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Everything posted by Lindsay

  1. You have 2 little piglets!! I have a rescued boston terrier! :)

  2. Hey sweetness! Thanks for your support!

    How are things with you? Back on track?

  3. UGH. I'm still not sure if this post is a joke or not. The benefits of daily exercise go far beyond just losing weight ............
  4. Happy 1 year! My one year was a couple of weeks ago xo
  5. Lisa! This is terrible, but I'm happy you're getting it dealt with. What causes this, specifically? You poor little honeybee! xo
  6. I was told that only the procedures listed on the ORA are the ones you can claim travel , ect under. In Ontario, no weight loss surgery is covered, including Bypass surgery. http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/tx/ndvdls/tpcs/ncm-tx/rtrn/cmpltng/ddctns/lns300-350/330/llwbl-eng.html I personally wouldn't want to claim something that's 'sort of-not-really' valid, esp as it will come up as a red flag and will guarantee and audit. The govt' typically audits those who claim variable medical expenses. Medical Expense and Disability Tax Credits and Attendant Care Expense Deduction http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/E/pub/tp/it519r2-consolid/it519r2-consolid-e.html
  7. Zoey, maybe you misunderstood all of the clinical information provided on in this thread on HCG .. It DOES NOT WORK. Don't waste your money.
  8. i know i've talked to people on here that have had it moved down to below the hip ... or other less obvious places, that won't show as much if you're wearing a tiny bikini. hopefully someone will speak up!
  9. You can't in Ontario. It doesn't quality. On the govt website, it states every medical procedure that's included, and gastric lapband isn't included - i even called, wondering if just maybe the website hadn't been updated. But no beans. Not the case. It's just not covered.
  10. bump/ i'm bumpin' this thread up, as i just saw this pop up on my favourite CNN website ... http://edition.cnn.com/2010/HEALTH/expert.q.a/03/12/hcg.diet.jampolis/index.html
  11. ooo lucky!! i hope to get a tt, but not until I've reached my goal weight. you'll have to keep us posted on your progress!
  12. ... you can also get turkey or chicken sausage, which would decrease the fat % quite a bit
  13. ooo! fun thread! I hope more people add in ... crystal light (peach iced tea is my favorite) Vector cereal (for a crunchy snack, minus milk) old cheddar cheese Triscuits (lower fat version) slow cooked oats Casein protein powder coffee v-8 fushion juice Activia yogurt Lean Cuisine Meat Lasagna (super nummy)
  14. OO!! I might have something! My closet exploded this morning (I pulled one thing out, tons followed!) I will do a clean out & take pictures of what I have! Most of it is around 16-18, and I think I even have a couple pairs of Calvin Klein jeans size 16 me thinks... I will check this afternoon for you!
  15. for women, most of the time, it's hormonal. also keep in mind that rosacea looks like acne. I had just turned 30, and wondered what the heck was going on! I thought I had severe acne, and it turned out that I had rosacea, and of course, the treatment is completely different. it's probably time to go to a dermatologist, and get it under control rather than trying to burn them off, thinking they're pimples.
  16. i knew that came out wrong!!! hehehe .... i know that the older you are, and the more procedures being done, the longer the recovery time can be. That's one thing that discourages me from getting PS in Mexico - they're very money hungry, and often don't always make the best medical decision(s) based on the client, but rather, the $$ that follows each procedure they can convince you into adding onto your stay. ..and don't worry, debbie - i'm not exactly a young spring chicken!
  17. i have nothing to add, but this thread has been making me giggle.
  18. too funny! i always wished I had naturally olive skin, like my best friend who's Portuguese, and always looks dark next to me, and my dutch skin! I haven't put anything on my scars, and they're barely noticeable. And it's been a year (on the 10th!)
  19. hehehe! i remember being really scared of this too! Then I read more on what a slipped band would feel like, and realized that I wasn't nearly in that sort of situation. As mentioned about, the band isn't quite that delicate
  20. bio oil. no doubt! as a side note, those with a darker completion have a higher tendency to have a more obvious scar, and it doesn't fade nearly as quickly as us fair skinned people.
  21. Wow .... What's the recovery time for someone of your age for all of these procedures?
  22. put in a blender 1 scoop of vanilla whey protein 2 scoops (1/2c) uncooked oats 3 ice cubes & a bit of cold water until it's the consistency you like a little sprinkle of cinnamon & splenda *if you like! Blend. Throw in a bottle, and drink on the way to work. Packed of protein. And super easy.
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