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Everything posted by AshleyMarie

  1. 7-10am: 4 oz. Water with Liquid Vitamin 8 oz. Water with 4 insides of Juice Plus capsules 8 oz. Water with Pure Energy Greens 12 oz. Water with Crystal Light 10:30am 1.5 oz. tuna with salt and pepper 12:00pm a few more bites of my tuna 1:00 100 calorie pack 2:00pm 8 oz. Water with Pure Energy Greens 3:45pm 20 cashew halves 4:30pm 8 oz. Water with Pure Energy 5:45pm 1/2 c. chilli with light sour cream and chopped onions
  2. B: None L: 1 slice of turkey with cheese S: Chips and Salsa D: 2 oz. Swordfish and a few bites of ceasar salad S: String Cheese Tons of water today with this heat wave in San Diego.
  3. Oh they are mini one's like what you would put in Spaghetti. I can't eat much at all. I do also make little meatloaf balls and put them in cupcake pans. I fill the muffin trays up about 1/2 way. They are the perfect size!
  4. The band is just a tool. You have to make lifestyle changes to lose weight. Eating healthy and exercise are very important.
  5. I burp A LOT. It is ofen hard to do it quietly haha so I walk away and do it when no one is around. Also, I learned this last week. I am one of those who spits up a lot. Do not attempt to spit up and swallow. I was at a dinner with a friend and didn't want to get up so I just swallowed it. Arg, it hurt, I could barely make it to the bathroom in fear of spitting up on myself.
  6. I will add to this throughout the day: 7:50am: One a Day Multi Vitamin on the go and 4 capsules of Juice Plus in 16 oz. of water 8:15am: Pure Energy Greens in 8 oz. water 8:35am: 16 oz. water with Crystal Light 9:40am: Boiled egg with ketchup 11:00am: 20 Unsalted Cashews 11:40am: Pure Energy Greens in 8oz. water 12:00pm 1 String Cheese 1:00pm: 2 Turkey Meatballs
  7. As far as I know, that is during the post op diet for 21 days. Maybe I am incorrect?
  8. My impression is that we should drink 8, 8oz. of water which equals 64 oz. I try to drink a lot of water during the day. It is 103 here today so I also want to stay hydrated.
  9. Haha so true. It is so hard to put the fork down but it is a MUST or you are in for some pain.
  10. I don't know too much about this but when I went in for my last fill Dr. So told me if I ever had acid reflux I would need to go to OCC for a partial unfill right away.
  11. 8am: One a Day Multi Vitamin on the go and 4 capsules of Juice Plus in 16 oz. of water 9am: Pure Energy Greens in 12 oz. water 9:30am Boiled Egg with Kethcup 10am: 16 oz. Water with Crystal Light 11am: Pure Energy Greens in 12 oz. water 11:30am: Boiled Egg with Ketchup 12:00pm: 2 String Cheese 1:15pm: Chocolate Muscle Milk Light Shake with Fat Free Milk and Power PB 3pm: 8 oz. Water with Crystal Light 4pm: Pure Energy Greens in 12 oz. water 6pm: 2 Turkey Meatballs 6:30pm: 1 Frozen Go-gurt
  12. Thank you sweetie. I will check into those
  13. I guess you really have to think about why it is you struggle with your weight. I too did not eat much but I did eat a lot of the wrong foods. I put on a lot of weight due to going out drinking with my friends and late night eating. I have changed that and have lost 50lbs in 4 1/2 months.
  14. So, I finally decided to go ahead and order Juice Plus. I want to order the capsules because I found out I would have to take 6 gummies to be equivalent to a capsule. Since I am unable to take large pills, I am going to open them up and pour the powder into a glass of water or Crystal Light. I had the website up and my credit card in hand when one of my co workers walked up to me and told me she sells them! She sells them for the same price on the website, but I decided to go with her. I am not sure if the website has you pay for shipping or not, but I do not have to pay for it through her. I also found out that there are other products they sell besides what is listed on the website. I am going to get a catalog and some samples to begin Juice Plus tomorrow. I am so excited! Now all I have to do is find a liquid vitamin. I did find some One a Day on the go packets, but they cost $9.99 for 12 of them. I might as well order a liquid vitamin and pay a little more for an entire month's supply.
  15. I thought I would start the thread for today so I don't forget to journal my food B: 2 oz. Chicken Breast S: 2 String Cheeses S: 100 calorie pack L: 2 Turkey Meatballs S: 20 Cashews D: 1/2 hot dog weenie and tomato salad...mmm my favorite salad Drinks: 56 oz. water, 16 oz. Crystal Light, 8 oz. Anthony Robbins Pure Energy Greens with MSM, 8 oz. One a Day to go pack (Multi Vitamin)
  16. I am considering purchasing these. I noticed many of you take the chewables that are for children. Are they as good for you as the capsules for adults? I noticed a significant change in price and wanted to know what you all reccommend.
  17. I can still take my BC pills to this day. They are small enough to go right down. I am however having problems with my multi vitamin. It hurts to go down and I spit up my water after. I did buy a pill crusher and added everything to Crystal Light. Yuck, gag me! I guess I am going to have to look into a liquid vitamin.
  18. I have had a few alcoholic beverages with carbonated drinks and they haven't hurt me. I don't drink them excessively and have had my band checked and it has not done any harm. I have 1 month to go until I can actually have carbonation but I really don't want to start drinking sodas again.
  19. Thank you Carrie. I never realized I was so big. I wouldn't ever look at the pics people would take of me. You look fantastic as well. You are an inspiration to me
  20. B: 4 Fish sticks L: 2 oz. Chicken Breast 1/2 c. Lettuce and Fat Free Spritzer dressing S: 100 calorie pack D: 1/2 Tamale with enchilada sauce
  21. I am in San Diego. Too bad everyone else is so far.
  22. I am not a huge oatmeal fan, but feel I should try it again. A lady at work like it mushy and sweet so she adds chocolate soy milk to it...kinda sounds good.
  23. I agree with you 100% on that. When I try on clothes I am still not satisfied and I leave the mall feeling depressed. Once I take a look at me in a photo, I am smiling from ear to ear.
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