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Everything posted by girlie3rdwave

  1. Hello. I was extremely anxious as well; but once you get there, meet the staff, and see the clinic, I think you will feel much more at ease. My best advice is to listen to your body, be your own advocate of what you need while you're there, and think positive. I specifically was in quite a bit of pain the 24 hours following my surgery, so I just tried to walk the halls and keep my mind occupied on the bigger picture. I also had an extremely hard time sleeping- though I think a lot of that had to do with just being anxious. My best advice is to do whatever you need to do to to be comfortable (with the exception of eat, of course) and stay the course. Wish you the best. Jessica
  2. Hi, all. First wanted to say thank you so much for all the participation on the board. I have been a lurker on this site for awhile now and it has provided me with optimism, strength, and a sense of normality (whatever the hell normal is ). I salute and appreciate all the support. I joined officially today, as I am six days post-op and still extremely lethargic; so much so that I cannot perform my daily activities. I have misssed work most of this week as I literally don't have the strength to get to work. I did speak with the Dr. today. I don't have any abnormal symptons (i.e. no fever, vomiting, diahrrea, etc.), I just have absolutley no energy. He suggested that maybe I wasn't getting enough electrolytes, so I will boost my gatorade; however, I am still extremely concerned. Most people seem to bounce right back after a few days. Does anyone have any suggestions? Has anyone experienced this as well? Any advice is welcome. Jessica
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