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Everything posted by GinnyM

  1. Hello, I am 62 years old and am so excited about having been banded,. I was worried about "could I limit my intake", etc. What I have discovered since the first day being banded, is "I am not hungry!". I feel great. I left the Clinic 2 hours after banding and I was fine. I decided to get banded, because I wanted to live the rest of my life in a thinner body, no more big shirts, large pants, etc. Do yourself a favor go to Dr. Ortiz. I believe he is the best. I was treated like Roalty at Dr. Ortiz's Clinic. Best of luck to you. Ginny Mueller
  2. Hi Mia, I am going for surgery Monday the 27th. I am so excited. I am 185 and really relate to you. Were you able to right back to work? Much pain afterward? I would appreciate it if you could answer me. I wish you the very best, GinnyM
  3. Hi, thank you for your blog. I am going to be banded Monday, April 27. I know it is the right thing to do and reading all the blogs really helped me to feel mor sure than I was. I am so excited . . . I can not wait until Monday. Thank you, GinnyM
  4. I am scheduled for surgery on the 20 of April. I am so excited, however, I have one person who tells me that two of their friends had the banding and never lost appetite and could sit down and eat a roast beef at one sitting. Is this true? I just cannot believe that there are no changes in your eating habits after banding? Help, Divadivadiva (Ginny)
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