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Everything posted by CanadianBandster

  1. sorry guys, if you want to see my before after pics just send me a PM I have been sooooooo busy I just got my after pics done. I have to say though that my sides are stills swollen but I am really happy with the results. I also have to add - UM taking the plane back to CANADA after the fat injections in my butt cheeks - was hell...not kidding. I then had to drive more than 4 hours home. I went to pick up my kids the next day and only sat in my car for 20 minutes and couldnt believe I did all that. The things we do for our children as that is the only reason I came back so soon. I have to admit - I too would not do the butt work again because of how painful it was. It looks good - but not quite good enough for the horrible pain I experienced. The boobs were easy peasy though! I also had major lipo on my back, sides, hips, tummy and my c-section scar fixed which were nothing in comparison. Before this surgery I had...... breast reduction tummy tuck gall bladder out c-sections and nothing compared to the butt pain lol sorry to scare anyone but I am just telling the truth!
  2. ohhhhhhhhhhhh I am here I have pictures - If you PM me your email (Ill look to see if I already have it) but you or any other old board friends I can email them to you...just dont want to post on here! I am still swollen on my sides - two months after surgery - but am very happy! Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. OMG - I have to say you look FREAKING AMAZING!! Good job!!!
  4. Good luck! I had back lipo and a warning that the lipo hurts a lot longer than I expected. Unfortunately I discovered that massage helps - but I didnt discover it for 2 months. So after a few weeks get someone to lightly "draw" then work your way up to massage it helps a lot
  5. Vicki is awesome by the way. I met her two months ago while I was down in TJ. She knows her stuff.
  6. I am getting an unfill in August - not sure just when yet. Im in Northern Alberta.
  7. Your pole is awesome! I have to say I was able to eat a salad tonight. I chew like mad. Just some days I seriously cant eat anything but shakes...but like I said I definately need an unfil. BUT I have been unable to eat things like bread and pasta since I was banded. I think we are just each so different!
  8. Sorry but I am SO EXCITED lol - my armpit bra fat is gone gone gone forever YIPPIE!! So yup - this band thing is worth it lol....even being at goal for awhile now but the fat is gone now!
  9. Those are the same foods as me. EXCEPT I was just at an all inclusive and for about 3 days I could eat noodles! I was in heaven and I could even have a salad one of those days lol - but then it was back to the same old. Actually Im going for an unfil in Aug cuz I cant handle this. I also cant eat... meat - except for some odd reason the A & W chicken strips, but Ive tried steak, chicken even in the crock pot, pork chops, hamburger, nothing works. any breads at all
  10. yup - they did that too me, and gave me boobs and a waist lol
  11. I did take and still take a liquid vitamin - Im 6 months post op but I need an unfil I wouldnt do the laxative - sometimes those can make u bloated or make u have an upset stomach - if decide to take one, I would do it two days before just in case. I have had to take them before a few times and usually I am okay - but 3 or 4 times it has made my stomach rumble a lot and hurt - and u definately dont want that. I wasnt gassy at all after surgery....everyones different, you never know if you will be or not. From previously surgery experience though - as soon as they would let me, I was up walking and walked as much as I was able to. Now - if only I felt as good after this PS I had 5 weeks ago as I did after the band - after 3 weeks of being banded I felt normal and back to myself - but now I still hurt like H@LL - I can not wait to feel like a normal person again! SOOOOOOOOOOOOO worth it though! Congratulations and good luck - its awesome - it is the best (and hardest) thing I have ever done for myself...but now that I am at goal - it is amazing to be able to walk into a store and buy anything I want - or actually like pictures of myself!
  12. okay - I have to comment on this topic. I CAN NOT drink if something gets stuck. I have done it twice and felt like I was going to die - not kidding. I choked and could barely breath for what felt like forever - I honestly thought I was going to die...Im sure it was only a few seconds but wow it was excrutiating (sp?). I either walk around which helps it come up, or bend over - with the head down it seems to help. I cant eat bread at all, sometimes noodles but rarely, chicken only if its battered - weird I know and a lot of fruit is hard for me. I have to eat sooooooooooo slow and chew A LOT - now, I only get things stuck if I wait too long to eat and try to eat too quickly. Good luck!
  13. ok...where I live I don't have a lot of selection...I know some ppl don't ke slim fast cuz of the sugar...but I have been pretty successful, plus I love it so it works. I put all this in my magic bullet.. 4 or 5 big ice cubes 1 cup milk 1/2 scoop chocolate sm fast 1/4 scoop chocolate protein powder 1 tbsp peanut butter YUM...for some reason I crave chocolate & PB so this keeps me from binging and helps me get enough calories in as that's difficult for me
  14. Okay - so to work for me today. I havent worn a smock in over a year because of changing jobs. Well back to smocks today. The XL used to be really uncomfortable - tight on upper legs and shoulders. So I bought a medium and Im swimming in them WOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOO OMG I NEVER thought I would have to buy a SMALL in something! Off to the store after work! I cant wait until all my swelling is gone so I can see what happens with jeans wooooooooooooooooot wooooooooooooooooot
  15. omg the butt hurts lol - I just had the fat from my stomach taken out and put into my butt cheeks - wooooooooozers it hurts...out of my 8 surgeries its the most sore. So far it looks good but I just had it done on the 20th so Ill let u know if its worth it. Okay - and the TT scar...seriously its worth it - to have a flat stomach is flippin amazing and well worth it!
  16. well - I had surgery on the wed. Then went back to the clinic friday for a check up - then saturday as well and they took out my drain. Started my long journey home on sunday. Got home Monday. Went to my family doctor wednesday who sent me to the hospital to get my stiches out. My family doctor is going to check me again in two weeks Most doctors are good with checking you for infection and making sure things are healing good.
  17. eck - Denise I am getting excited for you! Smiley - OMG he did a little lipo on my inner thighs - its painful. My legs are bruised down to my knees and they look like tree trunks lol - but getting better - hope its worth it too...that combined with my butt OUCH I had a full tummy tuck years ago - this time he just fixed it (other guy made ugly scar) that was a hard recovery along with the lipo - pretty painful. BUT SO worth it. But dont plan on doing anything for a few weeks. But Id do it again in a heartbeat (as Ive said before) the results are amazing and make u feel wonderful!
  18. I love Dr.Q - he is awesome and would recommend him to anyone. My mom will be going to him. I was only in the hospital for the day. Then went to the hotel. BUT - you definately need someone with you at all times after this surgery for almost a week! The butt is sooooooooooooo painful - probably the hardest Ive had out of all my various surgeries...OUCH - hopefully it will be worth it once the swelling and bruising goes down,
  19. so I got back on monday from having my breast augmentation, lipo, and they took the lipo and made me a butt. He also fixed my old tummy tuck that wasnt that great. It was done by doctor Quiroz at Cosmed. They were great. He didnt even charge for the extra work we decided on right before surgery. They have called everyday to check on me. They are all wonderful. I still get tired really fast - just had surgery May 20th. I had my stitches out today. Will update you guys and post before/after pics either next week or the next....Im off to sleep again! P.S. Boobs are nothin to get done ha ha, very easy!
  20. good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope everything goes perfectly for you!
  21. well - honestly I had a really hard time for the first two weeks after this fill (well almost two weeks). Then I had a perfect few days and I thought YES this is it. but now - its back to where it was before. I am scared I will make the band slip cuz I am pbing a few times a day...and trying really hard not to
  22. okay - I thought I was perfect with this fill...but think I might need a little taken out, these last three days I have been wayyyyyy too tight. This morning I PD'd my water - never done that before and it (ick I know) tasted like puke...not a normal pb for me
  23. yup I am YAY!! I leave sunday...get there monday and come back on the 24th. And actually Real Del Rio is only charging me $52 this time
  24. I just wanted to remind you guys of this hotel... http://www.realdelrio.com/index_english.html Its the Real Del Rio. They charge $58/night if you tell them you are going there for surgery. Just email them and tell them youd like to book a room and youd like the $58 rate If you like a quieter hotel its great. I like it because I felt like a spectacle at the lucerna...sorry but its true. I was uncomfortable there, and there were other issues. Anyways - just thought some people might like a bit of a quiter place...and the rate is great - food is great...all the front desk staff speak english and they are willing to help you with anything. Ive stayed there 3 times now and Im staying there again from the 18-24. The manager is Pablo.
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