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Everything posted by robbynnoel

  1. ((((((((((((((((((((((Paula))))))))))))))))))))))) Hugs to you. I feel as if I could have written your post just six months ago. My highest weight was 294. I am going to be banded this week by doctor Ortiz. I'll be honest, I had a surgeon in San Francisco when my journey first started. To make a long story short, after I paid my doctor I found this board and soon enough, I decided to switch doctors. I am very glad I did. (I got "almost" a full refund from my old doctor.) There is a wealth of information and experience on these boards. You came to the right place.
  2. ((((((((((((((((((((Shiney)))))))))))))))))) I'm so sorry to hear about your friend Milena. I hope her father is doing better. Hang in there. Pretty soon we'll all be there together to support each other.
  3. (((((((((((((((((((((((Kelly)))))))))))))))))))))))))) It's great to meet you. Welcome to the world of the banded. I can't wait to join you. How are you feeling?
  4. (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Shiney))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ))))))))) 7 lbs! That is amazing. We'll lose more fasting for the pre op. I wonder when they'll weigh us. My first time through the doctor didn't weigh me the day of the surgery. He didn't even ask if I had followed the pre op. I remember telling him that I had lost 20 lbs right before I went into the operating room..he was pleased but I was still surprised I never stepped on a scale.
  5. ((((((((((((((((((((Shiney))))))))))))))))))))) Hugs. Sounds as if we're in this together. I'm so sorry to hear you've had issues as well. I wonder how common it is? xo
  6. (((((((((((((((((((((((BellCurveBabe)))))))))))))))))))))) Thank you. That is a very good point. I need to amp up the water. xo
  7. (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((JHawkChick))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Thank you thank you thank you. You've made me feel human. There is another board where there is a thread that is huge...thousands of posts and 99.9 percent say they followed the pre op to the letter and I'm thinking, "OMG am I the only person in the world who didn't follow the pre op to the letter"...sigh. You are correct, one meal at a time. You look amazing btw.
  8. ((((((((((((((((((((((((Mona))))))))))))))))))))))) Thank you for your post. I really appreciate it. You are absolutely right. The OCC has given me a complete, detailed plan of exactly how they are going to handle my situation. I'm so thankful I changed doctors. Hugs. xo
  9. ((((((((((((((((((((dejongshy)))))))))))))))))))) Hugs and Happy Birthday. It was great to read your post and see your success. I'm so happy for you.
  10. (((((((((((((((((((((Amber)))))))))))))))))))))))) What a great post! You've had such a successful year. I will absolutely refer to this post over and over again.
  11. (((((((((((((((((((((updegraff))))))))))))))))))))) It's great to meet you! I hope you'll be joining us soon.
  12. ((((((((((((((((((((((((Smiley))))))))))))))))))))))) I'm glad you're feeling better. I can kind of see where you're coming from with the sodium. I went on a no sodium diet once (it was called the rice and fruit diet. It was like 2 cups of rice a day and 5 peices of fruit only) and I felt dizzy and sick like a caffine withdrawl for the first few days. I thought it was because I was going through a withdrawl from the sodium, but after reading your email, I bet it's more of what your doctor said.
  13. ((((((((((((((((((((((((Hugs Everyone)))))))))))))))))))))))) My favorite is called "ISOPURE". It comes in several flavors and tastes like Kool Aid. It is 160 calories and has 40 grams of whey protein. It's a 20 oz drink. http://www.isopureproteindiet.com/
  14. (((((((((((((((((((((Linda))))))))))))))))) A juice toast is a great idea! I look forward to it.
  15. ((((((((((((((((((((((((Deanna))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Hugs Deanna. We're in this together. We'll do it! I can't wait to meet you.
  16. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((Linda))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) YOU will lose 3 lbs this week. I know you can do it. I am looking forward to meeting you and Deanna on the 22nd!
  17. ((((((((((((((((((Hugs Everyone)))))))))))))))))) I'm really struggling to stick with my pre op. I think part of the problem is that this is pre op part deux. I lost 20 lbs the first time through (my surgeon was in San Francisco) a few months ago. Then I switched doctors and my surgery is next week and I really need to get on the ball with the pre op again. I gained 6 lbs waiting for the new surgery date. I'm dieting and I'm doing a program (the way it's designed...I even exercised today) but I know I should really tighten it up more. Just wondering if anyone else had difficulty getting focused. For some reason my motivation is flat...I think it's because I'm scared about going under the general anesthesia (not just scared...paniced and convinced I'm not going to wake up after...). Dr. Miranda let me know the more I lose the less time under the general anesthesia. You'd think that would be a motivator but for some reason it's not.
  18. ((((((((((((((((((((Shiney)))))))))))))))))))))))))) 70 Days Smoke Free! That's something to celebrate. You should go to a ball game, maybe check out a new stadium. lol You're doing amazing.
  19. ((((((((((((((((((Scaredtd))))))))))))))))))))) We're going to make it! I have no doubt. I believe in you and I believe in us all succeeding.
  20. (((((((((((((((((((((((Linda))))))))))))))))))))))) I'm staying at the Marriott too! And my surgery is the 22nd too! Our stories are very similar. My heighest weight is 294 and my lowest weight in the past 12 months is 212. I started to pile it back on after my mother died and when I hit 259 I called Dr. Ortiz. I'm at 244 right now. I'm hoping to be about 239 on surgery day. I look forward to meeting you. I'm sure we have a lot to talk about. xo
  21. (((((((((((((((((((((((Rachel)))))))))))))))))))))) BANDito! I like that. My grandmother had a cat named Bandito and since I wanted a pet and my parents didn't every time they saw a fly they said it was my pet fly "Bandito"...lol Hugs! How exciting you were banded today and everything went smooth. That is wonderful wonderful news. I'm very nervous but not nervous enough to not get banded. lol Have a wonderful trip home.
  22. ((((((((((((((((((((((((Shiney)))))))))))))))))))))))) I haven't started to pack "yet" but I will soon. How fun you'll be going to the new stadium. I bet there will be so many things to do and see there you won't be as tempted by the peanuts as you have been in the past. I think I may check out Kohl's. What if we show up in the same dress? Thank god we're both there for the same reason.
  23. ((((((((((((((Deanna)))))))))))))) Yep, I'm staying at the Marriott!
  24. (((((((((((((((((((((Bella))))))))))))))))))))))) Congrats! I'm staying at the Marriot because other people with surgeries at the same time are staying there too... I'll let you know how it went.
  25. ((((((((((((((((((((Shiney)))))))))))))))))))) Thanks for posting this. I thought the excitement was over too...
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