let me know! Lisa
  23. My eraser was the good, old fashion tiny one. I would pre cut my food to make sure I'd take small enough bites. I think that’s why I know really eat and like flavorful food. Love the fresh herbs (lots of garlic) and balsamic vinegar, strong fruits and veggies, intense blue cheese – since I only eat a small amount it better have great flavor!!
  24. Wow, CONGRATS - it has been a while and its great to see your success!!
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