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  1. MalCal...How have you been..e-mail me at kcarter_RN@yahoo.com

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  2. Thanks everyone. The experience was incredible. I finally met skinnyagain along with her husband and a group of very determined and interesting individuals. The hotel, the facility and staff were stellar. I do hope we all stay in touch and continue with our life long commitment. Cheers to us! MalCal
  3. Hello everyone, I just got my band a few hours ago. I arrived in San Diego, and the driver was right there...Took us to OCC, and whammo with in one hour I will having my surgery. I only have pain at the port site..Nothing that I can't handle. Hurts a bit getting up and out of bed... OCC is very nice, and you do get taken care of well. I feel like I should be able to burp but its just not happening. Thank you everyone on this board for word of encouragement....They really do help.... Kim
  4. Well done! Thank you so much for letting us all know that you are doing great. I am sitting at Heathrow airport in London. I am on my way to OCC. I should make it by tomorrow if all the planes decide to fly on time. I am scheduled for the 9th. And I am still focusing on that bloody port! Your post has calmed me down. Thanks again and good luck MalCal
  5. Hello Everyone, I am pretty new at this forum (my first) and I have posted twice with someone always answering my question. Thank you all so so much. I am taking 5 planes and 1 train to get to San Diego for my 09 feb 2009 date with Dr. Ortiz and my biggest concern is the port. I have had lipsuction on my belly TWICE, so even though I have some fat there (because of course I keep eating and it just returns), I don't have alot of fat on my stomach (I wish the port could be put on my thighs!) Anyway, could you all give me feed back on the port. I contacted Dr. Ortiz and was told that they use a "low profile" port but if I ever gain my fantasy goal of 125lbs - I am 5'3 - will the port stick out and make me look like an alien? Is a bikini beyond my future? Any and all feed back would be welcome. Blessings to you all MalCal
  6. Hi Skinnyagain, I will be there with you same date. I am flying in all the way from Africa!!! It will take me 5 planes to get there. Talk about dedication. I am sure that we will meet and all will go well. See you soon....by the way, I am a born and raised Californian. I am working in Africa at an Orthopedic Childrens hospital. So don't be looking for someone who looks like they are straight out of the Ngoni tribe. Look for an extremely jet lagged 5'3 brunette! Blessings MalCal
  7. Hi Congrats on getting banded. I will get banded on Feb 9th, so I might see you. Did you have any resrictions so far? Even though you do not have a fill yet, do you find any difference in your appetite? I hope we meet in Feb! Lots of luck Malcal
  8. Well Done! I am going down to OCC in three weeks. Any advice? Are the doctors nice? Does your port show? I hope you all the success in the world! xoxo
  9. Hi Lori, Where is the port placed? In the abdominal cavity or more to the suface of the skin? Can it be palpated on seen as one loses weight? thanx
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