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Everything posted by Lindsay

  1. I do know there are members in this forum, who have had surgery revisions .. but it would be best if you contacted the OCC directly, to get this advise from a professional. Why would you want a revision on your surgery? Can gastric bypass surgery be 'undone'? (i really know very little about it) In all, the surgery is only as successful as your eating habits are clean, and your motivation .. boo to that!
  2. Diet is 80%. Exercise is the other 20%. I always keep this in mind, when I get 'stuck'. I also keep off the scale. This is a poor gauge of progress short term. If there's a time period where things aren't moving as quickly as you'd like, changing up your exercise routine (adding more HIIT cardio, at least 30min a day), and your weight routine & eating 100% CLEAN ALL THE TIME usually does the trick.
  3. I don't know if there are any active members in here who have had bypasses. We're mostly lapbanders & Plication and gastric sleeve people. With that being said, you may not get any bites on this thread.
  4. i don't really know what this means, but I can't have much liquid at breakfast. I'm too tight first thing in the morning.
  5. Hey Karen, Are you keeping a food journal? I would be curious as to seeing the specifics of that, including the ratios of fats/proteins/carbs. How much exercise are you doing? Is your knee still suffering the effects of your surgery back in September? It is time to change that up - incorporate resistance training into your workouts, which is essential for many reasons beyond fat loss. Bone density in women in a huge reason alone, to start incorporating this. Have you ever weight trained before? Do you have access to a gym?> What is your height? What is your age? Are you on any medication(s)?
  6. disadantage to losing so much weight; i'm always so cold!

  7. Yeah .. good idea! San Diego weather is spectacular. You'll love it!
  8. No specific exercise will decrease the amount of extra skin. You can tighten the muscle under it, but as you drop body fat, lose skin will appear. The amount you have, and the speed (if at all), it tightens up depends on a few factors, from diet, genetics and age. Unfortunately, there is no solution to this, besides time, and surgery to remove the skin.
  9. 2 years today. 100lbs gone forever.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. B2010


      holy moses....awesome job. your body is amazing too. I'd love to body build like that. any recommendations for getting into it?

    3. AshleyMarie


      Yay Linds!! Congrats :) I am 5 lbs behind you.

    4. Lindsay


      Yes, hire a nutritionist that specializes in athletic/fitness/bodybuilding - I've worked with Cathy Savage & Jill Coleman. Google them :)

  10. I've had NO regrets. I just marked by 2 year point, so I've seen a lot of info pass through this forum. I've only seen failure due to poor personal decisions, not anything related to the band.
  11. as a rule of 'healthy eating', i would stay away from any white bread.
  12. hahaha! My Dr Miranda goal was 155lbs, and like you, I've passed that awhile ago! :)

    Now it's just finding that spot where I'm emotionally content with my body. That's the tricky part :)

  13. Can you believe it's been TWO years for us?!! Are you at your 'goal' weight, whatever the hell that means now! ;)

  14. I thought maybe you had a soy allergy, which is quite common, but people don't realize it. I was wondering if you were using a soy based protein powder. That's once thing, protein powders are NOT all created equally. And sometimes, it's a matter of switching brands. I've always found fibrous greens give me the shits ... esp if you're not taking in much more than that! Your system should adapt/adjust with time - I know when I used to diet, it would be a few weeks before my digestive system slowed down a bit, and actually started absorbing the nutrients. As a side, a couple of years ago, I had a really sensitive system. I don't even know why. Have you tried taking an Imodium, and seeing if it clears up? Have you been away, vacationing anywhere lately? Parasites? Just throwing a bunch of variables out there!
  15. What is going on in the bathroom? .. I suppose without specifics, I can only guess? The fibre in veggies (broccoli, esp) can often though a person who isn't used to it, to the bathroom often. Diarrhea. Pretty common. Shakes. Are you on a soy based protein powder?
  16. YES YES YES. This makes total sense to me, too .. and something I'm starting to experience at the 2 year point.
  17. love this sort of info. thanks
  18. This month marks my 2 year Bandiversary. And it's changed my life.

    1. AshleyMarie


      Me too, Linds. Mine is on the 19th.

    2. MariMelO


      Happy Bandaversary

  19. Lindsay

    November 2010

    From the album: My Past, Present & Progress!

    me @ my sister's wedding. Can you spot my baby sister?! (i'm the one on the far right ..) November 2010
  20. What kind of cramps are they? Where do you feel them? It's probably gas ...
  21. Many (actually, most) of us involved a much longer flight than 4 hours (that sounds like a DREAM to me, as mine was about 4x longer). No prescriptions were given. I do believe we're concidered very low risk for blood clotting, unless you have a tendency prior. I would also assume it's dependent on your current health connection, including weight and blood pressure. Also, Tylenol is NOT a blood thinner. Aspirin, Ibuprofen, and Narcotic pain killers can be blood thinners, however, the pain you'll be experiencing after surgery won't really require any of those.
  22. I've seen this pop up a lot in this forum - have you tried doing a search? (i haven't yet)!
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